Help FFXIII: need some help

I would go in with the following Paradigms. Two Synergists, one of them majoring in Synergist, aka Sazh or Hope,and one who has learned Protect and Shell or Faith and Bravery. It'll cut your support phase in half easily.

Next, you'll want at least one person majoring in Saboteur. That's Vanille and Fang, but don't hesitate to include both if it helps. Debuff him for 30 seconds or so, then switch to COM/COM/RAV (Aggression) or RAV/RAV/COM (Relentless Assault) to build up his stagger gauge.

When his face opens to use Thanatosian Laughter, immediately switch to a healing Paradigm, preferrably MED/MED/SEN (Combat Clinic) even before the damage is done because it is quite damaging.

His Apoptosis removes buffs from the party and bebuffs from himself, so you're gonna wanna reaqply those after he uses that. If the status effects he inflicts becomes too much, spend a minute in Combat Clinic to heal up, then go back on the offensive.

However, keep in mind that Barthandelus will cast Doom if the battle lasts longer than 20 minutes.
Bart is easy in Oerba,he just has a lot of HP, so stay healthy and use fast staggering Paradigm Shift..........Delta attack is the one I used, but my guys were super levelled and pushing the limits of there current Crystarium level.

You may be underdone and not able to resist?

Bart cannot kill you in any major way just learn the flow of the battle and you should be able to anticipate his actions.
Delta Attack is the best if you wanna reduce damage and hit him hard
I used Fang Vanille and Sazh. Start off with Com Sab Rav stay like this until he has 3 status effects then Com Rav Rav until his stagger is over. If succesful you should hit him for 500000 damage at least. Now he gets stronger so you have to take things a bit slow now. Go Com Med Syn until you are buffed and switch to Sen Rav Rav untill staggered, if you have good health go Com Rav Rav if not use Com Med Rav. When he uses Thantorian laughter switch to Sen Med Syn until fully healed and switch to Com Sab Rav real quick then back to Sen Rav Rav to stagger then Com Rav Rav or Com Med Rav whilst he is staggered. I beat him in 16 minutes and got 3 stars using this strategy which is ok considering I was stuck here for the last 2 days. Also I was lucky enough to have an elixir in my inventory which really helped late on. Remember he dooms after 20 mins. Good Luck.
Yeah he's wiping the floor with me right now. Just so I don't create a new thread, I though I would post in this one. Almost all of my charecters have maxed two of their three primary rolls and the third is about half way up level three. I am using Fang Sazh and Hope, which allows me to put buffers on quickly, but I know I am doing something wrong. You say doom sets in at twenty minutes, well I only had half of his HP gone at that point. Will debuffs really work. And is it neccasary to have combat clinic available. Also reccomandations on party members? Thanks. Just so I get a heads up, does every Fal'cie use doom?