Help FFXIII: [Potential Spoilers] Boss at the end of the tower..Chp 11


ShinRa Guard
Mar 25, 2010
Chicago, IL, USA
So here I am, thinking I'm overleveled (a lot of my characters are near or at their own role Level 4's) and I didn't really have any problems with the entire tower, I usually got a 5 star rating on any battle except for a couple...but this boss is just annoying.

I had a weak party for the first couple of times but switched to the following:

Snow - Light - Fang

Each has around 3,300 HP

My Paradigms were as follows:


I usually have a good rhythm going for a while.

RAV - MED - SAB to Debuff and make sure I stay healed. This starts charging of the Stagger
Switch fag to the COM to keep the chain gauge going...once he's staggered, I unload on him with RAV - COM - COM until he's done, switch back to RAV - MED - SAB to debuff and start all over again. Each time he's staggered, I can usually knock off around 400,000 HP. After 3 staggers though, when he's down to around 1 mil HP...he casts some Diverity Plague or something and puts every status effect on all my characters and deals damage to all of them, usually knocking them down to the low yellow range (around 1,000 HP, and magically all his debuffs disappear. Usually he does one of two things, either he casts Haste followed by Faith and then his Firestorm attack, which rips the party away and kills everyone, or he'll cast Haste and then swipes at all my characters and kills them all. I can't seem to get rid of the status effects fast enough.

I'm wondering what other people's strategies were?

I was considering switching Snow out for Sazh, as he has access to Haste, Protect and Shell...but I'm not sure if he has enough HP to survive....this boss is really annoying with his 2.6 million HP.

any ideas? thanks in advance.
Keeping the received damage to a manageable level is pretty much essential, as you're experiencing. The only Paradigms that saw any use for me were:

1. COM - RAV - RAV
2. COM - MED - MED
3. SEN - MED - MED
4. SAB - RAV - SYN

Team being: Fang, Lightning and Hope.

Started out with Guerilla (4) immediately then switching to 2 (or 3 if I really needed to conserve HP) to keep the flow going. If I recall, said skills don't remove your buffs as well as his de-buffs, so that'll at least keep you in the game long enough to heal. Get as many Dispels in as possible, and make sure your Protect/Shell combo is still active.

So really, I relied on defensive strategies. As many buffs/de-buffs as was sensible, and hit heavy for short bursts.
Thanks for the tips. Once I get on I'll give it a shot and post how it turned out!

Sweet, beat the damn thing last night. :D

At least the CP reward afterwards was worth it >_>

thanks again for the tips!

Mod edit: Please don't double post. I've merged your posts.
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This boss kicked the crap out of me last night. After three tries I'd gotten him to about a hair's breadth of his demise and he cast that horrendous Plague attack. I was out of TP by that point and could do nothing but watch them all die. I turned it off immediately and went to bed. Ugh.
If you're not at least at 'Role Model' status in level 3, then I suggest to backtrack to the lower levels to get to that.
I use Lightning, Hope, and Fang. I'm at 'Role Model' status for the three main roles for all three characters at level 4.
The Paradigms I used are reading as Lightning, Hope, Fang:
Relentless Assault - RAV/RAV/COM
Mystic Tower - RAV/RAV/SEN
Delta Attack - COM/RAV/SEN
Solidarity - COM/MED/SEN
Combat Clinic - MED/MED/SEN
Evened Odds - MED/SYN/SAB
You can swap Delta Attack to Aggression (COM/RAV/COM). Evened Odds can be swapped to Hero's Charge (COM/MED/SYN) or Perseverance (MED/MED/SAB).
Start on the attack with Mystic Tower and use Librascope. Once got enemy intel, switch to Relentless Assault. Whenever see messages such as Firestorm, Plague, Breaker, etc. immediataly switch to either Combat Clinic (if two or three in yellow or red zone) or Solidarity (if only one in yellow or red zone).
Switch to Evened Odds or any of the other two to buff / debuff, then switch to Mystic Tower and then Relentless Assault.
When it's staggered stay in Relentless Assault or switch to Aggression until it recovers. When it does that, switch to Mystic Tower or anyone with a medic or sentinel.
Do the above two or three times. If you have the Dispelga technique unlocked (this gets rid of all status ailments to everyone, but uses 2 TP), use it if required. Avoid using Dispelga if you're very close to winning.
Use Renew if any member 'dies' early on or in middle of the battle, if you have it, but avoid if very close to winning.