Final Fantasy Couple Mix 'n' Match

Captain Daz

Knight Of The Round
May 3, 2008
I know this might upset the natural relationships between FF characters, but imagine if we had the opportunity to mix and match existing FF characters and have them form completely different relationships.

Such as Vaan and Rikku, Cloud and Paine, Yuna and Balthier among some of the unlikeliest relationships ever thought of in Final Fantasy history!

Suggestions welcome!:neomon:
o_O I swear I started a topic just like this...

But could you imagine Balthier and Beatrix, cuz I can for some odd reason.
hehe funny thought but ill post on another topic

ummm how about YUFFIE and shadow from FF7 and FF6 well there both ninjas but shadows quiet and yuffie never shuts up
Well, lets just ignore the fact that Yuna and Rikku are related...

If we have both of them as a not-so-straight couple, one is a quiet and introverted person while the other just can't close her mouth and keeps on talking non-stop!
i think that Auron and paine would make a good couple, if you forget the fact of he's dead and she is old enough to be his daughter then you should be fine, they are both quite people.

also Tifa and Tidus, don't know why i think they would make a good couple probably just so Cloud would get pissed off and be forced to Kill Tidus
Quina and Caith Sith lol. The comedic releif of FFVII and FFIX

Lulu and Vivi, black mage on black mage haha

Zidane and Rikku, they seems so simalar and both are theives