Final Fantasy Dreams!


An Aeris Freak
Apr 3, 2008
In this thread, you talk about ANY strange dream about ANY Final Fantasy!
These dreams can be VERY WIERD know!
I dreamt I was a moron.

Seriously, I've had many a dream about Final Fantasy. The last one I had was about something in FFVII that I can't quite put my finger on.
Something about the Gold Saucer, I think. <_<
I dreamt that I was on the Shera wIth Cid and we flew all over the world. Then, we all died when the airship went '*whistle* KA-BOOM!!!'...good dream...
I've had a dream where I was talking to someone, then suddenly when I turned away he sort of turned into Biggs when I turned back. Seemed normal at the time, but when I woke up I thought it was strange. Apparently this happens to everyone.

I had one with a tonberry aswell but I can't remember it.
My dreams usually portray me as a villain. After playing Chrono Cross, I dreamed I was Lynx, and that I was the mind of "FATE", a supercomputer created for the sole purpose of manipulating every aspect of human life.
I once had a dream in which some Final Fantasy character cast a spell on me! Later in the dream, fungus, mushrooms, and spores were growing on my arms! With an Elixer, I was all better!
BTW... I had a dream once that Aeris was in my party...but she kept dying =(
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I had a really long dream the other night that was the most detailed I have ever had. I wrote it down at the beginning of school so I wouldn't forget it. It's already starting to fade so I'm glad I did. ANd I'm sorry if rape isn't allowed to be mentioned but it's only a dream knowledge of rape so I hope it's alright.
This was a dream induced by a whole truckload of rape fics late at night. It was a very skippy dream but it started out at my house where I was taking care of Cloud. Tifa appeared once in awhile but in the I knew she was there anyway. Cloud had been captured and raped by Sephiroth and now was very frightened of Sephiroth and it seemed he had told me as I knew. Tifa also knew. I remember that there was a box in the pantry of what seemed to be granola bars. There were two different kinds. Cloud bars and Tifa bars. Yeah, I don't know where that came from either. The Cloud bars were in silver and blue wrappers and the Tifa bars were in golden brown wrappers. There was something added to about half of each of their bars. I don't remember what it was exactly but I think it had something to do with mako. At one point I was in my room, sitting with Tifa on my bed. We were talking about cloud. Then she breaks down crying and I'm holding he and she's saying that it's all her fault. And I tell her that she reminds me of air. Don't know why I said that. Then we're both in the kitchen and I break apart a Cloud bar and put in the cats' food bowl. Then Tifa's telling me that Cloud is still haunted by Sephiroth, she can tell because he was fearfully muttering something about dented glasses...?:confused: I go down in the pantry and get a Tifa bar and head up to my room and give it to Cloud, who takes this HUGE bite out of it then stares at the wrapper. I look to see what he's staring at and am shocked that it's one of the bars with the mako stuff. However, at least to me, nothing seemed to happen.
Then everything switches over and I'm in a large place that looks was a cross between a dungeon and a cave. It was full of puddles, all over but I don't know why. I'm with Cloud and Yazoo. The stuff that in my house never happened. It's a new storyline. In this one Yazoo had been raped by Kadaj. Cloud didn't know and was sneering at Yazoo because he's a bad guy and asks him where Kadaj is. Something flashes in Yazoo's eyes but he holds it back. This part keeps switching from me being with them in the dungeon-cave and me reading it online as a fan fic. Then I woke up.
This dream taught me to to eat brownies before bedtime.
I need to go to therapy now because of it. :P
Once I had a dream that I was flying on the airship in FFX, but Yuna was in some kind of trance on top of the propeller. Tidus was trying to get her down but he couldn't and kept saying "SEYMOUR!"
For some reason the dream ended when Auron said "No"