Final Fantasy music composer Nobou Uematsu


The Teraflare
May 24, 2009
United States
So basically what is your favorite soundtrack you liked form the original final fantasy 7? My personal favorite is Aeris theme, "A flower blooming in the Slums" :)
Gahh i have too many to name XD I think my heart will always hold a special place for the main theme though :D It's of the epic classicness~ Other songs i like are of course One wing Angel, Aerith and Tifa's themes, and the other main stream ones. The not so popular ones i like Steal the Tiny Bronco and Interupted by Fireworks.

JENOVA, phwoar that music is sexy, I make the battle drag with this one, it's j ust so awesome, it makes me want to get up and like, jump around xD

Or Aeriths theme, its so pretty, th esecond I heard it I was D:
My favorites are probably "Those chosen by the planet" and "Birth of a God." Birth of a God especially gets me excited for battle. It's a shame Bizarro Sephiroth is so easy. :gasp:

Jenova Absolute is really good too but gets repetitive after awhile.
The theme I liked best in this game is a mixture of the forest theme and the weapon raid theme. The forest theme has similarities to the oldies, which is fabulous. This game had good music but definitely one of Uematsu's more poor creations.
Wow its such a hard decision really.... I love "Ahead On Our Way" its so easy to listen to its amazing =) and DEFINITELY "One Winged Angel"!
I absolutely loved cosmo canyon. i would stay there for ages with the volume turned up, just to listen to it lol. i also liked Aerith's theme, as well as the prelude ^_^
hmmm, I don't know the actual song names but i think meh favorite would be the chocobo theme, or one winged angel.
I would have to say my favorite would have to be "A Secret, Sleeping in the Deep Sea". Its the music that plays when you are in the submarine. I just really enjoy it for some reason, I mean I enjoy every last song in the game but that one really sticks out for me.
i agree totally!!

I absolutely loved cosmo canyon. i would stay there for ages with the volume turned up, just to listen to it lol. i also liked Aerith's theme, as well as the prelude ^_^

I havent finished the game yet but i loved that tune too and stayed in the town, im using an emulator and hooked my pc up t o my speakers so it sounds great. Just so sad yet determined, a wonderful piece!!!
One Winged Angel is my favorite. My heart almost stopped when I first heard it during the battle with Safer Sephiroth. The tune itself practically spelled death for you. I don't know, but it really gave me this adrenaline kind of feeling. Sometimes I fight Sephiroth again just to hear that beautiful, frightening tune.
Sending A Dream Into The Universe. Cid's slow acoustic guitar music when he's explaining the story of the first failed rocket mission.

Judgement Day
is also awesome, that's the music when you're in the crater at the end fighting to get to Sephiroth.
Holding My Thoughts in My Heart is a beautiful piece, very poignant. And Life Stream is fantastic - if there is a Heaven, then Life Stream should be the music playing when you get there.
My favourites would be Aeris/Aerith's theme (some girl from school tried to pass it as her own one day and failed >.>) because its just got a slight slight mysterious-ness too it and its just lovely! I also love the cosmo canyon music because its got a relaxed, powerful feel to it. andddd for some reason "son of shinra" :\ no idea why
I love Nobuo Uematsu's work. Its so different from other things i have heard. He is a genius composer if i ever saw one.
I love One Winged Angel