Final Fantasy Suggestion.

Cabaret Berserkus

Chocobo Breeder
Dec 1, 2008
For christmas, my parents are getting me a PsP because I really wanted to play the remakes of FF1 and 2. I think I have to choose one game so which one would you suggest I buy?
I'm not fond of either of them, although I actually managed to finish the first one, so I'd go with that, II is just....evil. I hate it at least I is playable, kinda. I think more people prefer I to II so IMO that is your best bet
The remakes are on the DS as well, and you can get them both together, if you already have DS. I thought you could buy them together on the PSP as well...
Im prety sur you cant get 1 & 2 onthe DS although, I could be wrong, and they defo arent together on the PSP, I thought that for a second, then I realised it's the PS1 (origins) that you get them together
I'd go with FFI. I found it much more enjoyable than FFII. The leveling system in FFII takes some time getting used to and I found FFII a lot harder than FFI. In FFII's defense, it is definitely different from any other FF I've played. But I would personally go with FFI.

Edit: Ninja'd...........twice!! I've gotta learn to type faster.
The remakes are on the DS as well, and you can get them both together, if you already have DS. I thought you could buy them together on the PSP as well...
They arn't on the DS, I think you mean GBA ;)

Final Fantasy I is the way to go first. Get used to the graphics, annoyingness and the primitiveness with the easier game first before attempting the horribly more annoying but still fairly enjoyable II.
I would personally go with FFII. Why? I found FFI to be so incredibly dire and boring, i never got round to completing it ( didnt finish II either ) but what i did play of them i much preffered the second installment. The character development was also better i feel.
I didn't particularly enjoy either one that much tbqh. If I were you though, I'd get II simply because its storyline is a tad bit better than I's, at least in my opinion. Like every other FF, you get to start out with pre-determined characters and you get to watch their story unfold, whereas with I you create your own party from scratch and just basically run around trying to obtain 4 crystals; not a lot of fun :/

That's just my take on it at least
I think FFI is a FAR superior game to FFII. Although the characters never develop, the battle and skill system are far less frustrating. FFII had me pulling hairs out. Evil game.
I never had any problem with Final Fantasy II's leveling system... but the plot bored me to tears. In FFI, the plot is weak but I got into it for some reason. FFII tries to present a really good plot and I couldn't care for the life of me. I say go with Aerith on this one, get FFI and spare the second one.