Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 - Insane Difficulty


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 25, 2018
Hi there everyone!

I've started a new project: Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 is a hard-type mod found on ngplus under the Insane Difficulty Archives. Following is the description of the mod:

"Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 is a difficulty and content modification for Final Fantasy Tactics. The primary goal of the project is to re-balance the original gameplay mechanics while adding difficulty. The project started with the idea that players did not need to impose artificial rules on themselves to make Final Fantasy Tactics challenging if a mod could be created to do it for them. FFT 1.3 alters job, monster, item, and battle statistics to make the entire game provide a challenge that matches the complexity and depth of its customization system. It's been in development since 2008 and is maintained by Archael. Several spin-off versions of 1.3 have been created as a result of demand by fans to experience the mod on other platforms or in other ways. 1.3 does not alter the game's storyline or its characters."

If you want to read more, head over to the official site:

I'll be streaming this all the way through on my streaming channel, so tune in for the live content!
If you prefer videos edited down to just the major battles, I'll be posting those as pseudo-Let's-Plays on my YouTube Channel.

Here's the first episode of me dying like a chump in the prologue, then redeeming myself:

Direct Link

I hope you enjoy! I will try to post as daily as possible.
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Hello everyone!

It's time for the first real chapter of FFT1.3! Now that I have control of my team (except the guest Delita) things go much smoother. :cool:
We get our first real taste of what Tactics 1.3 has to offer. The first chapter is similar to vanilla, but it takes some getting used to since some of the squires, on both teams, have bowguns. An unexpected mechanic, I misposition one of my units (repeatedly....) but take the win in the end.

Episode 2 - Chapter 1

Thank you for watching! I welcome any comments and constructive criticism. I want to keep improving my content creation. :)
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Hello again, friends of FFF!

In today's video I journey forth to the second map of the game.
Ramza and Delita run into Algus being swarmed by bandits.
We have to help him!
But wait... is that a TONBERRY!?!?
Okay, I get it, "Insane Difficulty", but a Tonberry in the second Map of the game? Damn.

Check it out below!

Map 2 | Oh, a Tonberry!... oh crap, a Tonberry | Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 - Insane Difficulty

Next time on Dragonba-... I mean, Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3: An Epic Battle of Attrition in Dorter Trade City!
Thanks for watching!
Hello, friends!

In today's video: Ramza, Delita and Algus get bored of guard duty, and instead go on a marquess rescue mission!

If you've been wondering about the difficulty curve in FFT1.3.... HERE IT IS. I'm outclassed in every way and the
enemy team can use a seemingly limitless supply of potions and phoenix downs. The match comes down to
smart team positioning, rescues, picking off lone enemies, and took a solid 40 minutes to finally claim victory
once I started my second attempt.

This is the video that really shows us what we're in for in this mod, and I'm VERY excited to keep going with this!

Map 3 | Epic War of Attrition in Dorter Trade City! | Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3 - Insane Difficulty

Next time on Jively's FFT1.3: Getting Completely Bodied by the Zeklaus Desert Map.
If you enjoyed this messy fight, Zeklaus will be this times 10.
Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait, but I was having some technical issues editing which I'm going to avoid in the future, so I'll make videos more regular from on out.

Rat Cellar completely took me off guard. Eleven attempts and a lot of farming for new skills/magic in between. Rather than show it all, I edited the final, glorious and victorious attempt down to 40 minutes. :)

At one point I was down to just my White Mage Alice alone in critical health. Everyone else is down......

Thing is... this kind of situation is where White Mages shine their brightest, as you'll see in this video. Hope you enjoy!

Rather than scare me, the difficulty of this map has motivated me more than ever! I SHALL defeat this challenge.

Map 4 | Bodied by Rat Cellar | 11th Attempt Victory

Tune in next time for more Final Fantasy Tactics 1.3! Expect more insanely difficult maps like this in the near future.
Next time we'll be taking on Miluda in the Thieves' Fort! Don't miss it!