((All you need to know about Final Fantasy VIII can be found here: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VIII ))<o
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Hyne. The creator of man. The world’s first sorceress. Upon creating the first humans, Hyne went into a deep sleep. When he awoke, he was surprised to find so many humans, so he decided to kill all of their children. The humans, however, resisted, and a huge battle between Hyne and the humans began. After many years of fighting, Hyne surrendered and gave half of his body (The Sorceress’s Power) to the humans, and that is where the tradition of Sorceresses and the passing down of their powers began. However, his other half escaped and ran away, still possessing the most powerful magic in existence, and there has been no sight of that half ever since. Over time, each sorceress gains the power that Hyne gave the humans to do as he or she pleases (although Hyne has been the only chronicled male sorceress). Although sorceresses get the power to do whatever they please, the power tends to corrupt them as we have seen in three of the most recent sorceresses, Adel, Edea, and Ultimecia. Ultimecia, one of the most ruthless sorceresses known in history, tried to take over the world using a very powerful magic known as Time Compression to merge her world into theirs, forcing everything to turn upside down. It took an elite team, trained by the husband of Sorceress Edea on her orders to take down Ultimecia, ending hopefully the reign of the sorceress’ and keeping the world back to normal. Edea, the ex-sorceress reopened the orphanage she used to own, before the powers got passed onto her, Adel and Ultimecia are both dead, and Rinoa, one of the members trained to take down Ultimecia lives with Squall (another member), in the small town of Balamb, homeland of the prestigious Balamb Garden- The academy training SeeD, a mercenary force with a secret job to defend the world if a sorceress should become corrupt with power.
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The world seemed to be at peace. Until-
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Seven Years after the Ultimecia incident, the world functioned as normal. Although news travelled the world fast, of Galbadia’s newly elected leader Maen declaring war on the now unhidden city of Esthar, as they are rumored to hold the person who has been given Ultimecia’s powers. But unbeknownst to the world, that Maen is the true sorceress, and he plans on finishing what Ultimecia started. SeeD is now holding their exams to get a new squadron for hire, and also waiting for any sorceress to show their corrupted face.
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((Ok, so basically you are making a SeeD. I am not playing a hero, just the villain and NPC’s.))
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1. no godmoding our powerplaying without permission(with villains it can be allowed if I give you permission)
2. if you wont be able to post for a while have someone(other than me) cover for you and do not join if you dont plan on posting
3. no idiots
4. Relationships are allowed but dont make the whole rp about it. Also if you play multiple characters they cannot be in a romantic relationship, and no instant romances, let it happen naturally, its much more interesting that way.
5. pay attention to posts
6. Try not to leave people behind and dont rush the plot
8. If you have a problem with someone, take it to the PMs and not here
9. Bios are required to join and I may or may not save spots
10. If you have a problem with someone else take it over the PMs or something, just dont argue here
11. The good guys dont necessarily have to get along in the beginning but they have to learn to get along at some point so dont make your character a complete pain in the ass
12. Newbies, put in 200%. Veterans help out the newbies, that way the rpg will be more enjoyable for everyone
14. Have fun
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Maen- Disaace
More will be released along the way
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Cid Kramer
Edea Kramer
((all done by Disaace))
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-An example bio-
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Name: Sorceress Maen
Age: ???
((will release second and final forms later))
Style of Sorcery (since this is a sorceress): Time, Space, Animal Control, and Frost (Ultimecia, Edea, and Rinoa’s power)
Bio: A man with an unknown past, Maen recently made his face known in public three years after the Ultimecia struggle as a man who promised to make the world a better place. Over the course of four years, he became Galbadia’s leader, made Galbadia Garden’s mobile systems better, and waged war on Esthar. Understanding that SeeD’s true purpose was to destroy any Sorceress that started to become corrupt with power, Maen kept his powers a secret, and claimed Esthar held the next sorceress, and said they planned on using her as a weapon to take out each Garden to stop any SeeD from destroying her. With everyone’s attention turned toward the technological city, Maen started looking for the old Lunatic Pandora- the ship that holds the stone that allows the Lunar Cry, an event where monsters rain from space to cause chaos on Earth and possibly bring down the second major key for Time Compression… a small piece of rock from the moon that has a dark red glow, and is used to channel the dastardly magic through.
Why Maen wants to recompress time is unknown, but most likely his plans- and reasoning will be revealed through time.
Hyne. The creator of man. The world’s first sorceress. Upon creating the first humans, Hyne went into a deep sleep. When he awoke, he was surprised to find so many humans, so he decided to kill all of their children. The humans, however, resisted, and a huge battle between Hyne and the humans began. After many years of fighting, Hyne surrendered and gave half of his body (The Sorceress’s Power) to the humans, and that is where the tradition of Sorceresses and the passing down of their powers began. However, his other half escaped and ran away, still possessing the most powerful magic in existence, and there has been no sight of that half ever since. Over time, each sorceress gains the power that Hyne gave the humans to do as he or she pleases (although Hyne has been the only chronicled male sorceress). Although sorceresses get the power to do whatever they please, the power tends to corrupt them as we have seen in three of the most recent sorceresses, Adel, Edea, and Ultimecia. Ultimecia, one of the most ruthless sorceresses known in history, tried to take over the world using a very powerful magic known as Time Compression to merge her world into theirs, forcing everything to turn upside down. It took an elite team, trained by the husband of Sorceress Edea on her orders to take down Ultimecia, ending hopefully the reign of the sorceress’ and keeping the world back to normal. Edea, the ex-sorceress reopened the orphanage she used to own, before the powers got passed onto her, Adel and Ultimecia are both dead, and Rinoa, one of the members trained to take down Ultimecia lives with Squall (another member), in the small town of Balamb, homeland of the prestigious Balamb Garden- The academy training SeeD, a mercenary force with a secret job to defend the world if a sorceress should become corrupt with power.
The world seemed to be at peace. Until-
Seven Years after the Ultimecia incident, the world functioned as normal. Although news travelled the world fast, of Galbadia’s newly elected leader Maen declaring war on the now unhidden city of Esthar, as they are rumored to hold the person who has been given Ultimecia’s powers. But unbeknownst to the world, that Maen is the true sorceress, and he plans on finishing what Ultimecia started. SeeD is now holding their exams to get a new squadron for hire, and also waiting for any sorceress to show their corrupted face.
((Ok, so basically you are making a SeeD. I am not playing a hero, just the villain and NPC’s.))
1. no godmoding our powerplaying without permission(with villains it can be allowed if I give you permission)
2. if you wont be able to post for a while have someone(other than me) cover for you and do not join if you dont plan on posting
3. no idiots
4. Relationships are allowed but dont make the whole rp about it. Also if you play multiple characters they cannot be in a romantic relationship, and no instant romances, let it happen naturally, its much more interesting that way.
5. pay attention to posts
6. Try not to leave people behind and dont rush the plot
8. If you have a problem with someone, take it to the PMs and not here
9. Bios are required to join and I may or may not save spots
10. If you have a problem with someone else take it over the PMs or something, just dont argue here
11. The good guys dont necessarily have to get along in the beginning but they have to learn to get along at some point so dont make your character a complete pain in the ass
12. Newbies, put in 200%. Veterans help out the newbies, that way the rpg will be more enjoyable for everyone
14. Have fun
Maen- Disaace
More will be released along the way
Cid Kramer
Edea Kramer
((all done by Disaace))
-An example bio-
Name: Sorceress Maen
Age: ???

((will release second and final forms later))

Style of Sorcery (since this is a sorceress): Time, Space, Animal Control, and Frost (Ultimecia, Edea, and Rinoa’s power)
Bio: A man with an unknown past, Maen recently made his face known in public three years after the Ultimecia struggle as a man who promised to make the world a better place. Over the course of four years, he became Galbadia’s leader, made Galbadia Garden’s mobile systems better, and waged war on Esthar. Understanding that SeeD’s true purpose was to destroy any Sorceress that started to become corrupt with power, Maen kept his powers a secret, and claimed Esthar held the next sorceress, and said they planned on using her as a weapon to take out each Garden to stop any SeeD from destroying her. With everyone’s attention turned toward the technological city, Maen started looking for the old Lunatic Pandora- the ship that holds the stone that allows the Lunar Cry, an event where monsters rain from space to cause chaos on Earth and possibly bring down the second major key for Time Compression… a small piece of rock from the moon that has a dark red glow, and is used to channel the dastardly magic through.
Why Maen wants to recompress time is unknown, but most likely his plans- and reasoning will be revealed through time.
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