Fan Fiction Final Fantasy X-3: (Re)BIRTH


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 12, 2009
First of all, before I begin, I would like to point out that all chapters prior to the seventh are different concerning style of writing, grammar (and errors), maturity, sentence structure and so on (this is due to the fact that they were written a few years back when I was younger). What I'm trying to say is, if the first six chapters seem somewhat amateurish and undeveloped, I've matured a great amount since then. My style of writing will differ from the seventh chapter and onwards, so to all you avid readers, give it a fair chance once you get to that point. Thank you (I could rewrite them... but I'd rather just keep moving along with the story! I'm to lazy to change them right now! Ha hah!)!

Also, here's the LINK to a 'Read & Review' thread! I'd like to know what you think of the story (again, no point in commenting on grammar before the seventh chapter, because it's irrelevant now), likes and dislikes, etc. Hope you enjoy!

RATING: M for Blood and Gore (some scenes quite graphic, not suitable for children), Strong Language, Dark Themes, Suggestive Themes

GENRE: Angst/Romance/Action/Adventure


"If you touch her..." the tanned boy spoke, gritting his teeth angrily as he did “….I'll kill you." There was silence in the ancient room. Tidus stood in front of the door he had just came from. Sweat dripped from his forehead, falling onto his scarred chest. All the clothing, besides his arm guard and glove, had been ripped to pieces. He was breathing heavily, his well built frame moving at every breath.

“Hm hm hm… think I am afraid of YOU! HA!” the figure laughed, raising something into the air. It was dark in here, so Tidus could not make it out right away. After a few moments, he made it out as a person. He squinted hard, trying to see who it was, and then recognized it.“YUNA!” Tidus exclaimed, taking a step forward. “LET HER GO!” He yelled. “Hm hm….protective, aren’t we.” The shadow smirked, raising Yuna higher. She seemed lifeless. She wasn’t moving at all. “Y-Yuna…..” He studdered, anger starting to take him completely. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HER!” Tidus screamed, falling to his knees as he did. “Don’t worry…..I have not killed her….yet…” The shadowy figure, edged closer to Tidus, slowly.

He bolted up from the ground, holding up his swords. He wielded two fine blades. He had the Brotherhood, a mystical sword, it’s blade looking as though it was made entirely of water. An ornament, placed right above the handle, was the head of a dragon, with a dim-yellow eye in it’s center. There was a red ribbon, tied securely around the hilt of the handle. His other sword, the legendary, Caladbolg. It’s blue, celestial light shone brightly in the darkness of the room. The gold on the blade only made it more wonderous, and there was nothing sharper than this weapon. The blade was not the same on either side, which made it unique, unlike most other swords which were almost identical on both sides.

“I’ll tell you one more time…..Let…Yuna….GO!” Tidus was getting impatient, holding the Brotherhood up, with the Caladbolg still at his side. “I’m sorry….but I cannot allow her to live….her life is needed for…..what is to come…..” The figure cackled, raising Yuna higher into the air, then lowering her onto a stone table. Tidus ran forward, ready to strike down this thing, but was blown back hard into the wall, leaving a crack in it as he fell to the floor, the debris crumbling onto his shoulder. The man only laughed at this, turning around to Yuna, who had now finally opened her eyes. The blonde haired blitzer could only see one thing in her beautiful bi-colored eyes…..fear! Tidus stood up, holding his head, as it ached in pain.

“T-Tidus….help me…..” The brunette whimpered quietly, flinching as the man struck her. “SHUT UP WOMAN!” He shouted, as he slapped her across the face, leaving a red mark. Yuna’s face felt like wild fire, almost like it was burning. She started to cry, after all the pain, and nightmares she had been put through, she couldn’t hold it in anymore. She sobbed, receiving a hit every time she made a sound.
Tidus’s hate for this man was building by the second, and couldn’t watch Yuna be in this pain. He muttered quietly, but loud enough for him to hear in a threatening way.

“Touch her one more time….and you’re a dead man…..” He was about to hit Yuna again, but his hand stopped just above her face. No one moved for a while, then the man over Yuna started laughing. Tidus was annoyed, for he did not know what he found so funny.

“WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, HUH?” The blonde yelled, holding both his weapons high, ready to take on anything. The figure stopped laughing, and slowly turned around. Tidus wished he could see the man, but it was so dark on the other side of the room, he couldn’t make out the person over there. “How can you kill…..what is already dead…..”

The blitzer was shocked by this statement. He took a step back, as the man stepped closer, finally out of the shadow’s. He was covered by a black cloak, a hood over his head. He placed his gloved hands on his head, pulling down the hood. It finally came off. Tidus couldn’t believe who it was. He fell to the ground, fear overtaking his body. “Th-this…cannot be! You….you’re….THIS ISN’T HAPPENING!” He screamed, as he grabbed his head, his headache only getting worse.

The man smiled, his icy glare locked on boy’s quivering body. “So……you remembered me…..”

Chapter 1: Back in a Lover's Arms

A brown haired woman lay in the magnificent flowers of the Farplane. She lay there, breathing in the scent of the plants, as the wind gently blew through her hair, along with the petals and leaves around her. She lay there, thinking of everything that had happened, all that she had been put through, all that she had accomplished, all the things she had done. She lay there, thinking, of him.

She slowly picked herself off the ground dusting herself off, hearing the sound of rushing water. She looks around, seeing the gigantic waterfall, going around like a horseshoe. The sky never changed here, it was always an orange-purple, like the way it looks, just before the sun sets. In the distance, rainbows could be seen, scattered throughout the land. The brunette took in this wonderful sight, then finally, turned around. She was about to leave, until she heard a voice behind her.

“Thank you, Lady Yuna.” The boy fayth, Bahamut spoke softly. His image seemed a bit ghostly, but she was always happy to receive a visit from him. “You are very welcome.” She replied, placing her hands behind her back, smiling at him. “You heard it, didn’t you?” Bahamut asked, not changing his gaze. Yuna was confused at first, but think she figured out what he meant. “You want to see him again, right?” He asked again. Yuna gulped, thinking she knew who he meant, but did not want to get her hopes up, not knowing who they meant. “Him?” “Yes….you want to walk together again, do you not?” He stood floating there, waiting for her answer. He did not have to wait very long. “YES!” She exclaimed, jumping as she did. The boy smiled warmly “I cannot promise anything…..but we’ll see what we can do.” And with that, the fayth disappeared.

Yuna stood there, astonished at what just happened. Would he really come back? Or was this just something to boost her hopes, then make her fall again. She pondered this, as she made her way out of the Farplane, back into Guadosalam. What she didn’t notice, however, was the large gathering of Pyreflies, in one area, recreating a familiar, face….


A massive crowd gathered in the near Luca, waiting for a speech. Three men finally came up to their posts: Nooj, Baralai, and Gippal. They all stood on a platform, as the talking and chatter started to die down. Nooj held up his hand, finally ready to speak.

“Once my friends and I dreamed of flying. We would sail a ship, with me as it’s captain. In time, I became that captain. I found a new ship with new ship was the Youth League.” The crowd cheered, waving there arms in the air.

Baralai walked up to the front, and also spoke. “Others chose a different captain, their boat was New Yevon.” Only about half the crowd cheered this time, with the others only clapping, and trying to put on smiles. Gippal also walked up, speaking to everyone “You know, I realize I'm like a lot of you people. We want a captain. And we want a ship to ride, but more important than that, really, we all want to ride together.”

The Al Bhed in the crowd, went crazy, calling out the one-eyed man’s name.
“There are some things you can’t do alone, but they become easy with friends beside you!” The Praetor exclaimed, smiling as he put his arms around his friends.

“That is a lesson we all learned when we launched those ships.” Nooj said as he adjusted his half moon spectacles. “It was power…..and we misused that power. We turned our friends and followers against eachother.” Baralai sounding ashamed, put on a frown at this point. “Forgive us.” Was all Nooj could say as he hung his head down in shame.

The crowd started gossiping to each other, saying things behind their backs, but they knew they deserved it. “Somehow we forgot….there’s a much larger ship out there. One we’ve been riding ever since we were born. That ship, is Spira.” Baralai told them, finally bringing the people back to them, with those words. “No one knows where our voyage will lead us, but we do know this: One way or another, we will get by. We will go on living. The Calm will continue.” Nooj added, finally putting a smile back on his face. The crowd called out their names, applauding loudly.

Gippal, jumped in, speaking again. “Just one more, thing….” He said, as he darted to Baralai, getting him in a headlock, and giving him his famous Al Bhed noogie. Baralai finally managed to push him off, feeling kind of angry, but looking at a face like Gippal’s, you couldn’t help but laugh after. “We all owe a thanks to a VERY special lady!” Everyone went wild, calling Gippal, praising him. For a guy who said so little, he sure could get the crowd moving. “Yeah, you all know who I’m talking about!” Gippal grinned, and finished his small speech “We really hoped that she could be here today….”
Gippal pulled out a small slip of paper, with some writing on it, holding it out to the crowd. “She said she’s going home. So farewell, but not good-bye!”


The crimson red Al Bhed ship, the Celcius, lifted into the air, the engines roaring as it did. The city of Luca looked real nice when above it. Yuna thought so. She stood kneeling on the deck, with her great friends, Rikku and Paine. As they got higher, they could see the crowd gathered around the three leaders. Yuna saw the hyped crowd, now moving and shouting a lot. “See you next time kiddies! YEE HAW!” Was the next thing the girls heard booming through microphone. It wasBrother, seeming like he was having a Celcius went higher into the air, but still not going forward.

“Did we really have to leave like this?” Rikku whined, crossing her arms over her chest. “Just think of the party we’re missing!” Paine leaned against the side of the ship, unmoving “Hmph, I think we party enough, don’t you?” She scoffed. Rikku couldn’t help but giggle, her hand over her mouth as she did. She always did have a bubbly personality, and that was one of the good things about the bouncy blonde….sometimes.

Yuna smiled, finally standing up on her feet, speaking into her CommSphere “Brother, higher!” She smiled, walking closer to the edge of the ship, leaning on the rail. “Roger!” Brother replied, as he shifted a few sticks around. Luca was getting smaller by the second, but that wasn’t good enough for Yuna. “Brother, faster!” Yuna exclaimed, pointing forward as she did. “Rogerrr!” “I can’t hear you!” Yuna teased. “ROGGGEEERRRR!” Brother shot out, as the Celcius blasted away, over the sea, a red dot soaring through the sky.

Paine and Rikku walked towards the deck door, calling to the brunette, “Yuna, you coming?” Yuna replied, still gazing out at the sea. “I’ll…be just a minute, ok!” Both of them just stared at her for a second, then turned around, entering the ship. As Yuna heard the doors close, she sighed, standing straight again. She was thinking, of everything, and especially of what the Fayth had said. “Well…you see….it all started when I saw this sphere of you…..”


An unmoving body, lay down below the depths of the ocean, waiting to be awakened. It was curled, into a ball, it’s arms around it’s legs, bringing them close to it’s chest. It was a he. The man snapped open his eyes, looking around, trying to make out where he was. He could see the sunlight, breaking the barrier of the water, reaching down to him. He could almost feel the warmth of the rays, but he couldn’t. Not yet. He uncurled himself, getting straightened out, taking a better look. He then realized, he would have to get to the surface to get a good look at where he was. It was just common sense.

He broke the surface of the water, finally feeling the rays going down onto his face. It was good to see sunlight again. The waves, slowly lapping around his body. He wiped away the ocean water from his eyes, to get a better look around. Where was he? Was he back in Zanarkand? Spira? Was he returned to Spira in another time? Tidus, looked around, trying to see any land. And he did. He saw a familiar island, out in the distance. It was Besaid, the first place he had found any happiness in Spira. He quickly started swimming towards the island, not knowing what awaited him there. Would Wakka and Lulu still be there? Would…..she be there?

Just as he reached the shore, he heard a familiar sound from the distance. Was it….fiends? No, fiends never sounded like that. The next thing that came to his mind was….machina! Tidus reached the sand, firmly placing his feet on the sandy ground, almost falling over as he did. It almost felt like his first time walking. He then returned his mind to that noise. All of a sudden, a huge ship appeared from above the island, passing over him. It look like the one he rode in, from the pilgrimage. It looked like the air ship from before, but there were some minor differences. For one, the design. Other than that, he couldn’t see any major changes.

He then remembered something, something he had promised before. He whistled, hoping to hear a reply.


They finally had returned to Besaid. Yuna, grateful that she could finally sit back and relaxed, was more than relieved to see her home again. She was still on the deck. She didn’t go back inside since Paine and Rikku did. She just stood on the deck, watching the ocean pass by. Her heart was glad to see this place again, and couldn’t wait to see her old friends again. The engines finally died down. She sighed, finally walking to the door, when all of a sudden, she heard a familiar sound. She ran back to the rail, only to hear the sound again. She replied to this sound, by whistling back. That was replied by another whistle. She looked down on the sandy shore of Besaid, her heart soaring as she did. As her eyes scanned the sand, she saw the one thing she thought she wouldn’t see again. She saw….him.

Yuna bolted through the door, getting to the elevator. She entered it, sending it to the lower levels. “C’mon….can’t this thing go ANY faster!” Yuna sighed, waiting impatiently for the door to open.

Paine was waiting for the elevator door to come down, tapping her foot on the ground, waiting. The light above the door way finally flashed, signaling that it was here. “I wonder what took Yuna so…..” he thoughts were cut short, as she was trampled by a very eager Yuna. She lay on the ground dazed. Yuna didn’t even seem to notice platinum haired girl she had just stamped over. “Did I miss something?” Paine said quietly to herself.

Yuna was at the bottom of the ship, opening the hatch door. “C’mon….C’MON” She yelled mentally, not able to wait for the door to open. When it finally went down all the way, she didn’t even wait for the ship to lower. She jumped off, almost breaking her leg as she did so, as she flopped into the water.
Rikku came bouncing over, in her bubbly way, noticing the very annoyed Paine lying on the ground. She walked over to her, stretching out her hand. “What’s wrong Dr. P?” She asked, confused of what had taken place here. The dark woman could only think of one word that came to her mind right then. That word was, “Yuna!” She groaned, rubbing her head roughly. Then, with the help of the blonde girl, she stood up, staggering a bit. “Come on. Let’s see what’s going on.”

Yuna struggled through the water, trying to go faster through the deep water. “You’d think after all those Blitz Ball games, I’d be able to swim like an ace…..” She thought to herself, aggravated that she wasn’t changing her speed anytime soon. But soon, she edged the shore, her clothes dripping wet as she stepped on the ground, stumbling as she ran over to the man she loved. Running, to him. She finally reached him, almost jumping on him, as she wrapped her arms around him, holding onto him tight. Tidus returned this, as he put his arms around her waist, holding on, never wanting to let go. Yuna cried into his chest, letting out all the emotions she had held locked within her for so long.

The ex-summoner finally looked at his face, remembering his tanned face, his blonde hair, his mesmerizing cerulean blue eyes. Tidus looked at her, at her face, seeing how beautiful she was. How could he forget her silky brown hair, her gorgeous smile, her beautiful, bi-colored eyes. The blue, like the ocean, on a dark starry night. The green, like a shining emerald in the light. He wiped away the tears on her now red cheeks, placing a hand on her cheek.

“Are you real?” Yuna asked, still sniffling a bit from the crying. Tidus took a quick look at himself, then replied to her, “I think so.” There was a short pause until Tidus pulled Yuna in for another hug, whispering into her ear as he did. “Do I pass?” He asked with a smirk. Yuna backed away so that they were face to face, their noses touching. She nodded yes. “You’re….back….” She cried, but this time, in happiness. She tightened his grip around him, not letting go. “I am back….I’m home.” Tidus finished, hugging Yuna around her neck. “Yes….home….”

What the two didn’t see, was a giggling pair of girls watching them. Even Paine, the usually cold, harsh one, couldn’t help but stifle a giggle at this scene. The silence was finally broken by the two lover’s, as they heard a familiar, Besadian voice.

“Wassup!” Wakka asked in his, usual, funny way. “Who asked you to watch Wakka?” Tidus laughed, as he let his grip go of Yuna, but his hand still holding onto hers. He lightly jabbed him on the arm, then also noticing a certain dark haired black mage, standing right behind the red headed blitzer, holding a small baby boy in her arms. It yawned, as it was stretching out his arms as he did. Lulu gave him a rare, heart warming smile.

“It’s good to see you again.” The dark haired woman said, shifting the baby boy around in her arms. “It’s good to see you too Lulu! Who’s the father?” Tidus asked, as he pointed to the small bundle of joy in her arms. “It’s me ya!” Wakka chuckled. The blonde blitzer could feel his jaw drop, as he looked in amazement at what he thought could never happen. “So….you and her….you…’re both….you had a…….” He stumbled through his words, still a bit stunned at what he had just found out. He was happy for them though. “Congratulations! When was he born?” “Just yesterday. His name’s Vidina.” Tidus smiled at the baby, and was replied with a small fit of laughter from the infant.

“Hiya!” Called a familiar, high pitched voice. Tidus turned around, only to be greeted by a hyperactive Rikku jumping on him and giving him a full hug. When she was finally ready to let go, he placed her back on the ground, and took a good look at her. “It’s good to see you too Rikku! Wow, you’ve really changed!” he exclaimed. “Hey! What about me!” Yuna gave him the puppy dog eyes, crossing her arms over her stomach. Tidus didn’t really take a good look at Yuna. He was to busy hugging her, was too happy at that moment to see how much she had really changed. “Wow…..” was all he could muster through his mouth.

“You look……..” “Different?” Yuna finished for him, enjoying the fact that her lover was practically drooling over her new look. Tidus nodded, wiping away any evidence to show that he really WAS slobbering. He then noticed a certain silver haired woman, in tight leather clothes, with a gothic look, standing in the back. “Who is…..?” he was about to ask, pointing at the dark woman. They all looked at her, then Rikku told, in her bubbly way. “Oooo! That’s Paine! Dr. P for short!” She said, jumping up and down, not able to hold still. She walked up to him, pushing the energetic blonde out of the way. “Do you ever calm down?” She muttered, seeming a bit annoyed at her. Rikku pouted, waving her arms in the air. “THAT’S not very NICE you know!” she stormed away, mumbling to herself. Tidus laughed at this, then turned to Paine, who already had her hand out.

“It’s nice to meet you. So you’re the one she was looking for….” Tidus then took her hand, and shook it. “Nice to meet you too!” He then turned back to Yuna, who was still looking at him. She blushed as their eyes met. He smiled at this. She looked cute when she was embarrassed. “You know, you’ve changed.” He told her, taking her hand as he said it. “Well, you’ve missed a lot!” She replied, smiling as she pulled him closer to her.

“I wanna hear everything!” He shouted, apparently wanting to hear from everybody. He then looked back into Yuna’s beautiful bi-colored eyes, them glowing brightly in the sunlight. “Well….it all started when I saw this sphere of you…..”


Tidus and Yuna now stood on a cliff in the ruined city of Zanarkand. They had taken the Celcius here, the dirty blonde wanting to see his old home again. He remembered many sad memories in this place, most he did not want to remember. Now that the one he loved was with him though, everything in the world was right. He was back with her, back with Yuna. They both stood there, watching the sunset, the blazing fire slowly going below the horizon.

“I got a theory.” Tidus started. “I think the fayth gathered up my thoughts, and put em’ together to bring me back. Maybe. Something like that.” Yuna listened to him, as she gazed upon the sunset, the light reflecting off the water. Tidus was looking at his hands, thinking about these things, running through his mind. “Or maybe….I’m still a dream.” The brunette then sprung her eyes over to her former guardian’s, seeing sadness in his eyes. “Wait! So you’ll disappear?” She asked, fearing that he might.

There was a pause. Yuna still looking at him. He was still looking at himself, wondering these things. “I also have another theory.” He finally spoke. “I think….the fayth also gathered up your thoughts, your memories of me, and brought them together too, and mixed them with mine.” The blue eyed blonde took his lover’s hands, holding them gently. “Cherish me Yuna. And I’ll cherish you. All right. We gotta stay together. That’s what we have to do.” He told her, letting go of her hand as she went behind him, wrapping her arms around his back. “Is that what the faith told you?” She asked, sounding curious.

“Nope. But I like it.” He chuckled, placing his arms on hers. They both laugh, and then Yuna, unexpectedly pushes him into the small body of water below. Tidus sputters the dirty liquids in his mouth, spraying them everywhere. “That’s not cherishing!” He shot out, wanting to know why she did it. She just smiled at him. “You didn’t disappear.” She replied, looking into his ocean like eyes. Tidus tried to look offeneded, but couldn’t help but smile back at the gorgeous girl in front of him. They both then set their eyes on the sunset in front of them, the light changing the sky to a fiery pink, and the rays making the water look like wild fire. As Yuna was taking in this sight, Tidus snuck below her, dragging her down to the water with him. She did the same as him when she fell, spewing water all over.

“And you call that cherishing!” She laughed, giving him those same eyes she did before. Those eyes made him want to melt right then and there, in a good way of course. He then brought her into a tight embrace, both of them lying on the surface of the water, not minding the cold or dampness.

“I know I promised you a sun rise….but will this do?” Tidus joked, pulling Yuna closer to his face. Yuna just smiled at him, and whispered in his ear, “It’s perfect”. Both of their faces were now in front of each other, then their lips met. They shared that kiss for what seemed like hours, never wanting to part from each other. This was the start of a brand new life. It was now time for them to settle down into life, and let nature take it’s course. It was a happy ending…..or so they thought.
Chapter 2: A Night To Remember

Everyone was setting up for a feast, to celebrate two things. The return of Tidus, their great blitzer, and the defeat of Vegnagun. There was no one that wasn’t helping, even the kids were hauling stuff around. “C’mon, put your backs into it ya! Use those muscles! Don’t just laze around….get moving!” Wakka shouted, as he too, was carrying around tables, along with statues, getting them in place. Of course, he was giving orders, more then he was following them.

Of course, there was ONE particular Al Bhed that found this time to relax….. “Ahhh….this is the life…..” Rikku said, as she lay back on one of the left behind tables, taking a bite out of an apple. She closed her eyes, going to take a rest….until she felt herself collide with the hard, rough ground. She shook her head around, and locked her eyes on the perpetrators. It was Tidus and Yuna, who had just casually walked up, and tilted the table sideways, causing her to fall off. They couldn’t help but giggle at the flustered blonde.

“H-hey! That’s not funny! I could have broken a leg or something!” She exclaimed, waving her arms in the air. “What….were you doing on the table anyways?” Yuna asked, putting a hand over her mouth to cover her laughter. “Uh…umm….I-I was just taking a break! Ya, that’s it!” She pumped herfist in the air, as she said this. “Taking a break from what? Oh yes, I’m sure BITING out of that apple is such tiring work….” Tidus joked, grinning at her the whole time.

Rikku was a bit steamed, but walked off to the rest of the working party. They both laughed, falling on the ground in laughter. “NO, NO, NO! That’s not right at ALL! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING! You’re going to….” CRASH! They looked over in the direction of the temple, to see a fuming Lulu, in front of a very frozen Wakka that standing in front of a now, broken statue. “Uh…heh heh…Lu….it’s not so bad… only lost….it’s head ya…..” he choked, scratching the back of his head as he did. Lulu held up her finger, with a fire forming above it.

“Wakka….since I “LOVE” you, and you’re my husband…..I’ll give you to the count of five to run as fast as you can……..two….” Wakka didn’t need to hear anymore numbers then that. He bolted fast, heading for their hut, hoping that she wouldn’t burn their own home down, although when Lulu was in one of these moods, there was no telling what she would do! He slammed the door behind him, locking the door. Lulu then smiled and couldn’t but laugh. “He always was….a bit afraid of me…..”

Wakka sat on the bed, and sighed. He saw the sleeping Vidina, snuggled into his blankets. He smiled at his cute son, and walked over to his bed. “Eh….when you get older, don’t get on your mother’s bad side, ya. If she doesn’t ground you….she’ll do worse….” He whispered to him, chuckling to himself. Vidina shifted in his sleep, pulling the blanket off of him. Wakka kissed his son’s cheek, and carefully placed the blanket back over him. He then walked out the door, taking a peek outside before exiting his home. “Hopefully...a minute is enough time to cool off….” He told himself mentally, as he trotted down the trail cautiously back to his “loving” wife.


Gippal, Nooj, and Baralai, were to come to Besaid soon. They had accepted the invitation graciously, not wanting to miss out on such a grand occasion. Rikku, who had yet again snuck off from her duties, was walking around the now empty air ship. She sat in Shinra’s seat, just waiting for all of the “hard” work to be done. That is of course, until she heard a noise from the upper levels of the ship. “He-hello? Anyone home?” The blonde asked, getting up from her seat and heading to the elevator.As Rikku entered the Lounging area, she heard some ruffling up in the sleeping area. “Who’s up there? HELLLOOO!” She called out again, racing up the stairs. She stopped half way as she heard a gruff voice tell her, “Go away! Don’t come up here!”. The blonde could recognize that deep womanly voice anywhere. It was Paine.

“Hey, Dr. P. Whatcha doin up there?” She asked. “N-nothing. Just go and I’ll meet you outside!” She replied, giving a hint of nervousness in her voice. “Aww, c’mon Painey! Don’t be so…..” she was cut off by that same old cold voice she knew. “Call me, “Painey” again, and I’ll show you a world of hurt….” “Eeep!” Rikku was about to run away, but then a great idea had come to her. “Alright Painey…come out and get me then!” The woman cringed “Ungh….”

“C’mon Paine, what are you trying to hide? Gasp! You’re not….DOING anything up there….are you?” The Al Bhed asked. “NO!” She shot back, sounding very disgusted at the thought. “Just let me come up there! C’mon, PLEASE!” The blonde pleaded, going down on her knees. “sigh…..fine….” Rikku jumped with joy, then dashed up the stairs, almost going completely paralyzed as she saw what the silver haired woman was trying to hide.

“Paine….you’re….wearing a…..dress!” She exclaimed, smiling and hugging the dark woman. It was a red, strapless dress, with a rose pinned to the top. It went down to her ankles, and it matched her dark red high heels perfectly. Although she would not admit it, it did look rather nice upon the woman. Paine simply pushed the bubbly girl off of her, crossing her arms and staring away from her. “I just decided….to try something new, that’s all….” She said calmly, still not looking at the blonde. “Hmm….were you dressing up for anyone special? A certain special Monk named….Baralai!” She giggled, trying her best not to show Paine how much she found this funny. “N-no…..” She stuttered, also blushing a deep red that almost matched her outifit.. This was a sure sign that she was dressing up for him.

“Oh, Paine, you look so GREAT! You should dress up like this more often! I know Baralai would love it….” She grinned deviously, then grabbing Paine’s hand. “C’mon, let’s show everybody!” “I am NOT going out there like this….”

“Then I’ll just TELL everybody that I saw you in a dress….” She replied slyly. “Then I’ll just have to hurt you.” “Eeep!” She cried. “Aww, c’mon Paine! It doesn’t hurt to dress up once in a while! You don’t ALWAYS have to look like a tough, mean old grump!” She pouted, copying Paine as she also crossed her own arms. Paine finally gave in, letting the blonde win…this round. “Sigh….fine. But, only cause you’re starting to annoy me…..” “YA! Tonight, we’re gonna show Baralai a whole new woman!” Paine simply rolled her eyes, as she got out of the dress she so much despised now…..


Brother was helping with loading of wood and supplies for the night, but his mind was not totally on his job. At points, Brother’s eyes would be on Yuna, watching her every movement, trailing her figure, not tearing his sight away form her. He also gave Tidus a cold stare, one he did not see, but Brother didn’t care. He just wished it could be him, instead of that stupid blonde. “Why couldn’t blondie be me…..” he muttered, sighing as he stared at the couple.

Buddy was wondering what Brother was staring at, so he tapped him on his shoulder. “Uhh….Brother, you all right? You been staring over there for quite some time….” Buddy started, looking a bit worried.

“Uh….Brother fine! Just making sure…uh…..that blondie doing job right!” He exclaimed, pointing over to where Tidus was standing. Buddy raised an eyebrow to this, but just decided to let this go, not wanting to know where this conversation would take him. “Well…alright…..” he finished, as he went back to his work. Brother sighed one last time, before also returning to his job. “Sigh….Yuna should be Brother’s…..”

Tidus and Wakka were setting up the poles for the hanging decorations, and the lights. They carefully placed them one by one, digging them all deep into the dirt. Lulu kept a close eye on her husband, not wanting a repeat of what had happened before. It was a hot day, and most men were working without there shirts. Yuna, just happened to be looking at Tidus’s upper body, staring at him the whole time.

As the boy glanced to her, she turned away, blushing a deep crimson red. Tidus laughed to himself. It was a funny, yet cute scene when Yuna would be checking him out, then turn away in embarrassment. “And what can I do for you, milady?” Tidus grunted, as he made one final effort with Wakka to place the final pole into the ground.

“Uh….um….I…I was just wondering if you….wanted some…water?” She mumbled, holding up a glass. “Nah, not really….but there IS something else I’d like..….” He suddenly grabbed Yuna’s hands, and pulled her in for a kiss. She willingly accepted it, not wanting one bit to pull away.

“Get a room, ya!” Wakka chuckled, looking at the couple and there little make-out session. “I think we will!” Tidus grinned, as he swept Yuna up into his arms, heading towards her hut. “Uh…I was just joking, ya! Come back!” Wakka shouted, trying to persuade him to turn around, but with no avail. Tidus couldn’t help but giggle, trying to think of what Wakka was thinking he would do.

“See ya in a few hours Wakka ol’ buddy!” He shot to him, slamming the door behind him. Wakka's jaw dropped, as the door swung closed. “Holy mother of chocobo’s…..” his eyes then rolled back, and the next thing he knew, he was falling to the ground. He was out like a light.

Tidus and Yuna walked back out, laughing like a pair of coyote's. As they got back to their original spot, they noticed an unconscious Wakka lying on the ground. “Maybe….we shouldn’t do that to him anymore…..” Yuna giggled, resting her head on Tidus’s shoulder. “Ah….he’ll get over it! Man…you should have seen his FACE! It was priceless!” He laughed, slapping his knee with his hand. Yuna loved to see him laugh. She didn’t know why, it just put good feelings into her heart. Maybe it was because of the way his face lit up, when his face was scrunched like that. Either way, she liked it. Her eyes then trailed back to his torso, looking at all of the muscle on his chest…..

“Eh, what you staring at?” Tidus grinned, seeing what her sight was on. She bit her lip and looked to the ground, flushing a deep red yet again. Tidus held his grin, and lifted her chin, making their eyes meet. He loved her eyes. The were the most unique and beautiful things he had ever seen. He loved them, heck, he loved everything about this girl. She was so perfect in hiseyes. “What you embarrassed about?” he chuckled, kissing her quickly. “Oh….nothing….” she whispered, trying to hide her face, but Tidus held it in place, looking at her now red face. “You’re cute when you blush, you know.” This made her go into an even deeper shade of red, a red so deep, you’d think she made a new color.

Paine and Rikku had been watching the couple for some time now, and were giggling at Yuna’s predicament. “Looks like SOMEONE’S got a major crush on someone……” the blonde sat on the bench near them, still giggling over this. “Heh… least she’s….happy now…..she’s never been happier…..” Paine calmed down a bit, taking a seat next to Rikku. She seemed to be day dreaming, not really knowing she was saying her thoughts out loud. “sigh Tidus might be a good guy…..but Gippal is SOO much better than…..” Rikku placed a hand over her mouth, covering up whatever stupid words were about to come out next.

“Hmm….looks like SOME dumb blonde’s got a major crush on someone…..” she laughed, as she rose from her seat, and walked away. Rikku hopped off of her seat as fast as she could, trying to catch up with the dark minded woman, who seemed to have some plans for her.

“H-hey, Paine…this is just between you and me….right! It just….slipped off of my tongue! Ya, that’s it! I was just being my stupid, blondish self! So….you’ll keep this to yourself then, right?” The blonde asked hopefully. Paine stopped dead in her tracks, then turned around. “You threaten me….I threaten you….” She gave her one last smirk before continuing to walk on her set course, leaving behind a dumb struck Rikku behind. “….me and my big mouth…..”


The party had started, and all of the guests had arrived. Even the Ronso tribe had come, with the help of Brother and the Celcius of course. Kimarhi was happy to see Yuna again, and was telling her about the statue they had built her on Gagazet for her. Nooj had come, along with his fiancé LeBlanc. The half mechanical man had just proposed to her before they left, making that blonde jittery and giddy for the night. Baralai had come in one of his fancy suits, it almost resembling a tuxedo. He didn’t tell anyone, but he never really did like the temples clothing. It was to….formal.

Gippal hadn’t changed his clothing one bit. He was still in his regular clothes, which always consisted of his favorite brown leather eye patch. His undamaged was scouting the area for single ladies ready to be taken.Wakka had “somehow” put the Aurochs Crystal Cup in the centre of the main table, to show off to the world. People noticed it, but not as many people as he had hoped. He then slipped in the rare blitz ball, World Champion into the chalice. It was actually catching more eyes then the cup, although Wakka didn’t really care, as long as they were looking at the area of it.

“She’s beautiful….isn’t she!” Wakka nudged Tidus, pointing over at the table. Tidus glanced over there, seeing Lulu in a beautiful black hand made dress she had made herself. It had spaghetti string straps, with a low V-neck The dress went just below her knees, revealing the high heel boots she wore. An unusual, yet eye catching feature about Lulu that night, was that her usually knotted up hair, was now let down. It looked silky, and curly, and it still looked great on her. Tidus guessed she must have worked on her hair for quite some time before the party.

“Yeah, Lulu looks pretty good tonight…..” “No man, the cup, the CUP!” he exclaimed, holding both hands out to it. He also looked at the cup, then back at the red headed man. He chuckled, patting him on the back too. “You haven’t changed Wakka….” He said, as he walked off into the crowd. “Eh, eh! What’s that supposed to mean, ya! We’re not finished with this!”

Rikku was walking through the crowd, just chatting with new and old friends. As she was talking, someone, unexpected, bumped into her, knocking her to the ground on her butt. “HEY! Watch where your going!” She yelled, as she pulled herself up, rubbing her underside. “Oh, sorry about that, I wasn’t…..Cid’s girl?” The man gasped, staring at this girl in front of him. “Oh no….Gippal…..” She put her hand on her face, shaking her head back and forth.

“Oh, I can’t be that bad. Do you hate me THAT much?” He joked, pulling his hands behind his head. “You could say that…..” “Oh, c’mon! You know you love me….”

“No, as a matter of fact, I don’t!” She exclaimed, putting her hands on her hips, already getting impatient. “sigh Fine….just don’t come crying to me when you know you find out the truth!” “What truth!” She asked, getting annoyed. “The truth that you know you can’t live a SECOND without being beside me!” He then walked off, flashing her his cocky grin before turning around. This made her blood boil, that grin always made her pissed. She didn’t know why. Maybe it was because she DID like him, but she wouldn’t admit it, not to him, not yet. She decided to shake this out of her mind for now, and enjoy the rest of the evening.

Everyone was finally settling down, finding a place to sit. Tidus and Yuna, no doubt, were sitting beside eachother, staring into eachother’s eyes, Yuna occasionally hiding her face in embarrassment. Lulu and Wakka were arguing over what Vidina should be when he got older. “He’ll make a great blitzer! After me and Tidus’s training, he’ll be a star player, ya!” He huffed proudly, pounding his chest, sticking it out, putting a smile on his face. “No Wakka….he could be much more than that!” Lulu hissed. “He should study more, he could be anything he wants to be! Who knows what lies ahead for our son!” “And one of those things could be being a great blitzer, ya!” “Wakka….” Lulu groaned, rubbing her temples in frustration.

For a couple that loved eachother so much, they sure did fight a lot. I guess that’s what marriage does to people. Tidus was watching them, wondered how it would be if he and Yuna were together? Would they be arguing like them? Either way, even though they argued so much, he knew they would always love eachother no matter what. “And it will always be that way with us…..” Tidus whispered to himself. “Did you….say something?” Yuna asked, furrowing her brow. “Oh, no….just rambling on about stuff….nothing important….”

As a familiar fragrance entered the air, everyone shouted out one thing in unison. “EATING TIME!” Varied people form Besaid were serving the food, some people just snapping the plates out of the people’s hands, Wakka especially. After a day’s work like that, you really worked up an appetite. Tidus didn’t seem hungry though, he didn’t eat much. Actually, he didn’t eat anything! For some reason, even after all that work, he wasn’t hungry. Just a minute ago, he felt like he could starve! What was his problem….

“Tidus, aren’t you going to eat anything?” Yuna asked concerned, holding a plate out to him. He graciously took it from her, and put it in front of him. “I just don’t feel that hungry right….” His hunger had suddenly come back like a freak storm. He felt like he could swallow a horse! He started grabbing everything, making room for all the food on his already full plate. “Tidus?” He suddenly stopped, and looked towards Yuna, who only had about a quarter of what he had. “Uh…..I’m….hungry….” He smiled awkwardly at her. Yuna couldn’t help but shake her head and chuckle. “Well….you HAVE been working hard I guess…..” She gave him one more smile before returning to her plate, grabbing her fork and knife. Tidus did the same, getting ready for a dinner like he had never had before.

“So…Nooj and I are planning on forming the Youth League and New Yevon together. We have not made any major plans yet…..but that is what we are hoping to do!” Baralai said, as he was talking to Yuna, who seemed uninterested of this matter. She would smile and nod through his chatter, but she wasn’t really listening. She had her mind on other things… Tidus for one.

I wonder if he loves me……of course he does, Yuna! Why else would he have come back! Why else would he hug you, embrace you, kiss you! I have to know though……I have to know if he does……but what if he doesn’t……what will happen after that…”
She was mentally fighting with herself, trying to figure out what she should do.

Yuna got up from her seat, and started to walk away. No one really noticed this, even Baralai, who was still rambling on about his future plans. No one noticed….except Tidus!

He followed her, without her knowing of course, down to the beach, where she lay on the ground in the sand, staring up at the sky. “Does he…I wonder if he does? Maybe he doesn’t….URGH! WHY DO I KEEP ASKING THIS!” She yelled, jumping up from her spot. “He does….I know he does… why do I doubt him….” She went on about this, not noticing that a certain someone was watching, and hearing her.

“Yuna?” She stopped, and slowly turned to a confused Tidus, standing on the dirt path. “Are you…okay? You seem kind of….upset.” He said, as he walked over to her, and placed his arm around her shoulder. “I know….it’s just that….” “Just what, Yuna? You can tell me.”“C’mon Yuna……just ask him! It’s just four simple words that need to come out of my mouth! It they’re so simple…why is it so hard to say them!” She was still fighting in her mind, trying to make her stupid mouth open up to these words she was trying to get out.

“Yuna…?” Tidus was looking a bit concerned. He brought her down on the ground with him, both of them sitting near the shore. He took her hands, and looked into her eyes. “C’mon Yuna….just tell me what it is. You can trust…” “Doyouloveme.” She blurted out quickly, looking rather embarrassed by the statement.

“Wha?” Tidus was now confused, trying to figure out what she said. “sigh….do….you….love….me?” She asked, looking away to the sand. She drew lines in the wet sand, and blushing to the ground, trying to hide her face.

Tidus was just staring at her, stunned at what she asked. “Why….would she ask this? Doesn’t she know? I came back, I am still with her? What does she want...I wonder……” He edged a bit closer to her, and put his arm around her shoulder. “Yuna….why would you ask this? Of course I do! Why else would I be back?” She lifted her head slightly, but still not meeting his gaze. “Because….what if you…..fade again….what if you….dis…appear…” Tears started trailing down her dry cheeks, as she started sobbing, digging her face into her palms. Tidus pulled her in closer, letting her cry over his chest. Had he….hurt her this much when he left? He couldn’t bare how much he had done to her. He couldn’t forgive himself. All he could do now, was hold her, and let her pour it all out…..


Baralai stood a bit aways from the party, just staring out at the moon, and the light filled ocean. “It’s nice out….isn’t it.” The silver haired man spun around, locating the speaker behind him. He couldn’t believe who it was. “P…Paine?” He stuttered, amazed at the great beauty that stood in front of him.

“Hello…Baralai….” She whispered, as she bashfully looked to the ground. She was wearing that same red dress that Rikku had spotted her in earlier. Rikku had to practically force her to put it on, and kick her out of the ship to get her out to the action. “You….look lovely.” Was all the man could say, as he stared wide-eyed at the woman. He started walking towards her, which made her a bit nervous, but she didn’t back away. She let him come. He placed his hand on her face, lifting it up to his. “There….is something I have been wanting to tell you….for a while now….” He told her, as he gazed into her blood red eyes, which looked so beautiful to him. Paine gulped, then blushed again. “Y-yes.?” Baralai slowly met his lips with hers, locking their faces together, for a short, sweet kiss. “I love you.”


Everyone at the party, was now dancing around a great fire lit in the center of the village, everyone grooving and moving around. The people were laughing, and having a great time. Music filled the air, with the help of the musicians that were there. The song was fast paced, as real party mixer! Rikku, who was jumping around with some of the girl’s, got a small tap on the shoulder, which turned her around, seeing someone she wasn’t expecting. “Oh, YOU again….” She muttered, as she suddenly put on a frown.

Gippal stood in front of her, giving her a small grin. “Eh, come on, don’t be like that! I was just wondering….if I could have a dance?” The hip-hop music, suddenly changed to a slow, soothing melody. Rikku wasn’t really in the mood, but she was pulled into a tight embrace, wrapped in his arms, hers over his shoulders. She was going to pull away, but she just couldn’t. As much as she hated this….it felt like she wanted this more than anything. She couldn’t stop this, even if she wanted to.

The Al Bhed man finally pulled his head back, it now very close to her face. “Did I ever tell you this….” He asked. “Tell me wha….” She was cut off, as he pushed his face onto hers, making her melt in his arms just like that. She wanted him, no matter how hard she tried to deny it, she wanted him. They finally parted, and Gippal gave her another cocky little grin. “Tell you that….I love you, Rikku.”

She couldn’t believe what he said. He had feelings…for her? Was it coincidence, or fate, that they both shared the same feelings for each other. The only thing she could get out of her mouth, was, “You said my name.”


Yuna had finally stopped her tears, her head still resting on Tidus’s chest, listening to his heart beat, every second. He looked at her face, which was covered by some tears. He placed his hand on hers, sighing as he looked out to the ocean. “I’m sorry….that I hurt you…..” She lifted her head, looking at him. “I wasn’t able to tell you….how I felt before I left. You told me you loved me….and I wasn’t able to reply. Maybe I couldn’t…..I’m not sure if I could speak anymore…..maybe I was just to scared to say the truth…..” She was getting scared. Did these words mean….that he did not love her.

“I wasn’t able to tell you….how I truly felt. I wasn’t able to say….that I love you Yuna.” The girl’s eyes widened in shock…and in happiness. She finally heard it. Those three simple words that finally came out of his mouth. “You….you do?” She started crying, but was smiling at him, happy that she finally knew how he really felt. Her body started shaking, as she sobbed even more, burying herself into his chest, which was still wet from her tears before.

“Shh, shh….don’t cry anymore Yuna….I don’t like to see you cry….” He placed his hand on her head, stroking her hair as she started the water works again.As she started to calm down, she whispered his name. “Tidus…..” “Yuna?” She slowly looked up, into his cerulean eyes. She raised her mouth to his ear, and whispered something. As she went back to see the look on his face, he looked like he was in shock. Tidus couldn’t believe what she had just asked.

He didn’t want this to be like his life in Zanarkand. He didn’t want to do that right yet, not at that point in time. He had really changed since his life in his home town. In those days, he would have done that without even thinking twice. Being a famous blitzer…had it’s rewards. He felt different now though, he didn’t want it to be like that.

“Yuna….we…we can’t….we just can’t….not yet…..” He sighed, as he looked into her eyes, which looked saddened. “But….don’t you love me? What if you disappear….what if you go away….if that happens, I’ll never know how it….” She broke into another sob, but this time, instead of crying into his chest, she turned away, letting the tears run down onto her hands. Tidus grabbed her by the shoulder, and made her face him. “Yuna…it is because I love you, that I don’t want that to happen….not yet anyways. I want it to be special Yuna, not just a spur of the moment thing. I want it to be our love that binds us, not just lust. So, when we are together….” He kind of drifted off after that. He was the one that was now looking away from her. She looked confused. Was he going to say, what she thought he was?

“Tidus….what do you…mean?” She calmed down, trying to make him tell her. He turned to her, reaching into his pocket for something. “sigh….I wanted to save this until later, but I guess now’s a good time to do it.” “Do what?” She asked, as she saw him pull out a small, black box out of his side pocket. He got up, standing on both of his feet, pulling her up as well.

“Yuna….I don’t want to be apart from you anymore. I want us to be together, for the rest of our lives, through the good and the bad. I want to be by your side. I want to love you, not until the end, but always. What I’m trying to say is….” He bent down on one knee, opening up the box to her face.

“Yuna….will you marry me?” He smiled, as she saw the shock and amazement in her eyes. She was to stunned to speak, or to even move. The ring was made of gold and silver, with a golden heart on the top, embedding a smaller heart in the center of it, half of it emerald, the other sapphire. There were small specks of emerald and sapphire spread across it, making it sparkle in the light.

“O-of COURSE I will! I do, I do, I DO!” She said, smiling as Tidus grabbed her hand, placing the ring on her ring finger. She stared at it, gazing in awe as it shone in the light of the moon. “They’re like your eyes…..beautiful.” She turned to him and smiled, practically jumping on him, wrapping her arms around his neck, as they both fell down to the ground. They both stared into each other’s eyes, thinking the exact same thing as they did.

“I love you.” They said in unison, as they shared a long, deep kiss, rolling around in the sand. The rolled into the water, making the dirt cling to their clothes, but they didn’t care. This night…..was perfect. It was a night to remember.


On a hill, overlooking Besaid village, stood a black cloaked figure, gazing down at the people. He laughed to himself, thinking they thought everything would finally be at peace. “They think their troubles are over…..but this is only the beginning. I’ll let them think their lives are perfect…..then with one swift movement, I shall rip them apart!” He yelled, as he swiped his hand through the air. “Soon Yuna...soon we will be back together, and that dream will be gone away, forever, never to haunt you again.”The figure slowly turned around, heading down the hill, taking one last glance at the sight below.“They may be happy now….but soon…..they’ll be in a living hell.”
Chapter 3: First Glimpse of Darkness

Tidus felt the cool summer breeze, blow gently across his face. He slowly opened his eyes, realizing where he was. He was laying against the shack, in a pretty uncomfortable position. The corner of the wood was jabbing into his back. He looked ahead of him, seeing nothing but beach sand, and endless ocean. The sun had just risen, it barely giving the area much light. He looked around some more, seeing that no one was at the docks, or even on the other parts of the beach. Even the Aurochs weren’t out with their early morning practices.

When he finally decided to get up, something was holding him down. Something was resting on his body, keeping him on the ground. He looked down, only to see Yuna’s still body, quietly breathing in her sleep. She had a bad case of “Bed Hair”. This made Tidus mentally laugh. She looked cute like this, when she was sleeping. Lone strands hair, were hanging in front of her eyes.. Tidus brushed them away, revealing her face. “Beautiful…..” He said to himself. He lowered his face down to her ear, and whispered, “Good morning, gorgeous.”

When she heard his voice, she opened her eyes slowly, batting them a bit to get the sleep out of them. She looked up to the man’s smiling face, into his cerulean blue eyes. She yawned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Good morning, handsome.” She laughed closing her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder. There was nothing but silence on the beach, besides the wind blowing through the trees and bushes. It was quiet….but Yuna liked it that way. It was nice, to finally have to peace in her life, without anyone coming to talk to her, or ask her to help them, or anything. She loved it this way.

He stared at her face, still smiling, placing a hand on the arm around his neck. “And to think, we’ll be waking up together like this for the rest of our lives…..” Yuna turned and faced him, just remembering what had happened last night. She looked at her hand, seeing the diamonds sparkle with light. “Ya….hard to believe, isn’t it?” She sighed, laying down on his chest again. “It is…..” He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in tight. Tidus then laughed again, looking at their bodies. “Of course, I DON’T think we’ll have wet sand all over us, do you?” He grinned, wiping of the sand on Yuna’s shoulder. She laughed too, putting her head back onto his chest, resting. “Ya, I DON’T think we will. But of course….you never know.” She smiled, digging her head deeper into his chest.

“I love you” Tidus whispered into her ear, waiting for her reply. It didn’t come. He backed up his head, looking at Yuna’s very still body. “Yuna? Yuna, c’mon, this isn’t funny!” He tried to shake her, but she wouldn’t move. Her body didn’t budge at all. “Okay….this is REALLY creeping me out……” He got up from under Yuna’s small body, but hers did not fall to the ground. It lay there, in the air. Tidus noticed a few other things too. He felt no breeze blowing on his face.. The tree’s weren’t moving with the wind. The waves weren’t going in and out. Everything was still. All was silent. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!” He shouted, falling to his knees. As he stood there, trying to figure out what was happening, he noticed his hands fuzz. He looked at them more closely. They started to fade, in and out. “Wh-what is this……” Tidus gasped, trying to make sense of what was happening.

“So….the dream is already starting to fade away into the the Abyss…..” Tidus turned around, trying to locate the voice. “Who….who are you!” Tidus asked, anger welling up inside him. “SHOW YOURSELF!” Suddenly, there was a gloved hand on Tidus’s shoulder, gripping it hard. “Here I am.” Was what the man said, as he tossed Tidus into a nearby tree, winding him of his air. “cough….Wh…what is this.” Tidus asked, as he gasped for air. He looked up, seeing a man in a black cloak, a hood covering the person’s face. Shadows of the hood, made it impossible to see the person’s face. “This….is the power of the ultimate Time Spell….Stopagara.” The man said, atleast Tidus assumed it was a man. It had a deep voice, and you didn’t see many women with voices like this one.

“Stopagara…..I thought….the limit was….Stopaga?” Tidus said, as he pulled himself up from the ground, leaning on the tree for balance. “Only for a low level mage, like Lulu, who cannot get past that point, no matter how hard they tried.” He chuckled, turning around to face the ocean. “H-how do you…know Lulu?” Tidus asked, cautiously walking over to the man. “I know everything about Spira. All of it’s secrets. That includes, Yu Yevon, Shuyin, the Maesters’ Betrayel, the Weapons….such as Omega. I know all there is to know I even know….that you are just a dream, one that is fated to soon fade away, along with the rest of Spira.” Tidus, who was annoyed with this man, was rather intrigued of how much this man knew. Yuna had told him of Shuyin and Vegnagun, and said that very few knew of the things that occurred during that time, so how did this person know all of this?

“Tell me….how do you know so much?” Tidus asked, as he edged closer to him. The man slowly turned around to face him, his eyes meeting the blonde’s. “When you have been where I have been… learn a lot of things.” The man replied, placing his hands behind his back. “And where have you been?” Tidus asked. “….That is, for me to know, and for you, to not.” The man told him, turning back to the still water.

“Well, I’m gonna MAKE it for me to know!” Tidus yelled, as he threw his fist at the man. He simply held his hand up, grabbing Tidus’s fist. He twisted it, almost breaking it in two. He once again, threw Tidus over him, throwing him into the water. He did not get wet, nor did he lose any air under the frozen waves. He quickly stood up this time, facing the man. “WHAT DO YOU WANT!” He shouted, getting ready to charge the man again. He just stared at Tidus, as he lifted his hand into the air. “What I want….is for you to fade away….like the dream you really are!” He lifted his hand into the air, as purple pyreflies zoomed around it. A staff appeared in the man’s hand. It was pure black, with a small skull on the bottom, and a bigger one on the head of it.

“Wha…..what is that!” Tidus exclaimed, slowly backing up into the water. The man laughed, lowering the hand that wielded it to his side. “This….is a summoner’s staff.” He laughed, placing it in both hands. “Although it is no ordinary one…..allow me to show you…..” He twirled the staff around, maneuvering it around his body. He then tossed it up into the air, then as it came crashing down, the bottom of it dug deep into the sand. The next thing that happened shocked Tidus. A huge portal of darkness burst from the bottom of the staff, covering the ground around it. Dark flames burst up from the ground, making an extreme heat spread across the beach.

Tidus flew back, as the portal exploded, something popping out from the dark depths. More purple pyreflies came from the man, surrounding the portal, and making it disappear. As Tidus recovered from the blast, he saw something zooming around in the sky. As he looked more closely, he finally saw what it was. It was a giant bird. It had black, and dark purple feathers, and a long tail. Dark flames surrounded it’s body, making it seem like a black fire ball, soaring through the sky. It then changed it’s course, heading towards the ground. It landed in front of the man, then stood very still, like a stone statue. It’s eyes were burning with what seemed like…..hate….despair…greed…..wrath…destruction….death.

“This….is an aeon, as you probably should know.” Tidus couldn’t believe it. This thing….this big bird was an aeon? “But….it can’t be! I don’t remember Yuna ever having…..” “There were many more temples in the past. That is, until Sin came and destroyed them. There were many cities, spread across Spira. You would be surprised to how many there were.” He chuckled, going up to the beast and stroking it’s neck. “The Phoenix….is a beautiful creature, is it not? Of course, some prefer it to be in it’s original state, but it looks much better like this, don’t you think?”

Tidus looked at him strangely. “It’s original….state?” He was slightly confused as to what the man meant. “What….exactly do you mean?” The man shook his head, laughing to himself. “Do you….really not know what I mean? Are you that stupid? Well….I guess I can’t blame you. Two years away in the Farplane is a long time, isn’t it?” “JUST SHUT UP AND TELL ME!” Tidus yelled, getting very impatient with him.

“Fine. If you must know so badly. This… a Dark Aeon...” Tidus was a bit shocked. He had seen an aeon used for the wrong purposes….but never had he seen one get like this. “But….how?” The man turned around, looking at Yuna’s still body. “Well….when the Fayth’s soul, is turned to the darkness….whether by choice, or by force, the aeon ends up like this. Since the Fayth and the Aeons are so closely linked, they end up the same way. Do you understand, boy?”

Tidus just stood there, taking in as much as he could. “But….how are the fayth turned to the dark?” The laughed, as he grabbed his staff. “That, is none of your concern.” Tidus got so annoyed with this man, he finally exploded. “WELL WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME EVERYTHING ELSE, HUH!”

“It was not important.” The man replied, unfazed by the blonde’s sudden outburst. “Grrr….fine! If you won’t tell me on your own, I’ll MAKE you tell me!” Tidus then charged at him, holding his fist up, ready for the punch. But what happened next, he did not expect. He had totally forgotten the presence of the Phoenix, and it was ready to protect it’s master. Flames erupted from the ground, creating a wall of fire that separated the black cloaked man, and Tidus. He just barely avoided the flames, as he jumped back, avoiding any serious burns. The man laughed at the fallen man, shaking his head around.

“I’m going to be honest with you. As impossible as it may seem for someone as weak as you….you are a possible threat to me. Do not ask why, for I will not tell you. The last thing that I will tell you, is that threats cannot be left alone. They must be taken care of. You are a threat, which means you must be taken care of. You may not live. So, the last thing you will see, will be this magnificent creature,” He pointed to the bird, it’s eyes now locked onto Tidus’s still body. “dancing in the fire, as it watches your flesh burn from your bones, and the blood slowly flowing from your body.” The man then disappeared, and his voice rang out one last message before he was totally gone. “Kill him.”

The bird quickly took off into the air, it’s wings spread out wide. It was soaring gracefully through the sky, the flames dancing around it’s body. It would have been a beautiful sight, if it weren’t for the fact that is was going to kill him! He stared up at it, trying to see what it was going to do. It was floating in one area, and seemed to be doing something….a chanting of some sort. It was making some strange sounds, like a mix between a beautiful voice, and a voice, screaming in pain. Tidus quickly turned around, and dashed across the beach, hoping he could out run this thing, but most of him was telling him he was dead.

As he was about to get out of the beach area, he tripped over a stone, causing him to fumble onto the ground. As he looked back up to the sky, there was a huge blast of energy, rushing towards him. There was no way he could escape this, the area of this thing was huge! He was dead. The only thing he did was hold his hands up in front of him, hoping it wouldn’t hurt to much. He then thought of all the friends he barely got to share any time with….Lulu, Wakka, their son Vidina, Rikku, his new friend Paine, trying to get along with Brother, Buddy, Shinra, and many other’s he wanted to see. But there was one person, he wanted to be with the most. He also remembered how much pain he had caused when he had left, and what she had to go through. He wasn’t going to do that again. “Yuna”

All of a sudden, just before the beam hit, a bright light flashed in front of Tidus, making time go in slow motion. “Are you the dream that will save Spira…or the nightmare that will end it.” A voice spoke. Tidus was looking around frantically, trying to find the speaker. “Who’s there!” All was silent, that is until the voice spoke again, acting as if it had not heard Tidus at all.
“All dreams must come to an end, but maybe, you will last. Are you the dream to bring happiness, or the nightmare to strike fear into the hearts of the world.” Tidus was getting confused, by what this strange enigma meant. “What are you saying?”

The voice replied once more. “You are the dream that will be Spira’s Savior…or it’s Destruction. Only you can decide this. You must choose what you will be. Choose.” As the voice disappeared into the wind, a sword appeared from the blinding light, that had now disappeared. Time went back into full motion, as the darkness was crashing down.

He quickly snatched the floating sword, and held it up in front of him. The energy hit the blade, and could not penetrate through it. This was Tidus’s chance. Slowly, he got up, grunting as he pushed back the beam with the sword, pushing with all his might. He got up to his feet, and planted them both firmly on the ground. He quickly brought back his sword, and hit the dark energy hard, sending it straight back at that crap of a bird.

The Dark Phoenix was not expecting this. Although it was quick, it wasn’t quick enough. It had moved just enough to dodge the full impact of the blast, but half of it’s body was struck by the incredible energy. It fell as soon as it was hit, it falling into the water, making a huge splash as it plunged into the ocean.
Tidus was still standing in that same spot, trying to figure out how he had done that. He looked at the sword he was holding, and couldn’t believe what it was. It was the Caladbolg. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The legendary blade, the one he used to destroy Sin, the one that cracked in two with the last blow on the Final Aeon, was now back in his hands. He didn’t think he would ever hold this magnificent thing again, but here it was, back in his grip.

He was soon brought back to reality, as he heard a cry from the ocean water, and something erupting from it. There, above the water, stood the Dark Phoenix, back and extremely pissed. “Oh boy….” Tidus squeaked, as he held up the Caladbolg, ready to take this thing on. He hadn’t fought in quite a while, but thought he would get the hang of it again pretty quickly. He tired something, just to see if he hadn’t totally forgotten.

“HASTE!” A magical clock quickly appeared, then dispersed above him, making him go twice as fast as any normal human. He charged at it, with his sword raised high. The bird came zooming at him, at full speed. They were both heading towards each other, neither of them stopping, like a game of “Chicken”. As they both neared each other, Tidus jumped up into the air. He was right above the creatures head. He placed a foot on it, and pushed himself higher, way above the ground. As he reached the peak of his jump, he saw the aeon coming up right for him. This was just what he wanted.

He raised the sword over his head, as a blue energy gathered into the blade. Then, he called out a familiar skill. “ENERGY RAIN”! He released the energy, striking his sword in the bird’s direction. Blue sparks were flying through the air, heading right towards it. This could not be missed. Every single one of those energy sparks struck the Phoenix hard, making it again, collapse to the ground. Tidus fell to the sand, nearly toppling over as he landed hard onto the beach. He glanced over to the fallen beast, watching as it didn’t move at all, just laying there. “Hmm….that seemed a LITTLE to easy….” He couldn’t have been any more correct.

As soon as he had said that, a dark light surrounded his body, making him disappear from the sandy beach. He then appeared in a dark area. His body plopped on the ground, falling from the darkness that had brought him here. He rubbed his head, trying to figure out where he was. Everywhere he looked, there were stars, planets, and darkness, all around. It was an amazing sight. As he was looking around, he felt a strange presence around him. One he had felt before. He turned around, only to find a strange little man, in clothes that somewhat resembled a bird.

“Are you….the Fayth?” Tidus asked, taking a step forward. He quickly jumped back, as a flame shot from the man’s hand. He clearly had no intention on talking to Tidus one bit. “What am I supposed to do…..” He asked himself, as he was still staring at the stubby little person.

“You must free him.”

Tidus spun around, locating the speaker. He was in awe, as he found out who it was. “It can’t be….Auron!”

The old, gruff man gave him one of his rare smiles, that were pretty hard to get. He was still the same as he remembered him two years ago. He still had his red jacket with the leather designs on it, along with his old cloak. The glasses were still residing on his nose, as they were before, half covering his eyes, and the other lower than it should have been. The legendary sword, Masamune, rested over his shoulder. His smiled finally went to a normal expression, the one Tidus grew to know.

“It has been a while.” He said, as he walked over to him. “Auron. AURON!” He laughed, jumping in for a welcome. He was interrupted by the big man.

“WATCH OUT!” He pushed him out of the way as he was in mid-air, making his fall a bit painful. Auron swung his sword, cutting through the black fire that was meant to take the blonde’s life. “That…is the fire of death.” Auron told him, as they both set their eyes upon the bird man, as he disappeared.

As happy as Tidus was to see his old friend again, he suddenly got the urge to yell again. “Auron, what the hell is going on? Why was time frozen? Why was the aeon like that? Who was that man? How did I get here? How did YOU get here? WHAT THE HELL IS ALL OF THIS!” He was breathing heavily, trying to stay calm as best he could. Auron just stood there, watching the poor boy.

“Things have been going fast for you, haven’t they. Time suddenly stopped, and a man appears in front of you, one that is trying to kill you.” Tidus just nodded, relieved that he might finally get some answers. “I have been here….since you returned to Spira, back with the living. Why that happened, I cannot say right now….for there are some that are listening to us.” Auron whispered the last bit, like a paranoid little boy.

“Who?” He whispered back. The old man turned around, staring off into his surroundings. “I….cannot say right now. All I can say is….soon, all of Spira’s stories may end.” “But how?” Tidus asked, wanting to know. Auron stood silent, still looking in the same direction. “…but there is a slim chance these stories may go on though….” “But HOW?” Tidus’s voice raised. “But only the true dream….can keep the stories going.” “BUT HOW, DAMMIT!” Tidus shouted, getting impatient with the man.

Auron just turned around and blinked at him, not affected by his temper. “I know you must be confused, and frustrated, but I cannot speak about this matter with you right at this moment. You must go to Zanarkand….then travel north.” Tidus was a bit surprised by the last part. “N-north! But, there’s nothing but ocean north of their!” The boy exclaimed, as he waved his sword around along with his hand. “If you want to know what is happening….if you don’t want to lose Yuna….you will go north of Zanarkand.”

Tidus just stood there, fighting mentally with himself on what he should do. He sighed, finally giving into the man’s words. “sigh….all right. I’ll do it. But…how do I get out of here?” He asked, with a frown on his face, not sure if he could get out of this place or not. Auron smiled at him one last time before saying, “Just wake up.”

His eyes snapped open from his slumber, as he awoke form his sleep. He quickly looked around, at the surrounding area. It was the exact same time from the first time he woke up….or the time he thought he woke up. The was in the same position, the wind was blowing gently across his face, the waves were rolling in and out. It was silent. The silence was quickly broken, as he heard a familiar soft voice speak. “You’re finally awake.”

Tidus looked down, only to see the girl that he loved, resting on his body. She dug her head deeper into his chest, and shifter her body, getting into a more comfortable position. He smiled, as he stroked her hair, her brown silky hair. She smiled, knowing that she was always safe in his arms, always able to trust him. “I’m glad….we’re going to be together.” She told him, as she wrapped her arms around him.

He closed his eyes, still smiling. He was happy he was really back with her, and not in a dream. All the events that had happened though, were still in his head. He remembered every single thing that had happened. It was just a dream, right? Nothing serious, nothing real. Dreams aren’t real. But if dreams weren’t real, then how did he exist.

“You seem to have a lot on your mind?” She spoke up, looking up to his eyes. He looked down her beautiful, bi-colored eyes. Those things were so beautiful to him, and one of things that made her unique. He loved them. He loved her. He loved EVERYTHING about her. “I’m okay….just a dream, that’s all.” “JUST a dream?” She questioned, not sure if he was telling the truth. “Just a dream.” He reassured her. She raised her brow, seeming a little unsatisfied with his answer, but soon smiled at him. “Well…okay!” She giggled, as she retreated her head back to his body.

He sighed as he looked at her, thinking how gorgeous she looked with the sun shining on her skin. It made her look like a goddess in his eyes. He put he mouth down to her, and whispered, “I love you.” He held his breath, hoping that the past wouldn’t repeat itself. He sighed in relief as she replied, “I love you too.” Tidus smiled, as he rested his head on hers. “You didn’t freeze on me this time.” She was confused as to what he meant, but decided to ask him about it later. She just wanted to be with him right now. Forever and always.

As Tidus lay there, he was thinking about the events that had just happened. “Auron…you old fool, what is Spira’s problem now? There’s been enough trouble here already! With Sin, Shuyin, that desert fiend…it’s been to much! What is it now! What could be so important that it might cost Yuna’s happiness! I can’t just pull her into another quest after I just proposed to her! I’d like to think that it was just a really crazy dream…but something tells me…it could be more than that.” All was quiet, as he one part of that dream really stuck to his mind, trying to figure out exactly what it meant.

"You are the dream that will be Spira’s Savior…or it’s Destruction.”
Chapter 4: Outburst

Tidus and Yuna were now walking back from the beach, enjoying each other’s presence as they walked together, hand in hand, down the old trail of Besaid. They watched the waterfall’s, as they passed over the wooden bridges, which went over the river running below them. The sun was really bright out today. The grass blew along with the wind, gently swaying from left to right as it ran through it.
Yuna looked to Tidus, who was scanning the surrounding area. It had been a while since he had been here, and he hadn’t paid much attention to this place the past night, since his mind was set on her. Now, he could finally look at this place, and take in it’s beauty. “Has anything changed?” Yuna asked, in her giggly voice.

“No…..not really! It’s all exactly the same as the first time I was here! Hasn’t changed one bit after two years!” He smiled, now gazing at her. She smiled back to him, then frowned, remembering the past, the time when she had first met him. During the time of Sin. Where she had lost so many friends and memories. It was a time of sadness. It the time she had almost married.

“Hey Yuna, you okay?” Her thoughts were broken, as his voice penetrated her thinking. “Huh…oh, ya. I’m fine…..”

Tidus furrowed his brow, looking at her. “You’re a bad liar, you know that?” He chuckled, as he stared down the dirt path. “So I’ve heard…” She replied shyly, looking down at the ground as they walked.

They were both quiet for quite some time, until they reached the hill overlooking Besaid Village. They both gazed at the village, noticing how great it looked from up here. As they were about to continue back to the village, something had just struck Tidus. He hadn’t thought of this before! How could be so slow?

“How are we gonna tell them….” He suddenly spoke out, leaving Yuna a bit confused. “Tell them what?” She asked, turning to face him. “Tell them… that we are getting… you know. Married.”

Reality had just come back to Yuna, realizing how many people would be shocked to see the high summoner engaged. She looked at her left hand, staring at the ring. The most beautiful ring she had ever seen, or maybe she just thought of it like that because Tidus gave it to her. Either way, people would react to this….in either a good or bad way.

“I hadn’t really thought about it….I was to happy to think about it at the time…” She said, as she turned away from the ring, looking back down to the village. She didn’t really care what most people would think, but what would her friends think? Rikku would be happy for her, she knew that. So would Paine. She would always be by her side. Wakka might be a bit iffy about it, but she knew that he would agree with it. Kimahri always wanted whatever made Yuna happy, so there was no question there. But….how would Lulu take it?

Yuna had not said anything to Tidus, not wanting to get him paranoid about things, but Lulu had been acting a bit…differently since he came back. She knew that when Tidus first came two years ago, she didn’t really like him. She thought that when Wakka took him in, he was trying to replace Chappu, which only made it worse. Her coldness towards him must have started, when she got idea’s of Tidus having feelings for Yuna. Although she cared for him dearly as a friend now, she may not allow Tidus to marry Yuna.

For one, when Tidus was not looking, she would give him cold glares that would freeze Ifrit. Sometimes, after a conversation with him, she would mutter something under her breath, all though she could not hear exactly what she was saying, Yuna knew it must have been something bad. One thing she could tell: part of Lulu, although happy to have an old friend back, was not happy to see him again. But why?

“I wonder how….Lulu would take it….” Tidus suddenly shot out, crossing his arms. Yuna was a bit shocked that the only person HE thought would have a problem with this, was Lulu. Although she was thinking the same thing. “What makes you think it would be just Lulu?” She asked. “Well…everyone just wants what’s best for you. What makes you happy. Lulu does to…but….she’s a bit more….protective, ya know.”

Yuna knew he was right. Lulu, of all her Guardians, besides Tidus, was the most protective of her. The mage had always warned her about things, and was the most strict about what she did when she was younger. Even when she was on her pilgrimage, she had always been edgy about what she did, or how she acted. Especially when she thought Tidus was getting a bit to close. Those times were over….but still….Lulu would always be like that about Yuna. No matter what. She was like a big sister to her. And when it came to love….Lulu would definitely be….well…a LOT more protective.

“What should we do?” She asked, seeming a bit troubled. She was hoping that Lulu wouldn’t object to this, but deep down inside, she knew she might. “I think….we should tell everyone. When all the village is together.” Tidus told her, as he leaned against the monument on the hill. “Well…we’re gonna have to do that soon then, because all the guests will be leaving before nightfall!” They both sighed, as they stared down the trail to the village.

“This is gonna be tough…” Yuna muttered, as she turned her gaze towards the blonde man beside him. “Well then, shall we go?” Tidus asked, finally putting a grin back on his face. He held his arm out to her, waiting for her to accept. “Alright.” She then looped her arm through his, as they both walked down the path together.


When they got to the village, they saw that everyone was up. They walked through the village, and to the now water logged fire place that had been lit up so brightly the night before. As the peered around the wood, they noticed a group of people, rushing over to them from the temple. It wall the whole gang. They came sprinted to her, panting as they finally got to her. “Wh-where WERE you two last night?” Wakka gasped, as he tried to catch his breath.

Rikku came crashing behind all of them, practically jumping on her cousin for a hug. “Oh Yunie, we were so WORRIED about you! We thought something bad had happened!” The Al Bhed girl then noticed Tidus standing right beside her, and an interesting thought crossed her mind. “Yunie…did you two….” She was about to say. “NO!” They both shouted in unison, although Yuna had not said that the thought didn’t cross her mind.

The bubbly blonde gave them both a smirk, and turning in the other direction. “SUUUURE you didn’t. Whatever. I know it’s none of my business, just don’t go running off and doing it again, okay.”

“RIKKU!” Yuna exclaimed. “Paine, can you hurt her for my please?” The brunette asked. “Gladly. Hurt time.” Paine smiled, as she cracked her knuckles right in front of her. Rikku squeaked, and bounced away as fast as she could, with Paine right behind her.

Everyone laughed at this peculiar sight. Everyone that is, except Lulu. She stood in the front of all of them, with a stern expression on her face. The very idea that Tidus might have done something like that to Yuna made her disguisted. “For your sake, you better not have done anything.” Lulu scowled, as she walked away from them, heading towards her hut.

Tidus scratched the back of his head. “What’s her problem?” Wakka walked beside him, and stared at his wife walking away. “I don’t know, ya. She’s been like this ever since you came back. It’s the strangest thing, ya. I thought she’d be happy to see you back. Guess I was wrong.” He told him. They were all now staring at her, as she walked into the hut, almost slamming the door behind her. “Anyways brudda, don’t let it get to ya. She’s just in one of those moods. She’ll get out of it eventually. See ya later, man!” He then followed his steamed wife into the hut, hoping she wasn’t to angry.


Gippal was still laughing at the platinum haired woman chasing down his favorite blonde girl. “Uh oh. Looks like Paine has Rikku! I better go help her before she’s pulverized!” He chuckled one more time before running of after them, hoping that Paine wouldn’t do anything too bad to her. The Praetor sighed "He’s gonna need my help to hold back Paine! HEY! WAIT FOR ME!” Baralai called out, as he quickly trailed after the Al Bhed. Nooj stood there at the back, leaning on his cane. He was chuckling to himself, shaking his head. “Ha ha….those guys will never change.”

As Nooj looked away from the comical group, he caught a glimpse of something on Yuna’s finger. He smiled, and looked at the couple. Yuna looked at him, and was wondering what he was smiling at. She then looked down to her hand, then quickly noticed what he was doing. She hid it behind her back, and blushed a bit. Tidus noticed this also, and bowed his head a bit, mixing around the dirt with his foot. Nooj shook his head, and told them, “It’s okay. I won’t tell them. You tell them when you think the time is right. Just promise me one thing.” He looked to Tidus, who was now also looking back at him. He walked up to him, and whispered into his ear. “Keep her safe.” He then walked away.

Tidus, wondering why he would say that. Keeping it in mind, he looked over to his still blushing fiancé. He placed his arm around her, and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Eh, what’s the matter. He’s not gonna tell anybody!” He reassured her, rubbing her arm. “Yes….but I didn’t want anyone to find out just yet….”

She told him, as she met her eyes with his. Tidus gave her another kiss, and started to walk with her through the village. “Well…we’re going to have to tell everyone soon, before they leave.” Yuna nodded in agreement, but was still uneasy about telling everyone. What would everybody think about, High Summoner Yuna, married to the crazed Blitzball Player from Zanarkand, the Guardian that had helped her to defeat Sin. People would sure talk about it a lot though. Her life would then be pretty busy….or maybe it would finally calm down, and she could have the quiet life she’s always wanted.

Something then struck her. Nooj was engaged to LeBlanc. Which meant they would tell each other most things. Their secrets. “Uh….Tidus, you’ve seen how LeBlanc is, right?” She asked him, her voice a bit shaky. “Yeah” “And…you know how loud blonde’s can be about things….right?” Tidus’s smile then slowly went down to a worried frown. “Y-yeah….” “So…let’s say Nooj told her about this….do you think she would….”

Before she could continue any further, a loud scream broke the silence. “WHAAAT! TIDUS AND YUNA ARE GETTING MARRIED!” The blonde quickly placed her hand over her mouth, and looked at the crowds. Tidus and Yuna were now the center of attention, all eyes were on them. Rikku, for the first time in her life was now, speechless. Kimahri still had the same expression he always had: blank. All Wakka could do was blink his eyes, and rubbing them as well. Did he hear what he thought he had heard. Paine just shook her head, and chuckled a bit. “Yuna’s in a tight fit now….”


Brother, out of all the people, took the biggest hit from this. His jaw dropped low, and I mean really low. His eyes were wide with shock, not wanting to believe this. He arched over, with his arms hanging limply in the air. “B…but, how. This can’t be! I…I….AHHH!” Brother then yelled, and practically pulled out all his hair. He then dashed to the air ship, with hundreds of eyes looking upon his flee from the scene.

All was quiet for what seemed like hours. That is, until a familiar voice shouted out. “THEY’RE WHAT!” Everyone turned to the wide-eyed black mage, who was breathing heavily. The voice sounded very surprised, and angered. Yuna looked into Lulu’s dark violet eyes, and saw what looked like….great anger, and worry.

Everyone stood quiet. Yuna then took a step forward. “Tidus and I….have decided….that we want to be together. We are engaged.” Yuna held up her left hand, showing the ring to the mass of people. They all gasped a bit, then smiled. Even Wakka put on a pleasant grin, feeling very happy for her. “C’mon ya! LET’S GIVE THEM A BESAID CONGRATULATIONS, YA!” They all started clapping, and cheering, calling out their names. They were all happy for them, and hoped that they would have a great life together.

Tidus glanced back over at Lulu, who was now twitching all over. She held up her hand, with her pointer finger pointing up. Tidus eyes got big and scared. He quickly turned to Yuna. “Yuna honey….I’ll be back in a few hours, okay!” He told her. “But…why?” Tidus pointed over to the temple entrance, where there stood a very angry black mage, with a fire ball in her hands.

He bolted through the crowd, practically plowing them to the ground as he made his way through them. Lulu came running as fast as she could, getting the fire spell ready. “GET OUT OF MY WAY! MOVE! I’LL BURN HIM TO A CRISP!” No one dared questioned her. They stepped out of her path, watching her chase down Tidus into the island until they were out of sight. Everyone had confused looks on their faces, as they turned to Yuna. She put one a strange smile on her, and laughed nervously. “Uh….he uh…really pissed her off a while ago….” Everyone just shrugged, and walked over to her, getting their hands ready for a shake. Yuna would have to be ready for over an hour of conversations, and a million hand shakes.


When everyone had finally gone, Yuna made a sigh of relief. “I’m glad THAT little event is over…” All had gone back home. Baralai back to Bevelle, Kimahri to Gagazet, Nooj back to Guadosalam with LeBlanc, and so on and so on. Paine and Rikku had walked over to her, wanting to know why Lulu acted the way she did. “What’s her problem?” The blonde asked, scratching her head in wonder. “She seemed like she had some kind of grudge against him or something….” Paine said, as she took off the rose from her dress, and placed it in a nearby pot.

“You could say that….you could say that she’s glad, and not glad that he’s back….” Both the girl’s turned to their friend with furrowed eye brows. Before she could continue the conversation, they heard a yelp from over the horizon.

In the distance, you could see a blazing Tidus, with a pissed Lulu right behind him. Tidus was amazed, and scared at how fast this woman could run! “WHAT. DID. I. DO?” He asked frantically, hoping that she would tell him. She didn’t. She just kept throwing fireballs as quickly as she could, hoping that some would hit him. He had only been hit by a few, but one had struck him hard in the butt, leaving a black scorch mark on his pants. He blasted past Yuna, heading for the temple shouting, “TELL THIS CRAZY LADY TO STOP TRYING TO KILL ME!” He then dashed into the temple, thinking she wouldn’t damage it in any way.

Lulu finally came up to the girls, panting and breathing like crazy. “Do you….know what he put me through? First, he dashes right through a den of fiends, then we go bolting through a forest of thorns!” She exclaimed, pointing at all the little spikes she had in all her clothes and that were lodged into her skin. “Not only that, but he jumped over a water fall! A WATER FALL! He’s lucky I didn’t DIE from that! Well, if you’ll excuse me!” She snorted, as she rolled up her sleeves. “I have to burn that boy to a crisp! TIDUS, COME BACK HERE!” She then ran through the temple doors, with a fire burning and ready.

The girls watched in astonishment, as they watched the raven haired girl storm away. They all scratched their heads, wondering why she was so pissed. “You’d think she wanted him dead or something.” Rikku chuckled. Paine just stood there, listening to the yells of pain coming from the temple. Yuna sighed, shaking her head. This…is going be tougher than I thought…
CHAPTER 5: The First Swarm

A day had passed since the whole, LULU MASSACRE. Tidus lay resting on the bed in Yuna’s hut, trying to sleep through the sharp burning pains he was feeling from all the burns he acquired from black mage’s flames. Yuna spent over an hour healing the man’s wounds, trying her best not to disturb him. Then she spent over an hour trying to find out why Lulu started the chase in the first place.

“LULU! WHY THE HELL WERE YOU CHASING HIM ALL OVER THE ISLAND? WHAT DID HE DO?” The brunette was practically screaming, obviously very pissed at the black haired woman right now. “LE BLANC JUST YELLS OUT “Tidus and Yuna are getting married” and you expect me to be okay with that? WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YUNA? The woman who’s practically been your sister your WHOLE LIFE, is the SECOND to know this?” Lulu was yelling at the top of her lungs, panting from all the screaming.

“Do you THINK I actually told Le Blanc FIRST? Honestly LULU! NOOJ SAW THE RING ON MY FINGER, THEN TOLD LE BLANC! HE wasn’t EXPECTING HER TO SCREAM IT OUT TO EVERYBODY!” Lulu was breathing heavily now, in a fit of rage. “YOU COULD HAVE ATLEAST TOLD ME SOONER!”

Everyone was watching the screaming fight in the middle of village. It was a rare sight. Two, almost sisters, were now fighting more then they ever had before! Rikku and Paine walked up to the circle of people, and watched the scene from the back. “Man, I haven’t seen Yunie this pissed since….ever!” The blonde exclaimed, her face showing a bit of worry for her cousin. “Well….she has a right to be angry. After what happened yesterday. But to scream this much...” Paine was cut short as a voice whispered in

“ I think there’s going to be a cat fight soon.” They both turned to the grinning Al Bhed man, who was slouching over with his hands in his pockets. “Gippal! What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Bikanel?” Rikku asked.

“Are you kidding me? And miss all this action! No way!” Gippal joked, although Paine could detect a hint of seriousness in his voice. “This is nothing to laugh about you know! Yunie and Lulu could really start to hate each other!” Thoughts of what could happen if Yuna and Lulu were mortal enemies, got inside the blonde’s head. Worms in each other’s food….dumping fiend manure on the other….scratching and biting each other….or worse! Spreading each other’s secrets! Very dirty secrets. She put her hands to her head, and shook it like crazy, trying to get these insane idea’s out of her mind.

Just as Gippal was about to aggravate Rikku further, a red headed man came into view, with his hair pointed up as high as ever. “Eh, I haven’t seen Lulu, OR Yuna this angry, ya! Who knew that Tidus could cause something like this! Do you know HOW long Lu was nagging me last night about this! She just kept going on an’ on….I think my head hurt after all that chatter, ya!” He held his head, cradling it in his hand, like it was in great pain. It did hurt after Paine smacked him over the head, making it sting pretty bad.

“What was that for, ya?” The Besadian groaned as he rubbed the back of his head. Paine glared at him. “Stop treating this like a game! This is serious. Those two may lose their respect and friendship for each other! We have to do something!” “But what do we do?” Gippal said.


Tidus rolled around on the bed, moaning in his sleep. He kept mumbling under his breath. His voice sounded scared. “No….stay back….don’t come any closer! Go, please!” Tidus was in a broken down, wooden mansion. The room was surround by fancy, old pictures, of disturbing scenes. One had a rotted corpse, and another had a sword piercing through a man, and the blood was flowing down his back. There were many other pictures, but Tidus was to scared to look at them. Blood was scattered throughout the room, dripping from various places onto the floor, and blood coming from between the cracks of the wall. Dry blood had also left it’s mark in different places of the room.

He was on the floor, crawling backwards, as he watched his pursuer slowly come to him. “No, go AWAY! STAY BACK! GO!” The creature was in the shadow’s, so he was unable to see it, but for some reason, it terrified him to death. It kept making these strange noises, that were terrifying him. The sound was echoing through the room, like a blade cutting through rough flesh, ripping through it slowly. Tidus finally could go back no further, as his back hit the wall. He looked into the shadows, trying to find his predator. It was not there. He could not hear it, or see it anywhere in sight.

Tidus was breathing more, and his heart beating harder and faster. He could almost hear the thumping of his heart. He scanned the room, and when he could not see the creature he sighed. As he was about to close his eyes, he felt something fall on his shoulder. He opened his eyes, and looked. It was some kind of saliva, and from the way it was burning through his shirt, it was toxic. He looked up, and saw it. It dropped down, opening up it’s claws to catch it’s prey. It hissed out one thing before it finally caught him. “Time for the dream to end!


The fight was still going on. No one had even tried to stop it. They were to scared to do it. They thought if they budded in, they would be their next target, for a never ending shouting lesson. Everyone was starting to get really worried. The crowd started mumbling and talking about the current event. “When will they stop?” “Do they ever stop moving those mouths?” “WELL LULU, IF YOU CAN’T RESPECT MY DECISION, IT’S TO BAD FOR YOU! I LOVE HIM, AND NO ONE, ESPECIALLY YOU WILL CHANGE THAT!” “Man, I ain’t never ‘eard Miz’ Yuna talk like dat before.” “This is getting annoying.” “HE’S NOT RIGHT FOR YOU! HE’S ONLY A DREAM!" Just about everyone who wasn't Yuna's previous guardian did not understand this statement. Lulu kept on going "HE WON’T BE WITH YOU FOREVER!”

Finally, after so much yelling, shouting and screaming, someone in the crowd finally exploded. “WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP!” Everyone went dead silent, and looked towards the one who shot this out. Paine had a fiery look in her eye, one that said 'You’ve really pissed me off now' ! Paine walked into the middle of circle, right up to Yuna and Lulu. She gave them both a glare before speaking. “You two are supposed to be friends! You’re not supposed to be fighting over things like this!” “But she’s….” “So what if Yuna’s getting married to Tidus. Does it really matter? It’s her choice! If she wants to be with Tidus, let her be with him. Don’t you want her to be happy?”

Lulu opened her mouth, then closed it again. She looked down to the ground, trying to hide her face. A tear went down her cheek, one that only Yuna and Paine could see. She said quietly, “But if Tidus disappears again, Yuna will be…” Before she could finish, a loud scream shot through the village. It sounded familiar. Yuna looked over to where the scream came from. It came from…her hut. “Tidus…” She suddenly bolted through the crowd, telling them to get out of her way. She pushed her way through the people, until she got to her door. She burst through it, and found Tidus lying on her bed, with a horrified look on his face.

His body was covered in sweat, and he was very hot. His heart was beating faster than ever, and he was still breathing very heavily. Yuna ran over to him, and wrapped her arms around him. “Shh…it’s okay. It was just a dream…” Tidus quickly cut her off. “No! It wasn’t a dream! It was real! I could feel it. The fear…the cold…the wood…the pain….” Yuna backed her face up to his. “Tidus, you’re starting to scare me. It wasn’t real, okay…” He shot in again, “It was real! The toxin is on my shoulder, loo…” He looked over to his shoulder, but found nothing unusual. Just the burn that Lulu had placed there earlier.

Yuna had a very worried look on her face, as she lay down beside him. “Tidus….” All of Yuna’s former guardians (that still remained) rushed into the hut, also followed by Shinra, Buddy, Brother, and Paine. “See, this is what I’m talking about! He….” Lulu was about to go on, but Wakka placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently. “Lu…I don’t think now’s the time, eh.” She looked back at her husband, and sighed. She looked back at the couple who was laying on the bed.

“So…what happened?” Buddy asked, crossing his arms as he did. “Yes, why is blondie all sweaty? Gasp! Did….you two….” Before Brother could finish, everyone gave him a glare, and shouted, “NO!” Brother was taken back by this, and just slouched in the corner, listening to the events that had happened.

“So…Tidus man, what is going on?” Tidus sighed, and explained as best as he could to explain the dream, and how real it felt. He described the room he was in, and the pictures that were in it. Everyone shuddered as he told them about some that he saw. He finally told them of some creature that was hunting him. He felt horrified of the creature, even though he couldn’t see it. Then he finally finished the dream, by telling everyone the creature’s last words. “Time for the dream to end!

Everyone stood silent, and didn’t say anything. After a while of silence, Shinra entered the hut with a machine. He had left a bit earlier to get something from the Celcius. “What is that?” Gippal asked, curious to see what this strange machine was exactly. Shinra placed the machine on the ground near the bed, and turned to Gippal and the others. “This is a Dream Sphere Capturing Device, D.S.C.D. for short.”

“Your invention?” Buddy asked. Shinra nodded, and continued. “This allows you to watch a person’s latest dream. You place this…” He held up a thin tube, with a small needle inside it. "into a person’s neck, and it picks up old waves from the brain, and transmits them to the screen. Let me demonstrate.”

Before he went on, Paine asked, “Why do you have a thing like this?” Shinra said as he was inputing something on the D.S.C.D. “Brother asked me to make this, so he could watch his dreams of him and Y….” Brother quickly jolted from the wall and placed his hand over Shinra’s mouth, muffling out the the word. Everyone, even Tidus, gave Brother a strange glance. “Euh….it is…nothing! Now Shinra, show them how Dream Sphere Watchering thing works!” Brother exclaimed, as he finally let go of the boy’s mouth. He looked up to Brother, and saw sweat on his forehead. I guess he didn’t want his little 'FANTASY' dreams to get out into public.

“Anyways, allow me to continue. Tidus, turn over on your stomach.” Tidus furrowed his brow, but he obliged to his wish. He placed the tube over Tidus’s neck, and whispered to him. “This might hurt.” Tidus’s body flinched at the pain, as the needle entered into his spine. Yuna gasped, and placed her arms over him. “Tidus!”

“It’s okay. He’s fine. He’s just out right now. The one that is hooked up to this, must be asleep for this to funtion properly. Now, if you’ll all look at the screen….” He pointed to the flat screen that was now floating above the machine beside the bed.

They watched all the events that had happened in Tidus’s dream, and saw the pictures, on the wall. Their bodies shook as they saw the disturbing sights. Then they heard that sound. That terrifying screeching. Then….they saw Tidus crawling back in fear, of whatever it was that was in the shadows. “Did I mention….they have to relive the dream?” Shinra shot out.

Everyone looked at him. Yuna was scared for Tidus. “You….your making him go through this again!” Shinra replied “You want to understand how he felt, right?” Everyone slowly nodded in agreement, yet still unsure, but turned back to the screen.

Tidus’s body was sweating and shaking even more, and Yuna tightened her grip on him, and ran her hand through his hair, hoping it would calm him down a bit. On the screen, they could see something moving in the shadows, but then it disappeared. The screeching stopped. They saw Tidus, as he calmed down a bit. He started to close his eyes, but then something from above dripped onto his shoulder, burning right through his shirt. He looked up, and the thing dropped from the ceiling. It hissed it’s last words. “It’s time for the dream to end!”

Tidus woke up screaming, flailing his arms and legs. This shocked Yuna a bit, almost knocking her off, she held onto him tight, trying to constrict him. Wakka came up and held his legs down. “Calm down brudda! It’s over ya!” After what seemed like hours of constriction, Tidus finally calmed down, and noticed he was laying safely in the grasp of Yuna’s arms. He sighed, and held her tight to him. Everyone looked at the couple, and smiled, but still looked worried. Well, everyone smiled but Lulu, who still had a bad look on her face.

A small sphere popped up from the D.S.C.D., and Shinra picked it up. “What’s that?” Rikku asked. Shinra turned to the group, and showed them the black sphere. "This, is a 'Dream Sphere', or more specifically, a 'Nightmare Sphere'. Waves of emotion, either fear or happiness, will transfer through the tube, and go into the D.S.C.D., and make it a certain color. Fear, sadness, or other related feelings, causes it to go black. It will be white, if the user is happy or feeling something similar to that. If there really is no emotion, then the sphere will just stay to a dull gray.”

The boy genius finally finished his speech, as he placed the sphere in his pocket. “I’m going to study this sphere, and maybe try to find out what that creature is, and the location. If what you say about Tidus is true, Yuna….” Everyone looked to Yuna, then back to Shinra. “….this may be more than a dream.” Shinra then walked out of the hut, and back to the Celcius to study this strange dream.

Everyone just stood in silence, not saying anything. Tidus was thinking this through, trying to figure out what that, THING was. I saw it’s face…at least I think I did. It looked like his face. But it couldn’t be…could it?

As he was pondering about this, a loud voice interrupted his thoughts. “This is what I’m talking about! If something happens to Tidus….Yuna…will be….” More tears started to go down her cheeks, ones that everyone could see this time. She turned around, and buried her face in Wakka’s chest, trying to hide her sadness from everyone. Wakka was a bit stunned, for he had never seen his wife cry like this before. He put his arms around her, and patted her back. “C’mon Lu….it’s all right, ya!”

Tidus finally understood. He couldn’t believe he didn’t know why before. It’s not that she hated me……she just didn’t want Yuna to get hurt again…

He looked over to Yuna, who looked like she also understood why she had fought about this so much. Yuna got up from the bed, and walked over to Lulu, and placed a hand on her shoulder. She felt sorry that she had fought with her, even though she was just trying to keep her safe. “Lulu….I’m sorry. I didn’t know….think that you just didn’t want me to…hurt again. I wasn’t thinking.” Lulu started to calm down a bit, although her body was still shaking. She turned to everyone, showing a very red and wet face. The mascara around her eyes were running down her face, making it a very messy sight.

“No….I was just being selfish. I wanted to keep the old Yuna I used to know. But…you’ve grown older, and you want to be with someone you love. So….I cannot choose for you. If you want a life with Tidus, despite the risks their may be, that is your decision. So, be with him, Yuna. It’s your life, and I won’t control it, anymore.” Then both the woman started up the water works. They embraced each other in a hug, and cried together. Everyone was smiling, and glad that the great friends were finally back together.

As Tidus was smiling, he noticed Gippal who was dead frozen at the entrance of the hut, with his back turned to them. “Gippal?” Everyone, even the wet faced women, turned to the Al Bhed. Rikku went up to him, and looked him in the face. “Gippal, what are you….” She then looked over to his direction, and her jaw dropped. She pointed down the road, and screamed one thing. “FIENDS!”

Everyone scrambled from the hut, and outside. They couldn’t believe their eyes. In front of them was a horde of fiends, charging towards the village. Wakka gasped at the size of this! “There must be….hundreds of them, ya!”

Yuna knew they had to do something, and fast, or they would all be killed. She pulled out her guns, and twirled them around, and went down to a prone position. “Y!” Rikku, knew what she was about to do, so she went in and joined her. She took out her daggers, and expertly flipped them into the air, and caught, going behind Yuna. “R!” Paine grinned, and took her sword which was leaning on the side of the house, and flipped in beside Rikku. “P!”

Everyone had puzzled looks, but they all knew that they meant one thing. “LET’S RIP EM’ APART!” Gippal yelled out with his knife pointed towards them. He pulled out his hand gun, and pointed it towards the fiends, itching to let the bullets fly. “Hey, leave some for me, ya!” Wakka picked up a his World Chamion, and held it in his arms. “Lu….you go take care of, Vidina. Make sure he don’t get hurt, ya.” Lulu nodded, and rushed off to their hut. Buddy got down to a fighting stance, with his fists ready.

“I haven’t done this in a while….” Tidus grabbed the Brotherhood, which Yuna had given back to him shortly after he returned. He held it to his side, getting ready for the horde that was coming. “Let’s see if I still remember how to do this….” They all gave each other one last glance, before rushing the fiends that were coming to them.


The black cloak swayed in the wind, as the man stood on the highest hill overlooking Besaid Village. He smirked to himself, as he walked away from the the edge, happy with the his small Fiend horde. He walked over to a fully bloomed flower, all by it’s lonesome. He knelt down beside it, and started talking to it. “You must be lonely….being up here all alone.” He started, speaking to it like it was an actual person. “But do not worry….you will join your friends very soon.”

He looked up to the sky, which was a light blue, with clouds spread all around. “Just like the rest of this world should have gone, over one thousand years ago.” He picked the flower from the ground, and held it above his head. The wind picked up, and blew the petals off the stem. They were sent swirling around in the air, slowly blowing away, into the distance. He watched them float on the wind, then turned around, making a dark portal appear. He walked into it, and disappeared, along with the portal.


Tidus made the first move of the clash, by slicing clean through a charging Coyote. The body split in two, and thudded on the ground, blood spilling from the insides. Wakka was taking care of the many Zu’s that came flying in, screeching as they approached their prey. He threw it as hard as he could at the flying beast. It went right through it, making a hole through the whole thing. It screamed in pain, as it came crashing down to the ground. Wakka dove, and caught his ball, and landed swiftly on the ground. He didn’t notice the Drake that had snuck up behind him, and was about to tear right through him. It roared, and Wakka froze. As it was about to finish him, bullets zoomed through the air, and struck the beast down. It fell to the ground, it’s blood pouring from the wound.

Wakka, slowly turned around, and gave a nervous grin. Yuna couldn’t help but smile back, but then raised her guns again and yelled, “DIVE!” Wakka didn’t need to hear it again. He shot to the ground, with his hands over his head. Yuna went Trigger Happy, and shot down the Helms that were behind him. He looked up to the gun crazy brunette, and grinned again. She gave him a smile and a glare, and said, “You owe me Wakka!” In a high pitched voice. Wakka sighed, as he quickly got up, and quickly spun around, tossing his ball at the nearby fiends. “Eh, don’t be telling ME about owing someone, young lady!” The man laughed, as he caught the rebounding ball. Yuna glared at him, but couldn’t help but laugh also. “Fine, we’re even!” She exclaimed, as they both went their separate ways, fighting off the fiends.

“Everyone, stay in your huts! Fiends are here!” Lulu ran around frantically, yelling this out with Vidina in her arms. When the villagers heard this, they ran around screaming through the village, trying to get back to their huts. Evil Eyes started flying in, and catching the villagers, paralyzing them with their gaze, them ripping them apart and devouring them. Lulu had never seen fiends this act this way before. The way they acted surprised her. “Fiends are never like this…so why……” Before she could continue her thoughts, an Evil Eye came in front of her, and barred it’s teeth at her. Vidina was crying, afraid of the creature. Lulu wouldn’t let this beast get to her child. She raised her hand, and shouted, “Flare!” White fire surrounded it, then closed in on it. It engulfed the creature, then exploded, making it’s dead corpse burn in flames.

Rikku and Paine were back to back, cutting through any fiends that got to close. “How many of these things ARE there?” The blonde complained, as she stabbed a charging Lupine in the neck. “I don’t know, but it doesn’t look like this is going to end anytime soon!” The dark woman sliced through a Courel. “Well, it better stop soon, or else my hair is going to get so….gasp! PAINE! WATCH…” The blonde was about to push Paine out of the way, but it was to late. Fire came from beneath them, and burst at them. They flew into the air, with severe burn marks all over them. They thumped to the ground, and were a bit dazed. Paine looked ahead, and saw a Red Flan, smiling like an idiot. Rikku remembered the last time Fire was cast on her, she almost went totally bald. She almost cried at the thought of that. She touched her head just to make sure everything was all there.

She sighed, as she thought nothing bad had happened, but then, when her hand went over her head band, she couldn’t believe it. The thing felt scorched! The material was all totally burned! There was no way it could get repaired! Rikku stood up, and was very tense. The blood was rushing to her head. She was very pissed off right now. “YOU BASTARD!” She screamed, holding her daggers at the Flan. “GIPPAL GAVE THIS TO ME! I’M GONNA FREAKING RIP YOU APART! RRAAGGGGHHH!” She charged at the thing, and literally tore it apart, piece by piece. Gippal was just staring at the scene, his arm still up, shooting the fiends at the side. Atleast he HOPED they were fiends. His jaw was hanging low, and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He finally turned his attention to the wat he was shooting, and to his surprise, he was shooting nothing but air. He sighed, as he spotted a fiend and shot it down. He mumbled something, as he went into the mob of fiends. “Mental note….never….EVER…piss off Rikku.”

Yuna was running low on ammo. She knew she couldn’t keep on shooting forever. It was time to change her wardrobe. “Sphere Change!” Tidus saw a light flash, and looked over to it. He saw someone floating in the light, but couldn’t tell who. When it finally faded, he couldn’t believe who he was seeing. “Yuna!” The brunette was now wearing black jagged armor, with a black helm on top her head. And the weapon she was wielding….he couldn’t believe what it was. “Caladbolg…” He whispered in awe, wondering how she got that weapon. “The sword was shattered…the remains faded with me. How did it come back?” Was the question in Tidus’s mind right now. How did she get that sword? And another question, how was she able to wield it?

Yuna was surrounded by Iron Giants, which had detected her sudden rise in strength. She quickly held it to her chest, then raised it above her, and a dark aura appeared around the whole blade. “DARKNESS!” She brought it crashing down to the ground, dark energy came surging from the sword, striking down all the fiends around her. She saw Tidus who was gawking at her for the moment. She smirked, and spun in a circle, cutting up the fiend behind her, making blood fly from it’s body. “Are we impressed?” He only smirked back at her, then noticed movement behind her. A large Ochu was about to strike her down. “STOP!” Tidus’s spell froze the plant right in it’s place. Yuna turned around, and noticed it there. She then looked back, and nodded to Tidus. The tanned man came rushing in, right up to the Ochu, then launched himself into the air.

“Wakka!” Yuna yelled. He looked to her, and saw Tidus in the air, getting ready for what looked like….a Blitz shot. He understood. He threw the ball up to Tidus, who was ready for the kick. Tidus reached the maximum height, and the ball came into play. “Blitz Ace!” His foot came crashing down, sending the ball rocketing at the plant. It spiked it hard, and the ball bounced back to Wakka. He then came crashing down, with the tip of the sword pointing down. He went right through the Ochu, tearing through the plant like flesh, green ooze squirting from it, going onto Tidus’s body.

He cut his way out of the beast, as it’s body dispersed into pyreflies. He nodded to Yuna, who nodded back. They both dashed in opposite directions, taking out all the fiends in their path.


This battle lead away from the village, out onto the trail. Everyone was exhausted from all the fighting. Because of the great numbers, and random slashing, some were covered in the blood of fiends. Tidus and Yuna especially. It started to rain, the water dripping down the faces of the combatants. They couldn’t keep this up forever. “We’ve been fighting for hours! When will they stop coming!” Gippal groaned, as he tore through the flesh of fiends with his knife, while blasting down fiends with his gun. Even with Tidus’s Hastega spell cast upon everyone, they were all getting worn out. And soon, the spell would be diminished.

Tidus was totally surround by fiends, and found no opening, or any way of escape. Yuna was trying her best to cut a way through, but to no avail. If she used Darkness anymore, she would be totally drained of her energy. She had to get to Tidus, but it seemed hopeless. It was a good thing Wakka knew how to fight, cause his blitz ball wasn’t helping anymore. Fiends were closed in on him, and were charging him. He punched, kicked, and tossed fiends that came his way. He was using the ball as a hand held weapon, and not for throwing, beating off fiends. He wouldn’t last much longer.

Rikku and Paine were still beside eachother, fending off the fiends from getting to close. The only thing keeping the warrior going, was her determination and passion to never surrender, and the well being of her friends. She couldn’t stop now, despite the fact she was very tired. If she gave up, what would happen to her friends? She didn’t care what happened to her, but she did not want anything to happen to her friends.

Rikku had been a Berzerker for a while now, and that was probably the only thing keeping her alive this long. The feelings of the beast in the sphere, was keeping her fighting for her life! Fighting like a cornered lion, giving it all it’s got before it goes down. But Rikku didn’t want to go down yet. “Please don’t hurt me! I’m to young to die!” She yelped, as she frantically swiped through the dozens of beasts coming towards her. “Will these things ever stop coming?”

As Yuna was hacking a way through to Tidus, something from behind, pushed her down to the ground on her face. She groaned as she rolled over on her back, seeing what had done it. An Iron Giant stood over her, with it’s sword raised high above it’s head. It was going to strike her down. She couldn’t do anything. She was to Tired to move anymore. She could barely roll over.

Tidus saw this, and felt a surge of fear go through him. He didn’t want Yuna to die! He wouldn’t allow it! He tried to hack his way through, but it didn’t help. He was cutting and cutting, blood went flying, but it didn’t help. Everytime he killed one, more came rushing in to take it’s place. At that point, he thought they were all going to die. They were going to die by the hands of fiends.

Everyone saw the beast standing over Yuna, and were trying to cut a path through the fiends to get to her, but there were just to many. They couldn’t make it. They all screamed out her name, almost sobbing as they did. Tidus was the saddest of them all though. He was about to lose Yuna, no matter what he did. He squeezed his eyes shut, and screamed out “YUUUNNAAAA!”

Tidus then heard no noise at all. He slowly opened up one eye, then the other, examining the area. Everything was frozen. He was looking around, trying to figure out what happened. “It’s….just like the dream….”

Are you the dream that will be Spira’s Savior……or it’s Destruction. Only you can decide this. You choose. Choose.

It was that same voice from the dream. Who was it? That sentence kept repeating itself over and over. He was searching frantically for the source of the voice. Then his eyes went upon Caladbolg. The sound was coming from the sword. The legendary sword he once wielded. “Is it….speaking to me?”

Savior……or Destruction…

Tidus then heard, what he was pretty sure, sounded like, children laughing, and other people as well. This made him sound at peace. Then, the next thing he heard, was not so happy. Laughter, slowly turned into pain and suffering. There were screams, and yells of pain. It drove Tidus into fear. He did not know why. Then….there was, that screech. This caused Tidus to go down on the ground and curled into a ball. He was like a small scared child, wanting his mother’s warm embrace.

“Stop…please….MAKE IT STOP!” Tidus screamed out, and with that, the voices went down. He slowly got up on his feet, and looked around. There were many fiends. There must have been over five hundred. Then, he set his gaze onto the Iron Giant. The only thing in Tidus’s eyes that moment, were one thing. Hate.

You want it dead, don’t you.

A voice penetrated Tidus’s mind. He looked around, seeing if there was anyone still moving.

You want it to suffer, for trying to hurt your love.”

Although this voice felt evil, he could almost feel a….friendliness to it.

I can make it die…just tell me, and I’ll do it.

Tidus felt like he knew this voice. Like he trusted it. Yet it was like he had no idea who it was. He looked blankly at the great fiend over Yuna, and replied with one answer. “Yes.”

Time went back into motion, as the sword came so close to Yuna’s body. The next thing that happened shocked everybody. A blood red aura came from the blade that lay beside Yuna: Caladbolg. It took the shape of what seemed like a lance, and pierced through the fiends chest. All fiends stopped there movement, and set their eyes on the great monster.

Blood dripped from the wound that the lance like aura made. It was still lodged in the beast, holding it in place. Everyone was in shock. With a blow like that, any creature would be dead. But it wasn’t. Yuna saw what seemed like… horrible pain, in the eyes of the beast. Even though it was trying to kill her, she pitied the poor creature standing over her. But she was wondering how Caladbolg had made such a thing.

Tidus knew it didn’t deserve this much pain. Fiends slowly backed away from the sword, not wanting to get anywhere near it. Tidus had a direct path to the blade, and walked over to it. He picked it up. “Make it stop, it doesn’t deserve this!”

You wanted it to suffer.

Everyone was now staring at Tidus, wondering why the hell he was speaking to a sword.

You wanted it to feel pain…

"No…not this much. Make it stop.”

You wanted it to die. I cannot go against your wish.

So Caladbolg was really talking to him. Did this mean he was going crazy?

Yuna felt really worried for him now. “Tidus, why are you….” But he cut her off, as though he didn’t hear her. He screamed out. “MAKE IT STOP NOW!” He then pulled back the sword, and ran it through the Giant. The blood aura then dispersed into the air. The eyes of the Giant slowly, but finally started to cloud over, and it’s body disappearing into pyreflies.

Tidus was shaking all over. What had happened? What was happening to him? Why could the sword talk to him? So many things had happened since he had come back, things he did not like. He gulped, and dropped the sword to the ground, falling to his knees also. Yuna got on her knees, and crawled over to him. She put her arms around him, trying to soothe him. “Tidus…it’s alright now…”

The fiends were all still there, but had not moved since the blade had done that. They were all struck with fear. Yuna jumped back, as the man lurched up, and screamed. “WHAT THE HELL AM I!” He was breathing faster, and his heart beat was quickening. Did he do that? Or was it the sword. Before he could think about this any further, a familiar voice shouted through the silence. “ULTIMA!”

Wakka was the first to say anything after that word was said. “Everyone, dive!” Everyone was down to the ground, waiting for the spell to work it’s magic. Yuna had to pull Tidus down herself. He was to zoned out to do anything. A transparent portal was in the middle of the dirt path, as it started to suck all the fiends toward it. They all tried to pull away from the gravitational force, but it didn’t work.

When they were all gathered in the middle, a huge explosion shredded through the fiends, tearing them apart, and blowing them far away. Some parts of fiends just went shooting up into the air, and came crashing back down to the ground. For the first time in a few hours, their was no fiends in sight.
Corpses of fiends were scattered throughout the place, blood covering the path, fresh and dry. Lulu, who had cast the awesome spell, collapsed to her knees, and was still holding baby Vidina in her arms. Wakka rushed over to her, making sure she was alright.

“Lu, are you okay?” He gasped, noticing the many scars and cuts on his wife’s body. A tear strolled down her face, as she sobbed out. “Wakka….the village….it’s been massacred…totally massacred. Everyone is… ” She cried out the last word, which shook everyone to their core. “ DEAD!” She burst into tears, which made Vidina cry as well.


They all went around the tree’s, and as the village came into view, sadness filled their hearts. The village was scorched to the very core. Huts were on fire, tents were torn apart, the temple was in different pieces, scattered through the whole place. The once peaceful village of Besaid, now looked like a small war zone, which had been bombed severely.

Everyone was heart broken. They all fell to their the ground, and felt like dirt. They totally forgot about the village. How could they be so stupid. Yuna, was the most saddened of all. Her favorite place….her hometown…the first place he had met HIM, was now, gone? Tears fell from her cheeks, and onto the ground.

After hearing the quiet sobbing of Yuna, Tidus finally snapped back to reality, and saw his saddened lover. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. This place was special to him to. It was the first place he had been in Spira when he first arrived. Baaj Temple was a sad place, so he didn’t count that. “Yuna…oh Yuna please don’t cry….”

Yuna’s tears soaked the ground below her. If Tidus wasn’t here to comfort her, she would have nothing to live for. She accepted his embrace willingly, and leaned into him, shaking as she sobbed out each tear from her eyes.

When everyone had mourned long enough for the people and the village, Rikku finally squeaked out. “Lulu…how many fiends got to the village? Where did they come from?” Lulu stopped crying. She was totally still. She answered, but did not look up. “It was….not fiends.” This surprised everyone. “Not fiends? How could it not be fiends? What has the power to do that much destruction?” Paine exclaimed, as she finally gained control of her emotions, standing back up on her two feet again. Lulu was still on her knees, with Vidina in her arm. She still looked at the ground, as she answered. “A man.”

“A man? A fricking man can do all this!” Giappl shouted in anger, his blood now boiling. Tidus just stood there, still holding Yuna in his embrace. “One man…no, it can’t be.” He yelled mentally, not wanting believe who he thought it was. Rikku interrupted everyone’s thought’s, as she pointed her finger down the path to the massacred village. “Look! I see someone….down the trail!”

Everyone looked from the ground, and down the village path. They saw a man, a man in a black leather cloak, covering his whole body. A hood covered his head, the shadows from it hiding his face. In his arms, was a small boy, about six or seven years old.

Everyone was silent. The man reached the mourning group, and stopped in front of them, showing the child. The kid slowly opened his eyes, and saw friendly faces. He then looked up to the hooded face, and saw an evil smile on his face. The child was scared, and shouted out. “Please, help me! He’s going to kill me, like all the others… ” His words were cut short, as the man raised the child over his head, and snapped his spine. He was completely folded in two. All were horror stricken. The next thing made them all sick. He made the boy straight again, then tore the boy in two. The inards and organs of the boy spilled out from the body, and onto the ground. Blood poured out on the path, covering it in red.

He dropped the two halves of the body, and kicked them away. Yuna saw this, and immediately hurled. She threw up all of her lunch from the day, it pouring from her mouth onto the ground. Tidus patted her back, comforting her, then looked up to the man. He couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t. The man in his dream, the one that was trying to kill him, the one that called him a threat, was now standing right in front of him. Wakka’s face was in horror. He could barely speak.

“How could you….do that to a child?” The man turned to the shaking Besadian. “Very easily. I killed his parents. I simply…let him join them. Now they are together, in the farplane.” Wakka was sickened. The man laughed, as he shook his head, seeming to love the way he was reacting. “That is the man…that massacred us all…” Lulu gasped out, as she collapsed on her back, with Vidina on top of her. Wakka held her up, not letting he fall to the dirty ground. The man saw the fainted woman, and started to walk over to the couple. He raised his hand, about to strike them down, until he heard an angry voice. “You…sick bastard….”

The man stopped in his tracks, and turned to the direction of the voice. He laughed when he found out who it was. “Ah…Tidus. So, I finally meet the Dream of Zanarkand in person.” Tidus just stared him down.

“I may be a dream…but atleast I’m not a sick sunnuva bitch that kills innocent people and…children!”
Everyone watched the event. The two men stood staring at each other. Buddy finally spoke up, to break the short silence. “Tidus…you know this guy?”

The man turned to the Al Bhed. “Yes. Tidus and I have met. Although it was not a real meeting.” These words confused everybody. They all turned to Tidus, hoping he would clear this matter up. He didn’t.

“Just tell me, why do you murder innocent victims! Why do you want me dead!”

All heads turned to the man, who was now very still. After what seemed like minutes, he finally answered. “I am just doing….what should have been done one thousand years ago….”
CHAPTER 6: Man of Mysteries

They all stood there, still shocked at what this…mad man had just done. What great sin he had just committed. Tidus stepped up again, shouting with rage. “What the hell NEEDED to happen a THOUSAND YEARS ago? HUH!” He was panting heavily, as everyone watched him from behind. Yuna slowly walked up to him, and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, hoping it would help him.

The man just stood there, his cloak flapping in the wind. He thought they were hoping his hood would fly off with all this wind, but he made sure that the very thing would NOT happen. He placed a special charm on it, making it so it would not go down. He raised him arm, and a staff appeared in it. Tidus couldn’t believe what it was. It was the exact same one from the dream he had earlier. So…this really was the man from his dream.

He lowered his arm to his side, with the staff hanging from his hand. He started to reply to Tidus’s question. “Well…Tidus, I don’t think I should tell you. It’s just not in my list of priorities.” He stated this blankly, just staring at the group. Lulu was the next one to shout at him, but sobbing slightly. Something…she hadn’t done in a very long time. “But, why! Why does this plan need to…” She started sobbing a bit more, before she got the next part out. "INVOLVE KILLING INNOCENT LIVES, AND RIPPING APART CHILDREN!” She fell to her knee’s, and broke down crying, and this was something no one, had EVER seen her do before. Wakka ran to her side, trying to comfort her through this breakdown.

Rikku and Paine ran up ahead of Tidus, getting tired of sitting around. “I was never really any good at WAITING!” Rikku smirked, trying to hide the fear she had of this man. Paine was filled with rage, not able to just let this man get away with what he had done. This man had hurt her friends…and she would not take kindly to it. She did not need to make a cocky remark, not this time. This was serious. Tidus tried to catch them in his hands, but it was to late. “RIKKU…PAINE, NO!”

The man just shook his head, like he felt sorry for them. He just stood there, almost like he wouldn’t react at all. That is, until Rikku got in close enough for a jab. His unarmed hand had great reflex, grabbing the blonde’s daggered hand, and plunged it into her stomach. Her body was taken with shock. She almost felt as though she couldn’t feel the pain. She then fell to her knee’s, and finishing the fall onto her back. Gippal was about to walk forward, but lost the strength in his legs. Seeing the one he loved be hurt like that…he just couldn’t take it. His gun dropped down to his side, along with his knife.

He shot his arms up to the sky, as a tear escaped his eye, he screamed “RIKKU! WHY DO YOU…HAVE TO BE SO DAMN STUPID!” Just as quickly as she fell, Paine saw what this man had done, and it enraged her to swipe her sword at him. But it was a fake swing. Just as it was about to cleave the man, she twirled around and did a spin kick on the ground, attempting to trip the man. It didn’t work. He quickly jumped in the air, and gave a solid kick to Paine’s jaw, with lightning speed. She went flying back, and landed on the ground with a thud. Her blade went into the ground, right beside her head. If that had been any closer, she would have been dead.

Rikku was still alive, but barely. Her breathing was out of synch, one second she was breathing quickly, the next, she seemed just fine, besides the fact her own dagger had plunged into her. Yuna was completely shocked. Was her friend…dying? Or was she dead…and just breathing for no purpose? She buried herself into Tidus’s chest, as he too, stared in disbelief, at his two wounded friends. The brunette started shouting, as she turned her head to the man, tears streaming down her face. “H-HOW COULD YOU! They…they were just…TRYING TO PROTECT US! AND YOU GO AND KILL THEM! WHY!” She was practically sobbing in between each word.

The man just sighed, and chuckled. “Well…for a very good reason. I would like to keep on living. If I hadn’t done anything, I would be the dead one, wouldn’t I?” He chuckled partially at this, at the fact that this didn’t go through their heads when he first gutted Rikku. Yuna’s face was red from crying, but now from anger. She broke free from Tidus’s arms, and screamed at the man. “A MONSTER LIKE YOU DOESN’T DESERVE TO LIVE!” Tidus went up behind her and pulled her back, even as much as she resisted, her strength was nothing compared to his, and finally let him drag her back, with her displeasure.

At first, it just seemed like he shrugged off those words. But it seemed like they actually hit him. He lowered his head to the ground, looking almost…ashamed. “Is…that what you really think Yuna…” They were all a little puzzled at this. He didn’t take anyone else’s words to heart…so why Yuna’s? After what seemed like a long time of waiting, the man raised his head to all of them. “Well…Yuna, you may get your wish. As soon as I accomplish what I must, I will be leaving this world…but in order for that to happen, Yuna…you must come with me.” He held out his hand to her, hoping she would take it, but knew in the back of his mind, she wouldn’t.

Wakka, after being silent this whole time, left his now composed wife, in front of Yuna, putting his arms out to cover her. “Yuna is going nowhere with you, ya! She’s staying RIGHT here, with US!” No one had really ever heard Wakka angered before. He was either depressed, just in deep thought, or just plain worried. This was a first, also. This little scene was showing sides of everyone, that no one had seen before.

The cloaked man held out his hand still, totally ignoring Wakka. “Yuna, are you willing to sacrifice your flesh and soul to save the world, like your father before you?” These words, somewhat angered Yuna. Still being held by Tidus, who was making sure she didn’t do anything rash, started yelling, her tears finally gone. “I-I NO longer live by my past! I do not follow the temple anymore! What my father did was great…but I don’t want to follow in his foot steps! I live my own life! For myself! I have saved the world enough! It’s time Spira…had a new savior!”

He just stood there, his hand still out. Slowly, he lowered it back to his side. He shook his head again. “That’s…a pity. I guess…I’ll just have to force you then, won’t I!” He quickly raised his staff, and started walking towards them. Tidus came up beside Wakka with Caladbolg, both of them readying there weapons. Everyone else came up to the front to, ready for whatever this man was going to throw at them. They were willing to protect Yuna with their life! “OVER MY DEAD BODY!” Tidus shouted, having enough of this man.

“That, can be arran-” Then he stopped. He looked at Tidus’s blade, looking a bit fearful, and puzzled. “Where…did you get that sword…” He slowly started to walk towards Tidus, but fell to the ground as he did. Voices were swerving through his head, evil ones. Dark ones. He had great pain in his head, and his hands went flying to it, dropping his staff as he did. “Urgh…I thought…I’d gotten…OVER THIS!” He yelled, clutching his head from the pain. Just as he was about to fall completely down, he heard a whirring noise. He jumped back and grabbed his staff, and just barely missed Lulu’s Ultima spell. He fell to the ground, but no longer heard the voices. That was until Tidus was curious, and raised the sword closer to him.

The voices returned, although not as bad as last time. He quickly looked at them, then snapped his fingers. A dark portal appeared behind him. Tidus smirked and started walking closer, feeling confident with this weapon. “Scared of a little sword, are you?” The man slowly stood up, and back up into the portal. “Tidus…you know what that sword can do. You experienced it, didn’t you? You’ve seen it’s…one of it’s many abilities. Even if you think that sword has an advantage over me…if you keep it…Spira’s destruction will be inevitable.”

The portal slowly started to close, but got one last thing out. “And Tidus…give me a good fight before I kill you.”

The portal was almost gone, but Yuna shouted out, with a small hint of sobbing. “Atleast…give us a name! WHO ARE YOU!” Just as the opening was gone, a name echoed through the island as it disappeared. “You may call me... Fayt.” He was gone.

Yuna finally broke free of her lover’s grasp, and ran over beside Rikku, who was panting heavily. “Rikku…RIKKU! Oh…why did you….you…WHY DID YOU DO THAT, you STUPID BLONDE!” The brunette buried her face into her cousin’s stomach. Rikku coughed, and a small trickle of blood ran down the side of her mouth. “Yunie…Bmayca tuh'd lno...” (Please don’t cry) She smiled ever so slightly. “But…you…your….”

“Crying won’t help you Yuna…” A gentle wind blew in, as the voice spoke. A memory jolted through Tidus’s head. He recognized that voice. It belonged to one gruff man, one of the only two he knew.… “AURON!” Everyone turned around, and saw a myriad of pyreflies surrounding the transparent body of the Legendary Guardian himself.

As usual, he hung his great katana over his shoulder, the way he always held it for rest. That is, when he wasn’t using it. Everyone stood silent, as they watched the red robed enigma, walked by them slowly, over to Paine’s unconscious body. He bent down beside her, and closed his eyes, as he placed a hand on her forehead. After a few moments, he stood up, and announced. “She will be alright.” They all sighed in relief. He then walked over to Rikku.

He walked up beside Yuna, who still had tears on her cheeks. They were as red as apples. He turned to face her, and bowed politely. “It is nice to see you again, Lady Yuna.” Yuna was to shocked from all of this to even choke out anything. She just slightly nodded her head to him. He then turned back to Rikku, and bent down beside her. He placed his hand on her forehead also, closing his eyes in the process.
He shook his head with a sad look on his face. Yuna looked at him, looking at him as if saying, 'What’s wrong?’

He turned his head to the group, who were still staring at him in amazement. The old man spoke. “I’m sorry to say…that Rikku is very ill.” Tidus was the first one to break the group’s silence. It just made him so mad that he pointed something out that was already so damn obvious. “I think we SEE that already Auron! What, with a bloody DAGGER plunged into her-” “She has been poisoned by a powerful spell. A very dangerous one, if used at close distances.” Auron cut him off.

Lulu spoke now too, wishing this were a time of greeting, happy to see one of her more mature friends again, but knew this was not the time, nor the place. “But…can Yuna not just heal her? If it’s just a curse…or even a poison…surely, Yuna can-” Just as he did before, Auron cut Lulu off. “This is poisonagara. It is more deadly than any form of toxin you can imagine. Not something that can be healed by a novice spell. There is not much time….”

It was one of those spells again. The 'agara' spells, like the stopagara one in Tidus’s dream, the one that seemed as though it could stop the universe itself from moving. Well, Tidus knew, even from just experiencing just one of them, that these spells were not to be taken lightly. “Agara? The most powerful spell is the form of Aga! There is nothing after them!” Lulu exclaimed, trying to make herself not to believe this. Auron closed his eyes, and pushed his spectacles higher along the ridge of his nose.

“Hmph…it seems I have a lot to explain.”

Yuna finally got up from Rikku’s now barely breathing body, and started to scream at Auron. “WHAT IS GOING ON! JUST WHEN I THINK LIFE WILL FINALLY BE GREAT, FIENDS ATTACK THE VILLAGE, AND THEN A MAN COMES AND MASSACRE’S THE ISLAND! NOW MY COUSIN MAY DIE BECAUSE OF SOMETHING THAT THIS MAN DID TO HER! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!” Yuna was breathing hard, with a stare of cold anger, but not towards Auron, although it seemed like it.

Auron stood there like it was nothing. He turned his back to them, and started walking away form them. “It will be explained in Zanarkand.” Zanarkand? Why Zanarkand? The damned city that happened to be the place that started all the troubles in Spira. Why? Wakka walked forward, with his usual dumb, confused look.

“Sir Auron! Why in Zanarkand? Why not now? And how did you come here out of nowh-” Again, Auron spoke in. “It will all…be explained in Zanarkand. Hopefully…I’ll see you all there…alive” He whispered the last part. He knew what dangers awaited them if they started the journey there. It would be a long, but not as hazardous across the land. But…if they took the airship. There was a small chance of survival.

Before the man left, Tidus ran up in front of him, forgetting the face he could very well walk right through him. “Auron! I think we deserve the DAMN right to know why the hell this is happening! Blood has been spilt across the island, it wreaks of death, and you expect us to WAIT until-” The gruff man just passed right through him, seeming as though Tidus wasn’t even there. This pissed him off. It was kind of like old times…sometimes wishing he could have those times back.

“DO YOU ATLEAST KNOW WHO THE HELL THAT MAN IS!” Those words, one way or another, stopped Auron in his tracks. He didn’t look back, nor did he look ahead. He just looked down to the ground, as a sigh escaped his lips. He lifted his head, and then just kept on walking. This angered Tidus to no end, and started to charge at him.

“HEY! I! AM! TALKING TO YOU!” By the time his brain processed the fact that this was just Auron’s spirit, it was to late. He had executed a diving tackle, which ended up in his body passing RIGHT through him (again) and hitting the ground, HARD! “…Why do I always regret doing something AFTER I’ve done it….” Before he could get up and continue his fit against Auron, he was already gone with the wind that had brought him.

No one said a word. It was silence. One of those awkward silences people would have every now and then in conversations. But this…was just horrible. Everyone was to choked up to say anything. That is…after Gippal made his final sarcastic remark. “This day…gets shitier by the minute.”


It was night. The moon was full, and it shone a silver light down upon them, only to make the arising mood more depressing. Atleast it wasn’t raining. It could’ve been worse. All of them had worked hard for that day, burying the dead, all that had lost their lives. The men did most of the digging and burying, but Yuna and Lulu did their part too. They made sure that the people were as clean as possible before being put into the ground.

Then, as the final patch of dirt was set on their grave, Yuna would take her summoner’s staff, and perform the sending. It would take to much power to do this for everyone all at once, atleast after all the energy she had already lost.

Everyone had agreed to just let Gippal stay by Rikku’s side. She was laying by the fire, on a bed that had been forged out of the biggest and softest leaves they could find. She had only allowed to Gippal to be the one to remove the dagger. When this did happen there was a lot of cursing, pain, and tears, but together they both got through it.

Her stomach was completely bandaged, but even that along with removing the dagger did not help. She was poisoned. That much, Gippal could tell. Her skin was going pale, her pupils were smaller then he had ever seen, and she was trembling every now and then. She needed treatment. Very soon.

By now, Paine was up and awake from her slumber. It would have not normal for any person to wake up from unconsciousness so fast. But, this was Paine they were talking about. She was tough. She had been offered the chance to rest more, but she wouldn’t hear of it. She wanted to help bury her friends on the island, although she did not know them all very well, they were still close to her. This like her second home, and she had to help out with the burials.

Everyone was thinking about who they had lost, friends, family, or just people they would see from time to time. They were all mourning in their minds. No one would show their weakness anymore. Lulu was mourning the most out of all of them. This had been her home….ever since she was a child. She knew that Sin had ravaged it once before, but it was repairable. But this…nothing could fix this. If she was weak in emotions, like most women her age, she would have broken down crying a long time ago. But that was not her. It just wasn’t who she was. She had to stay strong for her friends…and for herself.

Yes, most people were mourning their losses…all…except one at the moment. Tidus. As he was digging away and filling up this grave, his eyes glanced over to his sword every once in a while. Those words…the one the man said, along with the ones in his dream were starting to sound…strange. Atleast stranger then before. He actually started taking these words seriously…like they actually meant something important.

His train of thought broke, as he was tapped on the shoulder by his Besadian friend. “Eh, Tidus man…you can stop…digging now ya…that was…the last one.” He said solemnly, still saddened by the event that had just taken place. The blonde man nodded, and Wakka set down the shovel he had found in the destroyed town, and walked away. Gippal and Paine followed close behind him.

He was about to join them, but then forgot about one very important person. Yuna. He turned around, to where the final grave lay. She was kneeling overtop of it, finishing her sending, and blessings. Tidus walked up behind her, joining her on the ground. He just looked at her face. It was a sight he was starting to get used to, but didn’t want to continue.

Tears were streaming down the girl’s face. Although she was not sobbing now, she just couldn’t hold her emotions in. “W-why am I doing this…in front of all my friends! I’m…supposed to give people hope…not show my weakness, and turn my back on them. Just…why must this happen…why…” Words like these were darting through her mind, at every second of passing time.

She started shaking, and finally her face was lead to her hands, and her tears slipped through her fingers, and onto the dirt below. Tidus couldn’t stand to see this, Yuna, HIS Yuna, go through this sorrow. He wrapped his strong arms around her, and pulled her in close. Not long after, she broke her palms away from her face, and wrapped her arms around her lover. She held on so tight, but it didn’t affect Tidus at all, well not physically anyways.

After what seemed like an hour of the two just holding each other, Yuna finally brought her eyes to Tidus. They stared at eachother, and then their lips connected, giving each other a long, passionate kiss. Then they parted, and stared at each other again. She then rested her head on his chest, and breathed lighter, dried tears on her cheeks. “Tidus…” She choked out.

“What is it Yuna?” He asked, sounding concerned. She just sighed deeply, and closed her eyes.

“Please…don’t ever leave me. Do you…promised to stay with me until the end?”

He smiled, after what seemed like he never would again, he did. He put his mouth to her ears, and whispered. “I’ll love you Yuna…but not until the end…always.” Hearing these words again, spurred a happiness that had sunk into her heart since this massacre had begun. She then tightened her grip on him, as they layed down on the ground together, cuddling close. They then both, fell asleep on the ground, like the few nights before.


“You know what that sword can do.” “What will you do?” You experienced it, didn’t you?” “Have you decided?” You’ve seen it’s…one of it’s many abilities.” “You will either be Spira’s Saviour….” “Even if you think that sword has an advantage over me…if you keep it…” “Time to die!” “Spira’s destruction will be inevitable.” “Or it’s destruction…” “You choose” “Choose”


Fayt, the so-called name of this monstrous man, was walking through Farplane Glenn, the place where Vegnagun had rested only a few weeks ago. Since the Machina Weapon had disappeared, so had the fiends in there. It was totally uninhabited. Not a soul in sight.

He walked past the keyboards, and the platforms, until he reached the sphere where Vegnagun once was. He looked up to the doorway, and spoke as if to no one. “Why…why must this death continue? Why must all this be done!” Fayt sounded as though he was pleading to someone, begging them to stop. Well, it was good to know he wasn’t totally insane, just talking to himself.

“You know why it must be done, my friend.” A soft, yet booming voice erupted from the sphere, indicating their voice was coming from inside.

“But…these are innocent people, they do not deserve to die!” He slammed his fist into the door, which was blocking his entrance. The voice sighed, and continued speaking. “You do remember…what would happen to them, if you did not do this, yes?” Feeling ashamed, but understanding what he was saying, Fayt slowly nodded his head, and regained his composure.

“Can’t we…stop them ourselves?” He asked, not wanting to continue this anymore. “We are my friend…we are accomplishing what we must, so THEY do not. Would you want the people of Spira to suffer like that?” The voice asked, almost sounding gentle. He slowly shook his head, realizing why he had done this in the first place. He sighed. “Yes…your right…but…do we need to…do what is needed to in the end? There MUST be another way!”

“You know there isn’t. There is no other way to do what we must. Would you rather have someone else and HIS companion to go through this?” The enigmatic voice asked. “I-no…I would not…there is just one thing…” “And what is that?” It asked. “I hope…I can be forgiven.” He replied blankly.

“Do…you mean by Yevon?” The voice chuckled slightly, making it sound like a joke. “You know there is no such thing. You know of who I speak of.” The voice stopped for a second, almost seeming like it was thinking deeply, until it spoke up again. “Ah, yes. Is it... God you speak of?" It finished. Fayt nodded his head, and placed a hand over his face.

“I’m sure He knows you must to do this. It is humanity’s only hope.” The voice finished, sounding sympathetic towards him. Fayt stood in front of the door, facing it directly. “Whether he forgives me or not…the shame…will never leave my heart, nor my soul.” As Fayt finished his talking, he walked forward, and placed a hand on the door.

“Do you mind if I come in, old friend? I have to many…bottled up emotions. I need to release them.” Fayt needed to get let these feelings out, desperately, or else he would go insane. “Come in my friend, and take as much time as you need.” And with that, Fayt walked inside the sphere, closing the doors behind him.

If it were not for the fact that he was in the Farplane, the scream the man let out, may have been heard by all of Spira.
Chapter 7: And So, Our Journey Begins…

"Suja ed! Suja ed! Fa tuh'd ryja ymm tyo, baubma! Fa yna Zanarkand puiht!" Brother was running around the Celcius, yelling like a madman. He always was the ‘scream first, think later’ kind of person. Though everyone found it quite annoying and frustrating at how frequently he kept nagging them, especially after… what had just happened the passed day, they knew he was right. Rikku was dying, it seemed as though Auron was waiting for them in Zanarkand with some possible answers, not to mention the fact that everyone was quite perplexed about Tidus’s vague connection to all of this.

Wakka and Gippal were loading the airship up with whatever scraps or supplies they could manage to scavenge. Rikku was already stowed away in the resting area of the ship, all the other women nursing and comforting her. Shinra and Buddy, as well as the remaining crewmen were making preparations to ready the Celcius for takeoff, frantically moving from touch-screen to dials, double-checking everything to be sure it was in top condition.

Everyone was keeping themselves busy, doing their best to leave as quickly as possible… or perhaps it was to forget the massacre that had occurred. That seemed to be the more logical reason, but whatever the case, they needed to leave soon and push the bloody memory of this once serene little island behind them. They needed to do their best to forget the hurt, the Fiends, the death… the suffering.

Tidus, who found himself unable to sleep during the night, had risen earlier than anyone, and had already accomplished a good chunk of the work before anyone else had even awoken. Sitting on the deck of the airship, he found himself pondering on… well, everything. He hadn’t been able to sleep much lately, what with all the dreams and tediously repeated phrases that played over and over in his mind. Destruction… Spira’s future… dreams… stories… the spiral of death… Fayt… savior… what did it all mean?

Turning his sight towards his blade, Caladbolg, Tidus tried to figure out what the hell his, and this sword’s, connection was to all these events. It all seemed so confusing, probably because it was. When he had first found out that he was nothing but a dream; a living figment of someone’s imagination, he wouldn’t hear of it. To just fade away into nothingness after saving this world… his love… he didn’t know how to comprehend it, to handle it! Now, however… he though Spira would have been better off if he had never returned. Could he be the reason for this world’s trouble? It seemed so much more than coincidence that all of this was happening not long after he came back. And this sword… how does an artistic looking piece of steel have such power, not to mention it’s own mind? It was just so…

“Tidus?” His train of thought came to a halt as that voice pierced his thoughts. His head twisted around, glancing to the source. “Hey, Yuna.” He replied in a rather mellow tone. Turning back around, he laid his legs straight on the ground, leaning back slightly with his hands on the cold, white metal to support his body.

Walking towards him, Yuna began speaking, her voice quite frail. “So… how… are you feeling?” She sat down beside him, though somewhat distanced, both physically and mentally. After what she had witnessed him go through yesterday, it was quite understandable.

He made a dry chuckle, though it wasn’t really because he found it funny, but ironic rather. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I mean, you had to… after such a long time…” That sentence drifted off, thinking twice about finishing it. It probably wasn’t a good idea to remind her about it anymore, after all, she was crying pretty hard while she was Sending them away.

She nodded slowly. “No... I’m fine. It was hard, though.” She paused, then sighed loudly. “I’m just glad it’s over.” She wanted to say ‘for now’, but never again did she want to perform that act under such circumstances. She wanted to believe that she would never have to go through this again. However, she knew that deep down, sooner or later, she probably would. It’s funny, the games that denial plays with you.

It was quite silent for a time. There had never been a moment this awkward between them, ever. Becoming quite uncomfortable with the situation, Tidus piped up. “So Yuna, about… what happened with me yesterday. You see, I—“

A burst of laughter filled the air, cutting him off. It wasn’t just any kind however; it was that of a child’s. His eyes began darting around the area, scanning among the trees and bushes, looking for whom or what made that sound.

“Tidus… are you all right?” She said this with a certain amount of worry in her voice, giving him an inquisitive look along with it. He quickly turned to her, placing his hands on her shoulders a tad forcefully. “Didn’t you hear it? That sound… a kid was laughing! That could mean there’s someone still alive! We have to get the others, find them quick! We have to—”

Placing a hand on his arm, Yuna gave him a look with what he thought to be filled with uncertainty and slight worry. “Tidus, I didn’t hear anything. Are you sure you’re fine?”

Tidus was quite taken aback by this, or to be more specific, it was like a brick wall had just been tossed directly into his body. “N-nothing? But… but I heard it, clear as day!” He took hold of her again and shook her slightly, his voice sounding firm. “I’m not crazy!”

Again, that same, childish laugh filled the air, causing Tidus’s head to jerk once more, looking around. Once again, the sound echoed throughout the island, seemingly. Tidus let go of Yuna, going towards the edge of the ship. Placing his hands around his mouth and shouting towards the mainland. “Heeey! If you’re out there, come to the ship! There are survivors over here! You’ll be okay!”

Both Wakka and Gippal were headed towards the huge flying machine as they heard the blonde emptying his lungs to the lifeless land. They gave each other weird looks, ones of concern. However, they ignored the outburst, thinking that Tidus might still be in shock. That’s what they tried to tell themselves, anyways.

After a few minutes with no reply, Tidus was about to scream, but then the sound of the child came, and this time from behind where he stood. He jolted around, looking for anything besides Yuna onboard the deck. Just as he was about to give up and classify himself as a nutcase, his eyes landed on the only other thing in sight: Caladbolg. He began walking towards it, Yuna looking as worried as ever. She began standing up, backing away with her wrist in her hand. It was the only thing she felt she could do to comfort herself at the moment.

Anger began building up inside of Tidus as he began nearing the blade. He picked up the weapon, looking at it with fierce eyes, yelling at it as though it were another human-being. “What the hell do you want from me? Why did you choose me!” The yelling became louder, and he began swinging it every now and then. “You’re the cause of this! You must be! What did we do to deserve this, huh?!”

He kept going on and on, chattering and ranting in a rage. Yuna, becoming quite scared of this more than strange behavior, spoke up weakly. “Tidus… please stop.”

Through all his noise, he was somehow able to hear her pathetic plea. He quickly ran up to her, pinning her against the wall with the blade at her throat. “Don’t tell me what to do, you whore.”

Yuna was quivering in fear, her body trembling fiercely and tears rolling down her face. It took a few moments for the realization of what he had just said and done to sink in, but when it finally did, his eyes were wide with shock, letting go of Yuna and dropping to his knees, the sword falling to the ground with a clang against the metal floor.

Slowly, he buried his face into the ground, pleading to both himself and the shivering Yuna. “Wha… what am I doing? That’s not me… I didn’t mean to say that!” Then the sobbing began. “I’m supposed to love you, protect you! I’m… I’m not supposed to hurt you like that! Damn it! Please forgive me Yuna… I… I didn’t…” Before he could go on with his sad form of begging, a cold cackle came from his right side. His tear soaked face turned to the origin, seeing only Caladbolg once again.

He clenched his fists, and grabbed the blade harshly. He stood up and began walking towards the edge. “So, you think this is funny, do you? Well, I’ve had enough of you! You can take your damned sense of humor to someone else, ‘cause I don’t want it!” And with that, Tidus tossed the blade as far as he could into the distance. He turned back around and started heading towards the brunette who was still in shock against the wall.

Yuna, still frightened by what Tidus had just done to her, cried out to him. “Please stop this! I’m afraid Tidus! Please, just—Tidus!” She screeched his name, covering her mouth with her hand and pointing off towards the direction that the man had just recently been looking. Before he could even react, the blade flew right into the ground beside him, sticking out not a foot away from where he stood.

Jumping in fright was all he could do! Generally, a boomerang effect doesn’t apply with swords, so how else was he supposed to react? A voice suddenly penetrated his mind.

I am yours to wield, and your soul is mine to own.

Tidus backed away from the blade, shouting at it. After everything this blade had shown to him so far, this was not much of a surprise to him any longer. “No one owns me! I’m my own person, you hear!”

We made a pact, one that cannot be undone.

Feeling quite frustrated, his voice began elevating in level. “I never made a damn pact with a damn sword!”

But you used my power, did you not? You asked me to save the life of the one you love, to defy the hand of death itself. That in itself is that pact that binds us together. From this day forward, only by the hand of death shall we part.

Tidus, his body quaking with rage, didn’t know what to do, so he screamed the only thing he could think to say. “Go to hell!”

Unbeknownst to him, the hatch door had been opened a few moments before, with Lulu and Wakka standing in the elevator, frozen and petrified. Wakka, getting down a dry gulp, spoke as normally as he found was possible. “We’re, uh… ready to go… ya.”

Lulu rushed over to Yuna, who was now on the ground, crying her heart out, wondering what in the world was going on… and why her and the one she loved always seemed to fall in the middle of it’s problems.