Final Fantasy X for the 3DS

Epic Kirby

Kirby Dude
Nov 29, 2010
This is my first proper thread at these forums XD.

Recently on my blog I did a fantasy (not final) top ten list of games that I would want to be redone for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS.

Well FFX made the second spot (Luigi's mansion and Kirby getting first), I mean I would love to see those stunning cutscenes in 3D. That would be awesome. I'm actually quite romantic (for a boy XD) and would love to see the Tidus and Yuna scene in the lake in 3D.

Imagine battering Seymour four times in 3D heh heh. What do you guys think? Would you buy the game again to relive it in 3D? Or would 3D ruin the experience rarther than enhance it.

Sorry for the length of that, almost as long as a FF game :ryan:
Could you post the link to this blog post? I'd like to see the full list.

I think it might enhance it, but, I wouldn't go out and buy a 3DS just for this game. I might buy the game itself just to put it up on a shelf, but a 3DS isn't on my wishlist, yet.

Anyway, back on topic, I think it would be fun playing FF X on the 3DS. It would give it a different feel, and it may make more people like the game, considering it currently has a pretty low fan base.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
I would probably buy a 3DS for a FFX 3D remake. I don't know the graphic capacities of the 3DS so I don't know how much they could improve the graphics from the original. I also hoping for a FFVI and FFV remake on that console. I would prefer that rather than FFX.
I would probably buy a 3DS for a FFX 3D remake. I don't know the graphic capacities of the 3DS so I don't know how much they could improve the graphics from the original. I also hoping for a FFVI and FFV remake on that console. I would prefer that rather than FFX.

Yes! I will also BUY a 3DS if there such FFX remake. The game is very beautiful. Seeing certain places and cutscenes in 3D will be so cool.
Its not just the 3d effect that you have to worry about. Its the changeover in animation and graphic quality that you get with 3D. I mean with the 3DS you can choose to make it 3D but you can also change it so it's just on the regular screen.

With Final Fantasy X the graphics were alright, but you have to think, can they make it better by putting it into 3D, and what would they have to do to make it so it looks even better than it was origionally.
I would definatly buy a 3ds just for it, considering I no longer haveFFX for ps2,, and there is nowhere around here that sells it anymore. I think a 3ds remake would be great if the DS could hold the graphics
Could you post the link to this blog post? I'd like to see the full list.

I think it might enhance it, but, I wouldn't go out and buy a 3DS just for this game. I might buy the game itself just to put it up on a shelf, but a 3DS isn't on my wishlist, yet.

Anyway, back on topic, I think it would be fun playing FF X on the 3DS. It would give it a different feel, and it may make more people like the game, considering it currently has a pretty low fan base.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson

It does have a low fanbase, I don't really get why its one of the least popular FF. I thought it had one of the most detailed worlds of all the FFs.

Oh yeah just in case you didn't get my message, the link to the whole blog post is
Well I know they will be updating this game in HD for ps3 but I highly doubt it will be remade for 3DS. Theyd probably try remaking 8 and 9 before X gets there...But I dont really see the big deal of "3D" so I probably wouldn't buy it anyway XD
Well I know they will be updating this game in HD for ps3 but I highly doubt it will be remade for 3DS. Theyd probably try remaking 8 and 9 before X gets there...But I dont really see the big deal of "3D" so I probably wouldn't buy it anyway XD

They will be updating this for PS3? When did you find this out???
They will be updating this for PS3? When did you find this out???

A news thread popped up sometime ago that gave a very vague kind of implication. See below.

Well I know they will be updating this game in HD for ps3

I wouldn't say "will". From what I remember, it was just an idea that SE had as other developers are already doing with games like Ico and God of War. I don't think anything is in the cards yet, and quite frankly, I'm not sure why it would be necessary unless they're mainly for PS3 gamers who have never touched the games yet on the PS2.

And err...nah, I wouldn't really want this for the 3DS. I don't know how powerful the 3DS is and whether it's capable of FFX's visuals. It's probably going to look rather sub-par when it comes to the technical visuals - not that it would be a big problem of course, unless the 3D efforts are noticeably bad. I just don't think FFX would be the first game on my mind for a 3DS remake.
Pointless port is pointless. If Final Fantasy X were to be remade for a handheld, it would be on the PSP. At any rate, the 3DS isn't going to be worth it at launch. Considering the astronomical price, the recycled N64 ports and the horrendous battery life.
A news thread popped up sometime ago that gave a very vague kind of implication. See below.

I wouldn't say "will". From what I remember, it was just an idea that SE had as other developers are already doing with games like Ico and God of War. I don't think anything is in the cards yet, and quite frankly, I'm not sure why it would be necessary unless they're mainly for PS3 gamers who have never touched the games yet on the PS2.

And err...nah, I wouldn't really want this for the 3DS. I don't know how powerful the 3DS is and whether it's capable of FFX's visuals. It's probably going to look rather sub-par when it comes to the technical visuals - not that it would be a big problem of course, unless the 3D efforts are noticeably bad. I just don't think FFX would be the first game on my mind for a 3DS remake.

I only even suggested it because everyone who has seen it says that it is on par with PS2 visuals and maybe slightly better which is why gamecube/ps2 ports are already confirmed to be coming to it, so I thought why not FFX?. Some say PS3 even but I know they are mistaken, it only looks PS3 standard because of the small screen and high resolution.
If anything, it would be on the PSP2.

Look, I'm not going to say anything is "impossible," but this is highly, highly unlikely. I'd love to be proven wrong, but Square Enix doesn't care enough about X to do this. If they really cared about X, they would have released it in HD on the PS3. They could still do that in the future, but they're taking their sweet always...doing random side games that no one really wants...and botching big name titles...
If anything, it would be on the PSP2.

Look, I'm not going to say anything is "impossible," but this is highly, highly unlikely. I'd love to be proven wrong, but Square Enix doesn't care enough about X to do this. If they really cared about X, they would have released it in HD on the PS3. They could still do that in the future, but they're taking their sweet always...doing random side games that no one really wants...and botching big name titles...

EXACTLY! You just said it! They don't care about X but they do random games that no one really wants. FFX doesn't have the biggest fanbase in the world. That could be the random game that no one wants!

As for PS3 it depends what you mean, just sprucing it up for HD or updating the graphics? If you mean updating the graphics then there is every chance it WON'T be on PS3.

They can save on development costs if they port it to a graphically weaker console and sell it for almost the same price they would for PS3.

The same goes for why it wouldn't come to the PSP 2 either. The PSP 2 apparently has early PS3 graphics (higher development costs)

The 3DS is a way for them to cash in big time with little effort. The 3DS can manage PS2 level graphics which means FFX would be a simple port, no effort needed.

Which is why the 3DS is more likely than PS3 or PSP 2.

Pointless port is pointless. If Final Fantasy X were to be remade for a handheld, it would be on the PSP. At any rate, the 3DS isn't going to be worth it at launch. Considering the astronomical price, the recycled N64 ports and the horrendous battery life.

You must be psychic to have knowledge of the price before its even been announced unless of course your assuming that the American/European price is just a direct conversion from the Japanese price which it has never been in history (sorry but im touchy when it comes to Nintendo XD ), funny you say recycled N64 ports...

Resident Evil Revelations (new game)
Mercenaries (new game)
Kid Icarus uprising (new game)
Kingdom hearts 3D (new game)
Cubic Ninja (new game)

I can't be bothered to go on. That battery life is no better or worse than DSi. If your worried about astronomical price better watch out for the PSP 2. Early PS3 graphics and HD screen don't come without a price, you know?

What? Like I said, I'm touchy when it comes to Nintendo XD
No, PS3 is much more likely. Besides the fact that X was on a Sony console, the PS2, the PS3 update would be very simple. It's what they're doing for the Ico collection, the Sly collection, the Tomb Raider collection...It's very simple and costs relatively little. I wasn't talking a full on remake.
Why will it be on the PSP2 instead of the 3DS? Remember that Final Fantasy games have been released on the DS as well as the PSP. Making it 3D would probably be easier than redoing the whole game.
Why will it be on the PSP2 instead of the 3DS? Remember that Final Fantasy games have been released on the DS as well as the PSP. Making it 3D would probably be easier than redoing the whole game.

With OLDER FF titles, sure. However, it's a freaking Sony handheld >.>

This is just a random ass shot from left field. Seriously. Why would Final Fantasy X, or any FF's beyond VI be on the 3DS? VII, VIII, and IX would be overlooked, with that logic but I don't think they should be watered down on this hideous handheld EVER.
Seriously though, why not make a 3D X for 3DS. Because:

1). To aim to port a PS2 game to the 3DS seems reasonable because the 3DS is probably around the power of the PS2 or higher (I assume). Easy ports I assume beat original games in development cost.

2). They can simply make the game 3D and then rake in the money, charging full-price for it.

The problem with releasing it on the PSP2 is:

They will probably either have to charge a smaller price for it and release it as a direct port, or redo the whole game which will probably cost a whole lot and take years, in order to make it a fitting PSP2 game.

The problem with releasing it on the PSP is:

Well there isn't much of one, but the price would probably be too high since it'll probably be a direct port passed off as a new game, and the PSP is starting to get out of its lifecycle should the PSP2 be released any time soon.
It would be cool if they did something for the 10th anniversary of FFX and maybe made a spin-off game or a prequel to the game. Something like Auron's Jecht and Braska's adventure, that would be epic. But the original game ? no, because the game's graphics is still pretty good for it's age, and the storyline and characters are still fresh in our minds. FF X isn't really ready for a update or remake yet. Though it would be awesome if they did something to celebrate the 10 years next year.:boogie:
Could you post the link to this blog post? I'd like to see the full list.

I think it might enhance it, but, I wouldn't go out and buy a 3DS just for this game. I might buy the game itself just to put it up on a shelf, but a 3DS isn't on my wishlist, yet.

Anyway, back on topic, I think it would be fun playing FF X on the 3DS. It would give it a different feel, and it may make more people like the game, considering it currently has a pretty low fan base.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson

If Square were to put FFX onto the 3DS I think that many would be surprised by how big of a fan base it has. There is a lot to be said for the fact that FFX was the first game in the series to have a true sequel, and it didn't take years like FFVII did.

Putting Spira in 3D would make the 3DS a must for any gamer who is a true fan of the Final Fantasy line.