Final Fantasy XIII Character Serah Fallon Detailed

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
Although she may have featured heavily in some of the recent footage received from the Final Fantasy XIII Premiere, there is now have some real information about our new fully named character Serah Fallon.

She is voiced by Minako Kotobuki who is known for voicing Tsumugi in the anime K-On!. Duckroll from Neogaf has made a brief translation that explains her background.

"She is Lightning's younger sister. A headstrong girl who believes in solving her own problems and not getting other people involved. She is always very concerned for her elder sister. She wears a necklace on her chest, a present from Snow. Lightning does not approve of her engagement with Snow. Like her sister, she is a L'Cie and is marked with a tattoo of two red spheres on her left arm."


Source: FF-XIII

Like usual, this information will probably be confirmed when Square Enix adds her to the official site but take some of the info with a grain of salt.
Ahmagawd she is so sexy! I love her so much right now. Anyway so is Lightnings last name Fallon too? Serah is really really cute! Too bad she isn't playable :brooding: FF wiki says Farron
Awww, Shes adorable! I just wanna hug her. And... ENGAGED TO SNOW?!? WTH? Id that new news, or what?
Hah! I was right. She is Lightning's sister xD

Rofl, disapproving of the engagement with Snow? Snow ain't all that bad, but I predict a sister-complex :awesome:

Although now the next question is this: what the heck happened to her? Why is she a crystal? Dx
Wow she's so pretty! :)
So THIS is the Serah they were talking about in the English subbed trailer. Ah, this makes so much more sense now, I was thinking they were talking about Oerba. o_O

Lightning's little sister... doesn't approve of her marrying Snow... punching the heck out of Snow... it all fits, well, kinda, to me it does. xD
In the older trailer, I remember Snow going, "It was Serah! She saved us!"
"Serah? In case you don't remember, but Serah's--"
Then in the new trailer, Lightning punches the heck out of Snow. :gonk:
It was about not being able to protect her, I think she dies or becomes something like Lucretia in VII, not exactly DEAD dead, but sleeping forever, I don't know how to explain it *facepalm*. (Aw. This games sounds tragic.)
This Final Fantasy XIII Commercial has a small clip of her. I think she was reaching out to Snow as those silver things were kind of wrapping around her.
Then so on... and on... and I wanna play this game so bad. :O
She was Lightnings sister all along Fusion -__- Also her engagement to snow is also old news. Anyway she is so cute! She better talk alot in the story though -__- Also Dajh got turned into a crystal not Serah.
It wasn't revealed right away she was Lightning's sister though :mark:

Then that's not her in the last pic in the scan above with crystal frosting all over her? :huh:
Well it was revealed a week ago I think. Oh and yeah I thinks it is her xD. I thought you were talking about Serah being Dajh my bad. But it looks more like Snow is rescuing her. Also Ryan you bastard xD Its Farron not Fallon -_-
Lightning does not approve of her engagement with Snow.

Drama ensues. Just kidding. Maybe Lightning's just really overprotective - you know, in that "no one's good enough for my little sister" kind of way.
One of my friends two days ago said there was a rumor going around that Snow was Serah's husband. He was right. I wonder how he figured that

Anyway, thank god! I did NOT want Lightning with Snow.

What's with Serah pulling a princess Zelda and turning into a crystal?
They certainly weren't kidding when they said that Serah could be the cutest character in the game. Though they're sisters, Serah seems to differ to Lightning in that she actually smiles. Lightning.......I haven't seen her smile actually. Two contrasting personalities probably. It reminds me of my sister and I.
If Serah is not going to be a playable character in Final Fantasy XIII then we need more playables! I honestly think that Serah would have been an awesome playable character in Final Fantasy XIII. But they got to make more playables
Lightning seems to be a character with a heavy burden to bear. I could be totally wrong, but that's how she strikes me. If Serah is her opposite - light, happy and free - that could be an interesting dynamic.
Lol Kandy I don't think Lightning has love of any sort on her mind. If Lightning wanted a man that man will be her slave. "Do everything for me or ill punch you" Hahaha well maybe Lightning will calm herself later on but from what ive seen she isn't afraid to hit anything :gasp:
Serah really is cute, which also makes it a little odd since she seems a helluva lot younger than Snow, don't she? O.O

Pfft, does every lead in a game have to have romance to their story? Why can't Lightening just be doing her mission and stuff?

But for the record, I think she'd look hawt with that silver-haired villain so far :monster:
Lol Kandy I don't think Lightning has love of any sort on her mind. If Lightning wanted a man that man will be her slave. "Do everything for me or ill punch you" Hahaha well maybe Lightning will calm herself later on but from what ive seen she isn't afraid to hit anything :gasp:

XD I reckon she'd definitely be the dominant one in the relationship. XD

Serah really is cute, which also makes it a little odd since she seems a helluva lot younger than Snow, don't she? O.O

I know right?

She looks like she's 14 and he's like mid twenties.

He's so much bigger than her too! Imagine when or if they've finally 'got together'! OUCH for her! XD
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