Final Fantasy XIII Crystalium System revealed

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
Square Enix has revealed the method of character growth in Final Fantasy XIII. Instead of a traditional level-up system, FFXIII will introduce the Crystalium System.

Those familiar with the Sphere Grid from Final Fantasy X won’t have too much trouble adapting to this new system. In Final Fantasy XIII, characters will earn Crystalium Points, or CP, from battles — instead of the traditional Experience Points. The CP can then be used to unlock nodes on a grid, which grant character traits and abilities. Unlocking a node allows you to progress your abilities further down that area of the grid, enabling abilities beyond that node to be unlocked.


Magic upgrades will work in the same way, allowing the familiar progression through the tiers of Final Fantasy spells, such as from Fire, to Fira, to Firaga. Presumably, players will have to choose which abilities they want their characters to unlock to make them most useful in battle.


Source: Galbadiax
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Wow looks interesting but we're always getting grids like these now, FFX and even the License Board on FF12. I really can't wait for FF13 though it looks amazing!!
Though not the most original form of a growth system, I really am glad to get a system similar to FFX's Sphere Grid system. I rather enjoyed the Sphere Grid system over the License Board feature because it opened up a lot of ability opportunities.

I also hope new forms of magic are included. FFXII invented ones such as Renew, and FFXIII supposedly has one called Ruin.
Oh cool I had a hard time with the sphere grid at first but now I am a master at it so this will be no problem. Im glad they are making it like Final Fantasy X with no level ups. So yeah this system looks cool
I liked FFX's Sphere Grid so I'm more than happy, especially with the Crystalium Points I really do hope they stear away from FFXII's License System mind. The fact that nearly all the characters could do the same thing straight from the off was horrible >.>
Awesome, I loved the FFX Grid Sphere as well. Thank Hyne it's nothing like the license board from FFXII. Bloody hard system for me >_<
Omg, I loved the sphere grid :gonk:

Now I definately want this game, that was the best method of 'levelling' ever, Im glad they have a similar style with XIII, that shit alone can keep me entertained for hours
I loved the Sphere Grid! It looks like each character gets his/her own grid instead of everyone being a part of a big grid, like in FF10. In that case, I wonder what the differences are among the grids.

I'm so excited... every time something new gets revealed I'm a little more impressed by this game.
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