Final Fantasy XIII On Xbox 360 Has "Game Content Downloads"

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yaoi master ari
Oct 25, 2009

Gamestop captured the back of Final Fantasy XIII’s Xbox 360 box, which has bullet points about the game’s features.

Let’s see… it supports one player, saves take up 4MB, and apparently has “game-content download.” Interesting! That sounds like confirmation that Final Fantasy XIII will have some kind of downloadable content. I hope we get something better than Cloud costumes for Lightning and emergency potion packs.

Source: Siliconera
I'm not entirely sure whether to take that as a solid "yes it will have content downloads", there's probably a large chance it will but I have a feeling they may have to put it there just in case there are in future. Who knows. :hmmm:
I can't take that as a definite yes either, but nevertheless it's a good hint that there might be DLC somewhere on the horizon - at this present time at least.

Is that really the back of the Xbox 360 box? It's not bad (especially as the artwork is featured), although I expected more (and better) screenshots and a brief explanation of gameplay than that.
Oh I knew Xbox 360 would have something in store for Final Fantasy XIII! :jess: But I do see this coming to the ps3 version as well tbh. It would not be fair for all the ps3 lovers. I hope they will bring in some nice avatar costumes and such. I wonder if they will give us gamerpics for XIII. I want Lightning or even any hot girl in XIII. Jihl for the WIN!!!
I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3 does too. It's cool that the 360 does, as it gives me something to look forward to after the game comes out. Unfortunately, I'll probably be poor as hell when the DLC does come out... so that will suck.
Well if it comes out for 360 tis should come out for the PS3 too :mokken:
I say it's a good idea and im sure the fans will have something to look forward to. I'm always ready to hear more about XIII. Let's hope that they do decide to add it into the game.
I haven't seen a solid 'Yes, FFXIII Will have downloadable content, but Nomura said that alot of the game was cut out and the parts that was cut out, westerners will be able to see'
Well if it comes out for 360 tis should come out for the PS3 too :mokken:
Almost for certain, the only way M$oft could have DLC for just the Xbox 360 would be to pay a daft amount of money for exclusivity. However, as they already paid shit loads to have Final Fantasy XIII on their console I doubt they will. It wouldn't make sense just have DLC on the 360 given the fact Square-Enix's fanbase is predominantly Sony.
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