
Chocobo Breeder
Apr 5, 2010
Hi, Everyone,

I find that the Soundtrack to FINAL FANTASY XIII is not very good. The Composer seems to want to rave every track in some way, shape, or form. For example, there is one tune that has got a lovely string melody going on, but in the background of the tune, there is some Sound Affects that the composer has added to it. And in some of the tracks, he has added some rave-y bass. Why?! The previous FINAL FANTASY Soundtrack was the best out there, and I do admit that many, many Soundtracks are special in their own way; the XII Soundtrack was all lovely, and not many - if any - tracs had any rave-y stuff in it. The XIII Soundtrack re-minds me of X-2; what a terrible Soundtrack that was!! Also, while previous Soundtracks took in to account what place you were in, e.g. XII, XIII seems to not give you that sense as XII gave you because the composer for XIII seems to want to rave any track with any chance he gets. The Composer for XIII is ruining the classic F.F. Soundtracks by doing this, and this was proved in X-2. Yes, there are one or two nice tracks in there, but many of them, say, 98% of them, seem to be rave-y. XIII's feels different as well; it hasn't got that "Wavey" feeling, if you understand what I mean? XIII's Soundtrack is very poor and I hope this does not continue in the FINAL FANTASY Games...
I only like it for the piano melodies in it, and some of the singing, such as 'The Promise', 'Serah's Theme', 'The Sunleth Waterscape', 'Atonement', and many others.

But not the best FFOST.
I actually quite like it, after XII which had no memorable tracks whatsoever, I really enjoy this one. I was worried it would go the same way, but overall I'm really quite pleased with it

Sure there's no real stand alone peice(s), that Ive noticed yet, but it's still decent

I love the nautilus chocobo theme :gonk:
They screwed up big time. Mostly when I heard a song I didn't feel like I had to have that track. most of the songs started out nice but then somehow the composer screwed up and the song got unbearable. For example one boss battle song when you hear a choir singing somewhere in chapter 10 I believe.
Yes there are some nice tracks, but for me this is the worst FF soundtrack ever together with X-2. I do not want this in my collection
I don't think this is the best FF OST out there, but I don't think it's awful either. Sure, I wasn't really ''wowed'' with it like I was with FFX's, but it's pretty good. I actually find it more enjoyable to listen to than XII's and it does have some really nice songs, like Lightning's Theme.

So I don't think it's all that bad.
I actually liked XII; think it was the best so far, one of the reasons being that the song in XII was the only melody of it, whereas the ones before had instrumental variations of it in the game and that's the way I think it should be. Every track should be different and it should also be related to the place you are in, like if you're in a temple, it should be "grand" music. Have to agree with Crystal: This is the second-worst soundtrack behind X-2. Shame, really. Personally, I think that any singing should be reserved for the "big song" in the game; don't like the direction the composer has taken with XIII with regard to this.

Thanks, everyone, for posting; looking forward to others' views on this, too! :)
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Eh, I like it. Like Kelly said there may not be a stand out track but it's decent overall. Imo, no Final Fantasy has had an "amazing" soundtrack, just the odd memorable song on each, take any game such as Shadow of Colossus, Xenogears and they'd destroy any Final Fantasy soundtrack going.

Edit: Also, Chrono Cross, best SE soundtrack bar none :ryan:
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I love the battle themes but yeah like Crystal said the end of chapter 10 boss' music was pretty awful. The chanting was pretty bad if Hamauzu had used the same kind chanting he/Nobuo for the Hymn of the Fayth it could have turned out more enjoyable, but I do enjoy all the battle music in this game and some of the characters themes.

Also the ones I don't enjoy are the ones that have singing in them. The one I don't like the most out of all those is the Nautilus chocobo theme to me the butchered it by putting the singing in there which is why I love the pulse chocobo music so much its like a better version of X's with out long mini-game to get the best weapon for Tidus.

There are a lot of songs that I think are amazing but they don't recall them as much as the older FF's because they seem more like ambient background music more so than anything else, such as the music you hear when you pass that section in department stores that have the music from the cd's with pictures of landscapes and waterfalls.

Also yes Eorzea Chrono Cross definitely has the best OST that I have heard in a video game.
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It's not perfect, but I quite liked it. In fact, the only complaint I can think of is that the tracks for the more epic boss battles didn't last long enough, so you ended up listening to them two or three times. That kind of pulled me out of the action and reminded me I was playing a video game.
Well see the thing is for me that I don't have to fall in love with every single song on a games soundtrack for me to love it.

If I find that most of the soundtrack is decent and I like listening to it then it leaves a good impression.

Sure some of the music doesn't appeal to me, but I wouldn't say that makes the soundtrack bad.

I actually am enjoying what I've heard so far, save for one particular track, but it's not that bad. =)
personally I find the music quite enjoyable, when in battle you dont really tend to actually 'hear' it as your mind fades it out in the background, my favourite soundtrack is probably the one from the movie lip that plays when you start up the game, first time I saw that movie and the opening movie I thought; this FF is going to live up to its standards at least
Yeah, I agree in some way. The music is really great from chapter 11 on, from what I remember. Also, the Chocobo Theme pretty much makes the soundtrack great alone.
the main theme for the english version sux though

Mod Edit: Can you try and put a bit more effort into your posts, please? :)
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1. “Blinded by Light”, the game’s battle theme. It’s definitely my favorite battle theme so far, a record previously held by FFVIII.

2. "Dust to Dust", simply an emotional piece. However it’s not just sad, it’s sad with a feeling of hope for the future, or longing…

3. "Born Anew", primarily one of best boss tracks I have ever heard. OWA can go shrivel in a hole, this one; with one of the best buildups I have ever heard, really takes the cake.

4. "Kimi Ga Irukara", I wish they hadn't taken this out of the NA/EU versions. I like My Hands but I sometimes feel Kimi Ga Irukara set a more emotional theme that echoed throughout the game. Eternal Love is worth some mentioning too. Oh well...

5. The rest. :XD: Seriously, I really liked FFXIII's soundtrack.

Please give your opinion on the music of FFXIII. What you liked, disliked. Which character theme did you think was the best. What was your favorite piece. How does this music compare to the music of other FF games.
I really enjoyed the soundtrack. But then again I also really enjoyed Final Fantasy XII's soundtrack as well and not a lot of people seem to care for that one.

I do think XIII has one of the better soundtracks out of the lot.
FF XIII is overall an amazing game, people will remember it by the gameplay, the story, the charaters, the challege, but NOT the music. WE WANT UEMATSU!
You know, I thought I'd be used to all the bashing FFXIII received from various aspects, but I absolutely can not accept the idea that people could hate the game's entire soundtrack. Music is the last thing people should hate in gaming. I've yet to truly dislike an individual game's OST I've played over the years, so I really can't believe it's possible to hate an entire OST.

Clearly I enjoyed it a whole lot. Like every video game soundtrack, they were a few tracks I didn't like, but over-all I really enjoyed it. The music matched the scenes and I enjoyed listening to what I heard through out the game.

But more than anything, it bums me out to see people bash music just because it wasn't done by the "main composer".

I love Nobuo Uematsu's work a whole lot myself and I'd more than welcome his return to Square-Enix, but give Masashi Hamauzu some fucking credit too. He did a wonderful job with this game along with his other works. A mix of rock, tech and good ol' orchestra, it came together in an awesome package. Hell, I'd love if he came back to Square-Enix too.

Anyways, my fave tracks in the game include:

"Saber's Edge"
There was one point in the game where it kept playing, so I had no problem grinding during that part. I liked the piano and harp(?) parts particularly, and there was a high point that made me really happy for some reason.

"Eidolens on Parade"
This theme was such an epic piece to go along with Sazh's Eidolen awakening. It's my fave awakening scene in the game, and half of it was due to this track playing.

"Test of L'Cie"
Probably the most "tech-ish" of tracks, I really enjoyed it. Maybe I subconsciously like tech music and haven't realized it, but I liked the trumpet(?) playing in the background in the beginning along with the techno going on and the base underlining it. Reeeeally groovy ^^

"Primarch Dysley"
Honestly, I can't see myself listening to this frequently outside gaming, but I thought there was just so much depth to it. The strings gave it that foreboding feeling and I got shivers listening to it the first time, especially when it plays during scenes with Dysley, and they're usually epic xD

"Desperate Struggle"
Loved it. Has it's fast and moderate moments. I think this theme was the easiest for me to tell part a majority of instruments, and honestly, they came together is such an amazingly epic way.

"Will to Fight"
More tech-ish with indescribable vocals that usually appear in a lot of Japanese games lately. And I mean, literally, they were indescribable. I think I only managed to make out "lift up your heart" but I'm not 100% sure about the one line either. Nonetheless, I still liked it. I listen to Japanese singing, so I'm used to enjoying the sound even if I don't understand it. The "Engrish" lyrics seem to match well with the tech music, so whatever xD

"Eden Under Siege"
THIS THEME IS EPIC. The moment I heard it in-game the first time, my mind re-winded back to the Japanese t.v. ads of the game, and there was a really short one, but it had this theme playing. I thought in the ad it was epic then, and finally hearing the full length version in-game, it's even much more exquisite than I thought. I just wish it had played more in the game :3

"Nascent Requiem"
I was particularly fond of the beginning part with all the different instruments. It had the over-the-top quality to it as it plays, but then tones down into a more wholesome part. I wanna think of it as a nice combo piece.
I refuse to give Masashi Hamauzu any credit due to the fact that this did not sound like a FINAL FANTASY Soundtrack; I could have been playing any game with this Soundtrack. XII is a classic F.F. Soundtrack.