Final Fantasy XIII Squeezed Onto Three DVDs For Xbox 360

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yaoi master ari
Oct 25, 2009
Square Enix has told VG247 that the 360 version of Final Fantasy XIII will ship on three DVDs in March.

The news comes after it was US retailer Gamefly listed the RPG at three discs overnight.

“Yes the game is on three DVDs for the 360,” a Square rep told us. It was also confirmed to us that you’re not going to be doing too much ejecting during play. “Players will only have to swap discs twice during their entire game,” said the rep.

Last year at gamescom, producer Yoshinori Kitase told VG247 Square was “aiming” to get keep the magic number at three.

The title was announced for 360 by the president of Square Yoichi Wada in July 2008 at E3.

Final Fantasy XIII will release in the west for PS3 and 360 on March 9.

Source: VG247
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Well, its good that you only have to swap discs twice - although the Playstation FF games worked like this back when they were on multiple discs as well, so its not too surprising.

Although this is one of the reasons I'll be getting it for the PS3. I always worry I'm going to break discs when I get them out of 360 cases, because they're always so damn reluctant to come out...
It's good to hear that SE have actually fulfilled their promise and compressed it all into 3 discs- though it doesn't really affect me as I'm after the PS3 version. Only having to swap the discs twice is good to hear as well so people don't have to moan about constantly disc swapping just to visit certain locations like in Star Ocean IV.

Having it all on one sleek Blu-Ray disc seems like the more attractive option to me. The PS3 version's box would be more tidy without multiple discs on flimsy trays.
3 discs? Whatever happened to them being on four?

Unless i was seeing things, i could've sworn i saw an article on the game being on four discs for the 360. Well least it fits, still would've rather have the whole game not some stuff taken out of it. =/
I thought it had been 3 disks for a while :wacky: All being said, swapping wouldn't bother me that much. Personally I'd be more concerned about the inferior graphics and audio the 360 version has and whether this will be the case for all future SE titles. I know graphics aren't everything, but still, when you know the game is lacking in those departments when it's multiplatform I could imagine it being annoying >.>
That doesn't sound too bad, going back to swapping the discs like back in the day. I will be getting it for 360 since I don't have a PS3 although I probably won't get it fresh off the self, the only Final Fantasy title I did get fresh off the shelf was XII. The rest of them I bought a little while after their release. I think one of the big reasons XIII is multi platform is because PS3 unit sales didn't do as well, compared to it's predecessor PS2. I've heard developers say the PS3 is harder to make games for, with the architecture of the cell processor and blu ray holding more information then a standard red ray DVD disc. We'll just see how it turns out.
Really.. multiple discs.. that's strange. I thought that was sort of a thing of the past.
Well I'm sure glad I don't have the Xbox then. Having so many discs can be such a nuisance.
I want the game for the PS3 but this isn't a problem at all. It shouldn't change anyones reasoning to buy it for the 360 or PS3. Your probably gonna spend weeks on Disc 1 before you change it to the second one and again to the third one. Anyone who has there opinions changed by this is seriously a little koo koo in the head. No offense to anyone by the way lol.
Ummmm awesome awesome. Its good that its not like Star ocean TLH where you have to swap discs each time to go to planets from disc 1 and 2. Im happy that its only gonna be 2 times so yeah its all good :ryan:
It's not an issue for me because well, I don't own a 360 and therefore I won't be getting it on there. Even if they had to do that for the PS3 it wouldn't bother me all that much. I'm not THAT lazy where I wouldn't get the game just because it has more then one disc. That's how the earlier games were so I say what the hay :monster:
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