Final mix


Dark Knight
Jul 23, 2006
who here has final mix.
I have:)
If you dont know what it is then it is a sepcial version of kh1 with lots of extras only out in japan
Most people know. I don't have it, seeing as I cannot read Japanese.

Square-Enix are rapidly testing me, probably some other fans too. This establishment may soon lose my support and it will be their own damn fault.

As a side note, why was FM only released in Japan?
I thnk maybe because the original KH in japan had NO optional bosses exept ice titan and they wanted to give them a bonus
Not to mention that Japen's Nationalism is very high so they will always save the best stuff for their own people.

This is like the remake of ffx and ffx-2 {was it called international?} they didn't have the dark aeons and penance
in the original version so they remade it and also put in a extra ending.

I don't know the difference for ffx-2 though
To prevent creating a new thread, I shall continue the discussion here.

Why was Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix only released in Japan? The answers above are a little empty in explanation.
its because japan was jelous that america got sephiroth, kurt ziza, and the phantom. they hated us sooo much that they added all the boss fights, changed how the heartless looked(color wise) and added a fight with xemnas (enigma man). they better release KH2:FM and KH:CoM in other countries.
i dont know i think we wee just meant to get what we got and they wre meant to get what they got i think there could be 2 slightly different stories in japan's and us,europe's so they might not have linked in with there stories or something like that im only guessing this though its probably wrong.
I think fm was only released in japan for the same reaosn ff2(really ffIV) was easier than it's japanese counterparts: They thought americans would find it too hard.