Firefly BBS

The Dreadnought

Chocobo Breeder
Feb 2, 2008
Firefly BBS
The Domain of Bourdless Ingeniousness
Slogan of the Month: Smarter than your average [strike]bear[/strike] fan.

Want a smart forum with experienced forumers? Or want to talk about any type of fan Pokemon issues you want? Or maybe you are into RPing? Well, come on over to Firefly BBS.

There are many types of RP's in the RPGing section.

Firefly BBS ASB League:
Our very own Anime-Style Battling league, where members can engage in board-based Pokémon battles. (Under construction. We can use all help?)

Fantasy Islands v.2 (FB):
It's like a cross between the ASB and an RPG. Only with more awesome. All the fun of the original Fantasy Islands RPG with half the fat! ...Or something

(IDE) Allegory:
Two realities, two wars, one game. Which side will you choose?<!-- start: forumbit_subforums -->

And more in construction!!!

I es LTH Beechnut.
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