First 10 Minutes of English FFXIII Revealed

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yaoi master ari
Oct 25, 2009

The first ten minutes of the English version of Final Fantasy XIII are now live. No Japanese. Just plain English.

Get it over at MSXbox-World. Still the same old introduction we know, but ever so slightly easier to understand.

Earlier, Square Enix released videos showing off the PS3 and 360 collector’s editions for the game. Look at them videos spin. Topsy turvy.

The game’s out on March 9. Only two weeks from now, innit.

Source: VG247
I don't think I saw this properly even when it was in Japanese, so thanks for uploading it.

Sazh and his pet chocobo look like they'll steal the show. :D

I love chocobos, especially when they are characters and not just generic chocobos. That baby chocobo is one of the best chocobos of all time. It might even be the best if it keeps it up and does more throughout the game.

That's the main thing pulling me to the game though, which might seem quite weird. I guess it is.
I couldn't resist, I had to watch this, especially after seeing the international trailer and hearing the voice acting the first time around.

It's actually quite pleasant to know what they are saying as well as seeing what they are doing in this clip which I had already seen several times in Japanese.

So, thanks very much you've now got me looking forward to this EVEN MORE, which is not a good thing, as it's making me want to spend money on the special edition guide instead of the regular one just for that ":D It's FFXIII stuff that is shiny" feeling...
I watched it, I fought so hard with myself and gave in.
and I still feel as lost as ever even after watching it..
so I guess I didn't spoil myself too bad ahaha.
First time I've seen this. I've gotta say, as pretty as it looks, I find it kinda irritated that those fights with the guards on the train weren't playable. I mean, Lightning is the main character, and since you fight more of the same later, I personally think there's no real reason for that not to be playable... but really, I'm just nitpicking, I'll probably be over it by the time the game comes out anyway.
EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed the boss is called a
Warmech (well, Manasvin Warmech, but it's still Warmech dammit!)
, and that both made my day and made up for earlier nitpicks.
I wanna watch it, but at the same time I wanna saviour the moment I watch it for real in 2 weeks lol. OMFG, this is killing me XD I hope subs is possible with cutscenes, I get lost in the voice overs sometimes rofl.
I can't bring myself to watch it! I don't particularly want to spoil anything, I'm going to be patient and watch it when I buy the game :)
It is tempting to just watch it and see what I'll be expecting come early March.

However, I'm going to put off doing so and save it when I get the game itself - not long to go (it's surprising to think that it's so near now! :gasp:)

This may surprise some of you - especially those who know that I've spoilt myself quite a bit of FFXIII's story. Why not spoil yourself now when you already know quite a bit about the story, you ask.

Well.....I'm not too sure myself. :8F:
You know, as a movie, this would be great. Gameplay wise, it's terrible. I seriously wouldn't mind sitting down and watching all the cutscenes. However, I couldn't stand playing the game at all. :mokken:

Movie = Great
As a game = Terrible
You know, as a movie, this would be great. Gameplay wise, it's terrible. I seriously wouldn't mind sitting down and watching all the cutscenes. However, I couldn't stand playing the game at all. :mokken:

Movie = Great
As a game = Terrible
I have to agree with you because that was what I was thinking as I watched this. I thought, "If someone made high quality videos like this of the play-through of the whole game, I'd probably just watch those instead of buying the actual game." Still, I might buy the game if I get a PS3. I think the English voice acting is pretty good. I think Sahz's voice goes with this character, and at this point he's my favorite.

For all the people saying that they won't watch the vid because they're afraid of something being spoiled, if you've seen all the different trailers, and watched or played the demo that came with Advent Children Complete, you aren't really being spoiled of anything. Though, I can understand if you want to wait until you actually buy the game.
I just don't understand the beginning like not to spoil or anything but why does it start the way it does.. maybe playing will clear that up.
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