First Final Fantasy XIII U.S Commercial [2/14]

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Gingerbread Lesbian

Dec 30, 2007
The first Final Fantasy XIII commercial in the United States aired during the NBA Celebrity All-Star Game.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Source: Examiner
...honestly, that song really does not fit a Final Fantasy game. I'd love to know WTF they were thinking when they decided on that ._.
But, anyways...overall, I think that is quite a poor advert. Its not really dramatic, flashy or informative, and if it wasn't for the fact that it was advertising an FF game, the strongest reaction would be a "meh" by the majority of people, I would expect.

However, since its advertising an FF game, its exciting, dynamic and looks awesome. But I still think its pretty crap. XD
Interesting. :hmmm:

I wonder why they decided to only advertise for the Xbox 360 version.

This honestly didn't pique my interest in the slightest. I didn't even get remotely excited about the game's release, like I did with the Japanese commercials. I think that frickin song keeps ruining it for me.
Wow, that was an awesome advert. It did everything right - it looks so exciting! Surely this must be the best American advert I have ever seen (!).

Sarcasm aside - let's get cynical. It wasn't that fascinating to watch. It is just an ordinary game advert. Nothing there really blew me away (then again I'm not really in a position to say that). I'm really not sure whether or not there is a wow factor for gamers out there that don't usually play FF or just haven't heard of it at all.

If this was a Japanese advert, it would be much more interesting (though odd) to watch. As for Leona Lewis's song - it still doesn't do it for me. The song itself isn't even that good anyway in my opinion. If SE thought having Leona contribute with one of her singles would appeal to the west, they should screw their heads back on and get back to the drawing board.
That song does not fit at all, musically. I've heard that the lyrics somehow fit with the story, but Final Fantasy songs don't even NEED lyrics. I'd be much happier with the original Final Fantasy battle theme or something, than this song. Not necessarily a bad song, just a horrible choice for the game.

The commercial itself was pretty good, but the song ruined it.
They're only appealing to the 360 crowd. Hmm. That's actually a very smart move. I guess they're assuming that everyone who owns a PS3 already knows it's coming to their system. It makes sense to appeal to the crowd who has no idea about the game, though I feel a lot of the FPS fanatics could care less about Final Fantasy.
The commercial was bland, but okay. However, that song killed it. :edd:

That has to be one of the worst decisions that Wada ever made; letting that song slide for the FF series. Even though we don't like FFXIII, they could have at least made it look good by not giving the commercials a shit song. :hmph:
God I'm sorry, that song is just so unfitting it's not even funny. I understand they wanted to appeal to Westerners, but who likes Leona Lewis anyway? I know I don't. I'd have rather they put Lady Gaga in (that was sarcastic, please no Lady Gaga). There had to be better choices, though.
The 360 version was probably used because it would make more sense from a financial point of view, the Xbox 360 has sold more in America so it makes sense. I'd bet that Europe will get the PS3 Advert first since that's its biggest fanbase.
Weird i had that game on and i didn't see it. I'm still iffed about the song it doesn't work for me at all. Makes me wonder what the theme song will be for Birth By Sleep. Since Utada doesn't do songs for SE anymore, if i remember right.
Tbh, this didn't do for me :mokken: The commercial had nothing edgy really and it kind of bored me a bit D= I mean other then the amazing graphics and whatnot there wasn't anything that grabbed my attention (from a person who hasn't played FF before POV) Don't get me wrong, I want the game but seriously? this was a no-no for me.
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