Tech First human 'infected with computer virus'


Blue Mage
Feb 10, 2010

A British scientist says he is the first man in the world to become infected with a computer virus.
Dr Mark Gasson from the University of Reading contaminated a computer chip which was then inserted into his hand.
The device, which enables him to pass through security doors and activate his mobile phone, is a sophisticated version of ID chips used to tag pets.
In trials, Dr Gasson showed that the chip was able to pass on the computer virus to external control systems.
If other implanted chips had then connected to the system they too would have been corrupted, he said.

How crazy is it going to be when a hacker can hack in and shut down your pacemaker?
Whoa.. Technology can be scary sometimes.

We've gone beyond where we should have gone.
That's part of a song. But this is proof.
I'm gonna have nightmares over this.
That is effed up. Seriously, pretty soon everybody's going to be doing this, not just hi tech scientists.
Pacemakers don't work like that, there's no need to worry about a virus shutting them down. :p

First of all, I said nothing about a virus shutting them down, I said a hacker. You need to try reading sometimes, I've noticed how you've failed to do that a lot.

In 2008, a coalition of researchers from the University of Washington, Harvard Medical School and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst wrote that they remotely accessed a common cardiac defibrillator using easy-to-find radio and computer equipment. In a lab, the researchers used their wireless access to steal personal information from the device and to induce fatal heart rhythms by taking control of the system.