First Impressions (XII)


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
What were your first Impression on the Charaters of Final Fantasy XII? When you first set eyes on the main characters what were your thoughts about them and how'd they act and such. Explain.
I thought vaan was more of a tag along and boring character
Balthier was more of a joker and the 'cool attitude' guy in my opinion and gave some life to a few of th monotonous characters
Basch felt like a warrior and a helper since he chose to go along and protect ashe.
Ashe was the main character really and the leader so wherever she went the rest of them went
Penelo went wherever vaan went so she was more of a tag along
Fran just went along with balthier and she didnt play a big part in it anyway
i have to say the characters i liked more at first impressions were balthier and basch

balthier-his jokey attitude and his accent were great

basch-his overall loyalty and his badass attitude were really interesting for an ff character

the rest were more tag alongs than anything else
Vaan - ugh
Penelo - I thought she was going to be Hyper and make the story.
Basch - oh so I wasn't him that killed the king it was just his twin brother on another side. Why did Balthier fall for that?
Balthier - Pretty Humorous and Confident
Fran - I didn't know what to think. Her voice was annoying for the most part
Ashe - I thought she was going to be an overall good character. She just turned out to be a bitch.
First impression...hmm..this should be good.

Vaan - p*ssy
Penelo - Horny little tag-a-long girl that would tease Vaan.
Basch - Badass traitor that doesn't care about anyone. Turned out to be whipped by Ashe.
Balthier - My favorite...hes a smartass like me.
Fran - Sexy voice...bitch...sounds like my kind of girl.
Ashe - *sigh* another princess in a mini skirt.
I agree 100% with Kain Aldar.

Vaan- I have no idea why he's even remotely considered the "main character"
Penelo - Typical caster class at first I thought she was going to be part of the love triangle between Vaan and Ashe.
Basch - The Auron of FFXII he knew the workings of the Empire and was useful for information.
Balthier - Much more to him then he shows, I almost considered him the Hero of the game and Ashe the Herone just because Balthier had ties with everyone in every town and no one made a move without trying to bribe him into saying their was treasure where they were going.
Fran - The exotic, mysterious girl for all the fanboys to drool over.
Ashe - main character, she can tank and use magic all in a mini skirt. Needless to say as soon as she became a steady playable character Vaan never again returned to my top 3 party. If i'm going to play this game for 100+ hours i'm not gonna look at some 17 year old little boy, so Ashe won hands down. Plus most of the cut scenes revolved more around her then Vaan anyways.
Right off the bat it took me a while to get to know/like any of the characters from FFXII. I'd have to say I was very into Basch at first, but it didn't take long for him to tone it down a bit and they just stopped talking about him 'til the end of the game.

However, Balthier got really interesting for me and in the end he turned into my favorite character overall. His past, his attitude, his demeanor of doing things; great character overall.
Yeah, I'm not even halfway into this game and I'm already sensing a toning down of Basch in most cutscenes and the like.

Moreover, my first impressions of the characters were pretty much like the ones listed above. Vaan was that tag-along, annoying (yes, he annoys) character. Penelo the helpful, independent one. Basch the knight (tank?) spare you much else, I viewed the characters by their supposed backgrounds, if that helps. :P
I have to say that I prefered Penelo to Ashe personality wise. I don't understant why nobody likes Vaan. I suppose he didn't fit into the story very well but his personality wasn't too bad.
You know I could barely even have first impressions with XII there just wasn't enough background on them, or cutscenes for me to really get to know them but nevertheless:
Vaan - A less hot version of Tidus/Cloud with a more droning voice.
Penelo - A little girl lol grown up version of Eiko??
Balthier - ( I live in the UK..) "Oh dear god a character with an English accent" *huff* ;)
Basch - kind of boring.
Fran - Lovely rabbit lady, from the moment I made her party leader, I've never went back on it :D gorgeous voice tooooo!
Ashe - Looked young and carefree.. and just didn't live up to that expectation!

When I first played XII I couldnt remember any of the characters names which is probably the first time this has happened with a Final Fantasy game. The characters are not interesting at first, this could possibly be a lack of cut scenes. It took me around 6 hours before I started getting into the game and now after 50+ hours I'm hooked.

I've told a couple of my friends who quit the game early on to bear with it and play 10+ hours before making such a rash decision.
It was like I was hit with a pleasure brick when playing it. Everyone who knows me well enough, will know why I like it so much.

Characters eh?

Balthier - I'm British too, and I couldn't give a flying monkeys about him having a British accent XD. He is possibly one of THE most annoying characters I have EVER come across in FF history. He isn't funny, he isn't cute, and he is NOT a leading man.
Basch - Ack, he really got it bad didn't he? He's not in your face, too emo, or too vengeful. He never loses his temper, despite what has happened. Basch - you're awesome mate.
Ashe - The times she yabbered on and the times I thought will she ever shut up seemed to be endless. She took her frustration out on Vaan, blaming him for things which were not his fault.
Fran - She's cool - I feel sorry for her, being rejected from her society because she wanted to travel the world. Viera can be so cruel sometimes, so pig ignorant too.
Pennelo - Alright, however, though she was not a hyper little girl like Yuffie and Rikku (thank god), she was a tad boring. Good mage though.
Vaan - Alright, he was a nice guy, but his voice irked me a bit. He wasn't rubbish either.
Balthier - I'm British too, and I couldn't give a flying monkeys about him having a British accent XD. He is possibly one of THE most annoying characters I have EVER come across in FF history. He isn't funny, he isn't cute, and he is NOT a leading man.

Ya, the irony of that leading man stuff. I seem to have convinced myself that that was actually done on purpose, you know, to focus the light a bit on Balthier more than it would have if the producers had not done it at all.
Think about it, without that leading man stuff....there wouldn't be much more but sky pirate, a little less annoying. xD

But that's just me.
Initial impressions:

Vaan: an effeminate male with no sense of fashion...lovely -__-
Penelo: looks like a hyper, walking, bruised banana
Ashe: seems like a good strong female lead
Basch: boring, dont care
Balthier: bad hair but pretty cool
Fran: damn sexy

Current impressions:

Vaan: snot-nosed brat tag-a-long with no fashion sense
Penelo: un-hyper, walking bruised banana
Ashe: whiny bitch
Basch: boring, wants to be a badass but cant succeed
Balthier: awesome character, still has bad hair
Fran: sexy bunny who actually has a good character and story (what little there is)
*copies Ronins layout*

Initial impressions:

Vaan: =/ Looks Like A Tidus Clone
Penelo: Ooo New Yuffie
Ashe: Where'd her clothes go?
Basch: Older Squall.
Balthier: He has the rainbow rings. Awesome.
Fran: Woah. Hawt.

Final impressions:

Vaan: Where'd he go? I never used him - ever
Penelo: Quiet little Uber-Mage
Ashe: Princess Leia
Basch: He had a backstory. Yay. Awesome character.
Balthier: Full of himself. Love the voice.
Fran: Nice Arse. Lovely Voice and Hair. Nice backstory too.
Vaan - immature kid who ends up growing the most on the journey
Penelo - the spunky girl (she was almost like one)
Balthier - I expected him to be sort of Auron-ish... like a teacher, but in a smart-ass piratey way
Fran - smoldering sexpot with a bad past (the only one I got right)
Basch - liar who did kill the king, but stays loyal to the party afterward, despite many suspicions
Ashe - girl who almost seems strong, but is later revealed to be a jellyfish
Initial Impressions:

Ashe - Princess Leia
Balthier - Han Solo
Basch - Obi Won Kenobi
Fran - C-3PO or one of Hugh Hefner’s fantasies.
Vaan - Luke Skywalker
Panelo - Jar Jar Binks… or Cindy Brady from the Brady Bunch.

Final Impressions:

Ashe - A Head-Strong and determined warrior who’s turned cold after the death of her Husband and Father. Aside from Yuna, I thought Ashe was one of the best leading female rolls yet, truly a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the fairytale damsel in distress routine, in my opinion.

Balthier - A Nobile Thief, charismatic and witty on the outside, in pain on the inside. Again, one of my favorite characters in this game.

Basch - A loyal and true Knight, again, one of my favorite characters.

Fran - Wise, mysterious and quiet… Although some claim she’s the sexiest bunny they’ve seen since……………Since Bugs Bunny dressed in drag.

Vaan - An optimistic (Despite his past losses) yet annoying kid… -Psst, He want’s to be a Sky Pirate…

Panelo - Vaan’s shadow in a jump-suit, have Vaan will travel………………………Annoying!
very first impression? well i thought vaan looked a little queer with his clothing and whatnot. i also wondered what part he would play in the game. how disappointed was i to find out he played a minimal part. the rest of the characters i thought were pretty cool. my first impression of ashe was that her and vaan woudl end up together but that didnt happen either.
|First impression|
Vaan- The main character.
Penelo- The stupid broad.
Basch- That dude who pwns everything.
Balthier- A monkey still in the stage of evolution.
Ashe- The hot broad.
Fran- Sex on legs
|Final Impression|
Vaan- Big whimp. He turned out to be "That kid" in the party. :\
Penelo- The clueless broad that hung out with "That kid".
Basch- Megapwnzer of awesom
Balthier- No comment.
Ashe- Much more useful than I thought she'd be.
Fran- God, I wanted to punch her and rip her vocal cords out. :sad:
Ashe: Princess Leia

Please do not refer to Ashe as Princess Leia ever ever again. Leia had more spunk and personality in her pinky toe than Ashe had in her entire being. :P

First Impressions
Vaan-A wax figure come to life. And wtf is he wearing?
Penelo-Seems rather cute and spunky. But wtf is she wearing?
Basch-Definitely going to be my party leader.
Balthier-Finally, a person in a halfway decent outfit.
Ashe-A cross-dresser
Fran-Balthier's dominatrix?

Final Impressions
Vaan-Why is he still in the party?
Penelo-great mage and decent character but why is she still in the party?
Basch-Loyal knight and all around decent person. My favorite party character.
Balthier-An okay character but shut up about that leading man crap already.
Ashe-Just shut up. Really, shut up.
Fran-Eh, whatever.