
Majin Studios

Dimension Master
Mar 21, 2007
Where I want
Has anyone ever seen a flash animation? If so you should know what I'm about to ask. What program is there to make flash animations? What's it called and where can I download it from?
It's called Flash. You can't download anything without the serial code, which you can't get unless you buy it. Or someone gives it to you.
internet, maybe a store. I got it from a friend giving me a serial code, so I didn't have to buy it.
So, what did you do when you got the serial code? Was there a program already in your comp to enter it or did you go online to do this?
Holy sh*t that expensive! Wow.....Not sure if I can get it now. But you did say that there was another way to get it if someone sends you a serial code. am i right or did I hear wrong?
you heard right. They give the serial code, you download a demo, and you use the serial code.
So you're trying to make Flash animations or just view them?
-If you're trying to make them, then Gaaramaster is right.
Limewire won't give it to you. Look......here's a serial code.....I'll pm it to you....later.