For those that don't read the bestiary

Yeah, I thought this was a chick too.

OFF-TOPIC: Are your Serenity from ACF? You made me a sig a bit ago, Avenger aKa NeoGarland. Ha ha. Thanks again.
Always used to think Mateus was a woman in TA, until I found out otherwise.. XD
Whoa...Mateus is a man, that's a shock, The creatures got boobs, and yet it's a man, very disturbing.
well i never paid attention to such a stupid thing like the genders of the espers but mateus looked like a girl but him being a male isnt a shock because i never paid attention to such things
Whoa...Mateus is a man, that's a shock, The creatures got boobs, and yet it's a man, very disturbing.
The bestiary explains why he has that sexy body. I feel sorry for the guys that were drooling over him lol.

And yes Avin this is Serenity from ACF. I was gonna change it here, but someone has the name already XD
I'll remember to read that next time i play, thanks for the info shion (i think lol) and yeah, i'm just realived i wasn't drowling over him, very weird situation.
Whoa...Mateus is a man, that's a shock, The creatures got boobs, and yet it's a man, very disturbing.

He's using an Ice Goddess as a human shield, and did so for 'protection' for when he fought the Gods... why the hell do they all have to oppose to damn Gods? >.<

I thought Mateus was a female, also. Until I read the bestiary, the only thing I'd had reference to Mateus was screenshots, which displayed the female body. So naturally, I assumed as much.
Oh did we all :P I wonder why they made him keep the body of the Ice Goddes though. Couldn't they have saved her and then banished him?
Oh did we all :P I wonder why they made him keep the body of the Ice Goddes though. Couldn't they have saved her and then banished him?

"Then in his cowardice did he bind a Goddess of the Demesne of Ice, and using her as a human shield, he challenged the Gods."

By the looks of things, they even look physically infused.
I still like to think of Mateus as an it not a him. Zalera has a female too don't he (it)
Well here's how that works. Zalera is the Gemeni Esper. Gemeni in Zodiac terms means twin. So they're obviously twin brother and sister, only Zalera himself is, well hideous but still an awesome Esper.
Hmm... The only Final Fantasy characters I have drooled over were Yuna/Rikku, and Barret.. Damn he's sexy :P .

Damn, that must suck about your name. I hate it when I can't get the name I want.
So, i just read in the post about the girl being the sheild, so people don't really have to worry if they drooled over her, cause there almost a team, well kinda, there kinda a team, she was kinda forced into it, if it were, but basically there two seperate people so any people that thought she was sexy don't need to worry.