Forum Active Time Event


Dec 14, 2006
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'FATE, kupo! What's happening now?!'
Forum Active Time Event is a new timed system for all members to participate in around the forums, launched today to celebrate the re-opening of MogShop and the official launch of Community Tokens!

Please check Currency System for more details on CT, Gil, and GP currency.

Every now and then the moogles will activate the FATE system and grace the community with tasty kupo nuts! The fun thing about kupo nuts is that you'll never really know what's inside, because all kupo nuts come in different flavors and variety.

'...Wtf, kupo?'

In FFF translation:
All FATEs are named uniquely to correspond to the kind of event/activity that will be taking place in our community, so be on the lookout and check the site regularly! You don't want to miss out.

How often will FATE occur?

FATE will be a random occurrence throughout the year...whenever the moogles have time to come out and play or be mischievous, more specifically. FATE may also occur during Birthweek and Christmas events. Depending on each FATE system, some may last up to a week maximum, so it's easy to miss out on FATE if you're not around. The FATE system will be a timed event ran by pesky moogles, but each FATE will be somewhat different from the last.

How do members participate?

Some may require the use of our forum features, such as Raffles, Groups, MogShop, Blog, Study Panel, or even simple coloring activities and taking selfies!

Do members get rewards for participating?
Yes! In fact, kupo nuts will take form as either Gil, CT, or even GP! You might even earn a special award: Kudos for kupos!

The first FATE will be activated soon, along with further details.

List of Forum Active Time Events

NameDate (2016)Feature/SectionEvent
Kupo Nuts Craze8/1-8/7MogShopGift up to five Kupo Nuts to five BOLD members
RaFFFles!9/15-9/23RafflesEnter for a chance to win CT, GP, and 50% discount to Mogshop
Let's Play BINGO10/6-10/31N/AFFF BINGO edition: combo guesses
Stork's Delivery12/2-12/24MogShopChocolina's baby chocobo gender reveal
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