Four graphics


Knyht Cissuhan
Oct 18, 2008
Pacific Northwest
I made all of these today:


Valefor of Final Fantasy X. (Yuna's favorite Aeon! And mine, hehe.) I'm pretty happy with the colors on this one, but the font is a little iffy, as is the border around it. Eh. Oh well. :P


Tifa Lockhart, Final Fantasy VII/Advent Children. I just really love that quote, mainly because I'm a big CloudXTifa fan. :s And 'cause I'm such a sucker for those sappy kinds of moments... Anyway, I actually like the font(s) on this one.


Oh yes, this is my favorite. <3 The fonts, the coloration, the background... I think this might be one of the best--if not the very best--graphics I've ever made. (Penelo, Vaan, and Basch of... well, FFXII, obviously.)


Yayyy Chrono Trigger. :D I have nothing else to say about this.

All made in Photoshop CS3 Extended (and listed in the order I made them) over the course of... uh... I dunno, 4 hours? I'd credit the images and textures but that would take a lot of time and backtracking. >_>;

Sooooo, comments/criticisms/questions? This is the first time I've touched Photoshop in about a month, so please give me some sort of indication as to how I'm doing. :tighthug:
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I don't think this is too bad at all. Naturally, there are some things that you could change, in my opinion; but the worth of my opinion is debatable anyways. :wacky:

For example, I'm not crazy about the borders. There's either no border, or the borders are too thick. Personally, I don't like a border thicker than 2 px, but that's a border that covers the whole banner.

I actually like the text in most of these. You're right about the "stroke" effect in the Valefor sig, but I like how it sticks out of the boundaries of the actual banner, that's always a nice touch.

Overall, these are pretty nice, especially for having not used Photoshop in a month. Have you taken a look at our fine GFX clans yet (notably La Primavera :monster:)?
I don't think this is too bad at all. Naturally, there are some things that you could change, in my opinion; but the worth of my opinion is debatable anyways. :wacky:

For example, I'm not crazy about the borders. There's either no border, or the borders are too thick. Personally, I don't like a border thicker than 2 px, but that's a border that covers the whole banner.

I actually like the text in most of these. You're right about the "stroke" effect in the Valefor sig, but I like how it sticks out of the boundaries of the actual banner, that's always a nice touch.

Overall, these are pretty nice, especially for having not used Photoshop in a month. Have you taken a look at our fine GFX clans yet (notably La Primavera :monster:)?
I've always been such a nub with borders! >_< Oh well. I generally try to make them about 1 px, but sometimes I go overboard or decide not to include one at all. I think it might be a mental illness.

Well, the thing about the stroke on that text is that it (the text) wouldn't show up on these forums at all if I hadn't put the stroke in. It's the exact same color as the forum background. Eheh...

Why thank you. ^_^ I've poked around the clans a bit, but I've only been here for a day so I don't trust myself to make an informed decision about them yet. I feel like this decision could change the course of my existence. o_o
I love the Final Fantasy 12 one. like you said the colors, the font, it all blends together so well and it really is a great piece of work.
Your work is quite interesting. I think the Chrono Cross and FFXII ones are your best so far. As for your borders, they are quite big, yes, but it won't hurt to try out some smaller borders. Once in a while you can go back to using big and thick borders, but generally speaking, typically thinner borders appeal more to the viewers.

I do like your text here as well. Pretty nice and simple.

You really should join one of the clans. ^^ Doesn't matter if you're a beginner, intermediate, or pro. We welcome anyone and we become more in depth with giving advices. There's really quite an advantage for being part of a clan. =]