
Cassian Von Mase

Daemons exist!!!!!
May 20, 2008
Throttle I have complied with your wishes and edited the bio in the mentioned areas. Thank you for pointing them out, I am truly grateful for it.


Name –Fradj Von Calen but is also known as Calen when people are feeling lazy which normally annoys Fradj and causes him to become agitated.

Title –Fradj’s title is Lord for he has seized the reigns of the few remaining Bangaa to avoid leading them into battle. The Night Devil for he does his mercenary work during the night so to as avoid any unnecessary attention.

Alignment – Neutral, but will change his alignment for the highest bidder.

Race – Fradj’s race is half Human half Bangaa. Fradj is a very short Bangaa for his age for his is only 4’6”. Fradj is one of the remaining Bangaa still alive for his tribe was wiped out in a great war.
Fradj due to being a Bangaa has fairly restricted movement for his skin isn’t a supple as other races. He can only reach up to a light jog on his feet but if he goes onto all fours he can move faster. Fradj has inherited strength from his father and knowledge of magic and alchemy from his mother making him an all round power house.

Gender – Male

Occupation: Mercenary, mage and alchemist

Age – 13 earth years.

Appearance – Fradj at first appearance from behind looks like a normal human but from the front it’s a different story for his part being a Bangaa has given him a jaw that juts forward three-quarter of a foot.
Fradj unlike other Bangaa’s has a full head of bright white hair which usually is allowed to hang freely down his back or sometimes but not very often he wears his hair tied up in a pony tail tied up with a golden piece of ribbon. His eyes are larger and wider than a humans, Fradj due to an incident with a blade and his right eye he had to have his right eye lid removed so he could keep his eye sight. His eyes are golden blue, what is meant by this colour is that his eyes are a mixture of shiny gold and deep ocean blue. His ears are large for he has relied on his sense of hearing more than his eye sight like all Bangaa’s. Fradj has an odd number of fingers on his right hand and an even number on his left hand, no one knows why he has an odd number of fingers but no one really cares for anyone who makes any derogatory remarks about Fradj usually ends up six foot beneath the ground due to his short temper. Fradj has a muscular and toned body, he has scars from warfare and has irregularly large feet for a Bangaa of his size and height, they are the largest part of his body, even his head is smaller than one of his feet.

Attire – Fradj’s attire consists of three layers each consisting of one colour only and each of a different length according to the mood he is in and the weather around him.
His usual attire consists of firstly the all black layer which is usually short legged and sleeved clothing with a fine black silk material with a checked pattern embroidered into each item of the first layer each item is loosely fitted to accommodate the most movement available and also the most comfort from cheap materials.
The next layer consists of a red cotton tunic and bandana, which unlike the first layer are just plain material and are unlike the first are more tightly fitted to keep the first layer from moving to much.
Fradj’s third layer of clothing consists of a chocobo feather and coeurl hide jacket with golden trimming and a coeurl fur hood.
Fradj doesn’t wear any foot wear and goes around his business bare footed which suits him fine for that is how nature intended Bangaa’s to live, in touch with nature, though even if he wanted to he wouldn’t be able to afford anyone who is skilled enough to make a human size fifteen shoe.

Personality – Fradj’s personality is very underestimated for when people see him meditating by lake crescetian they take him for a weak person who wouldn’t be able to defend himself in a fight, but those people who do underestimate Fradj find out the hard way what Fradj’s true personality, for his true personality is that of a hot tempered man with a very short fuse who would go into a rage over the slightest thing.
But how people are wrong to judge him as that kind of person for he also has a calm and kind side to his personality which many people have grown to like and love him through. His personality developed as he fought the countless battles as a sellsword.

First Impression – If Fradj where asked a question that he thinks was private he will just turn his back on them and ignore any further questions put to him by them.<o:p></o:p>
He would react very badly to anything anyone said about his family and friends for he is very protective over his close family and friends. Fradj has also been known to overreact on rare occasions.

Strength – Fradj’s brute strength is that of a weight lifters punch after several months of lifting. He can knock a normal sized human out within three punches and can knock a overly sized human out normally within five punches.
Fradj also has mental strength which he uses when he sees any gruesome scenes he usually encounters after a fight, Fradj has meditated whilst sitting atop the same tree since he was 19 years old (human years by the way) to strengthen his mental strength.
If Fradj’s opponent had an amount of 500 hp with minimal defensive capabilities he would be able to knock a fifth off of the 500 hp with one hit and with his staff he could knock off a small matter of hp but with his magic the amount of damage inflicted can range from 20% to 35% of the amount of hp the enemy has. But with defensive capabilities he can’t do that much damage with one hit it would range from a matter of around 5% to 7.5% damage.

Speed – Fradj’s speed can range from a light jog when he is wearing full armour and can range all the way to a full out sprint when he has minimum armour equipped. Fradj’s top speed usually after a ten second run up is around roughly 30mph without any armour equipped but with armour he is limited to only 5mph due to his limbs being constricted, Fradj’s can also use all fours to run at a speed of 45mph after a ten second warm up run.
The same as with his running speed Fradj’s attack speeds range from unable to swing fully to swinging the whole way round his body before attacking, he can punch like lightning due to him training his own reflexes.
Fradj cannot side step due to his Bangaa legs cannot manoeuvre side ways only forward and backwards.

Endurance – Fradj’s endurance has increased sharply since he took up his job as a sellsword, Fradj can take damage from blunt weapons quite easily and only have to shake the blow off, but if he is hit in any of his weak spots i.e. his Arms, legs and neck he will take some considerable time to get back on his feet literally.
Fradj can sprint for 30mph for roughly around fifteen seconds before he needs to take a fifteen second breather, Fradj can fight nonstop for around three and a half minutes before he needs to stop and take a breather.

Reflexes – Fradj can realize he is being attacked with any swords and blunt weapons within zero point five seconds without fail, Fradj can react to a bullet within point two of a second but if the gun is silenced he will not realize and get injured but will be able to fight still but only just.

Fighting Style – Fradj’s fighting style/s, Fradj uses multiple fighting styles he uses multiple martial arts, though he mainly uses taekwondo and karate but he also has very good skills in the other forms of martial arts. Fradj also uses the fighting styles such as a swordsman and also an alchemist and mage. Though Fradj has skills as a Mage, Alchemist and a Mercenary he mainly uses Martial arts techniques, he fights empty handed and this is the fighting style he is the most adept in, this is the fighting style he will fight with honour with.
Fradj has multiple tactics for fighting but he mainly uses the hidden strike method which consists of throwing something at the enemy from one side, then quickly and silently moving round to another side and striking them in the back of the neck to paralyze them.
When fighting as a warrior he will use his reflexes and his endurance to charge head long in to battle and strike down any ranged foes first.
Fradj whilst using any magic and or alchemy will resort to lying low whilst casting any spells and only sticking his head out to see if he has hit the enemy/ies.

Weapons – Fradj’s weapons consists of multiple quivers of arrows and a oak wood bow which he hand crafted from an enchanted oak he found on his long training expeditions. Fradj also carries dual blades roughly one foot in length and are named Jinsei Japanese for Life and the second blade named Sendo Japanese for Death crafted from light adamantine ore one has had a black tint added to the blade and the other has had a white tint added to it the tints signify life and death, light and dark are also appropriate for the colouring of these blades, Jinsei and Sendo are linked at the hilt by one golden chain linked to the loops of Fradj’s belt on either side, Jinsei and Sendo can also be combined into a dual bladed sword which also causes rarely instant death, they have seen many a battle and have multiple scratches and chips taken out of the metal of the blade.
Fradj also carries multiple flasks and packets of herbs and liquids for making his various home made potions. He may sometimes leave all of this wherever he is staying and go into battle empty handed and purely use his hands to defeat his foes.
Fradj’s staff is an ancient staff handed down the Bangaa blood line to the warrior who has proven himself worthy of wielding such a relic, Fradj has tried to track the craftsmen but no one knows who created the “perfect staff”, The staff has a huge effect on Fradj’s magic power and seems to strengthen any magical attack made by Fradj, it also has the effect of halving any magic cast on Fradj.

Armour – Fradj rarely wears any armour for it cramps his movement when he is wearing it, but the armour he normally wears consists of three pieces for he couldn’t afford any more than the bear minimum he has available to him.
Breastplate and Chainmail vest: This part of Fradj’s armour is made of adamant a strong material yet still not perfect for when it gets cold the metal shrinks and causes Fradj’s movement to be cramped further still. The detail on the breastplate resembles a dragon entwined with a large serpent, this was engraved into this armour as a safety charm, the plate was enchanted after he had saved the local village warlords daughter from a band of bandits, and the warlord in return enchanted his breastplate to wish him a safe passage through the mountains in the region.
Leg plates: As with the vest and breastplate these are made of a variation of adamant infused with titanium which in return produces a variation of the ability berserk when the metal comes into contact with the skin, the variation of berserk allows him to gain massive strength boosts for a short amount of time depending on Fradj’s spiritual mood.

Abilities – Fradj does not tend to use his abilities for he only has two but when he does use them they are dramatic and cause massive pain and damage to the target, to use the abilities Fradj has to use a special pendant given to him by the warlord who enchanted his armour to focus his spiritual mood into one form i.e. sad, lonely or angry for instance.
The first of Fradj’s two abilities is a agility and speed boosting ability which gives him the speed to execute the second ability, the ability focuses all of his available energy into his feet and fists and allows him to move at lightning fast speeds silently and for a short time (usually 30 seconds at a time) only and the second ability is a diving attack that uses his agility without armour and his strength as an advantage over his foe, Fradj starts this ability by allowing the enemy to swing for him then moving round to the other side of the enemy leaping into the air and all the time doing so quietly and then slamming the enemies head down into the floor with his foot and fist combined into one huge hammer like combination. This skill uses three-quarters of Fradjs energy.

Magic – Fradj’s main element used when casting magic is the element of lightning. Fradj has three magic attacks for the element he uses, all rely on him going into a trance like state which allows him to bring the true strength out of all of his attacks.
Static shock: This spell uses a one-eighth (45 of 360)of Fradj’s magical energy and takes thirty seconds to complete the incantation. This spell ranges in strength depending on the type of armour equipped and what metal it is made from, for most people know most metal conducts electricity. The conduction of this spell does not however unlike normal electricity does not disperse once it is absorb by the metal it only strengthens its power by three times the amount of damage ususally caused ,which is roughly one-quarter of the persons health.
Lightning: This spell uses one-quarter of Fradj’s magical energy (which if it had to have a number would be 90 of 360 magic points) and takes a minute to complete fully though the incantation is the same as the one for Static shock it has had two more verses added on, so if for any reason he is interrupted whilst casting for whatever reason he will more than likely end up letting a rogue static shock loose. The same thing happens with the Lightning as the Static shock armour and contact with metal only strengthens the spells strength.

Thunder: This spell uses all of Fradj’s magical energy and unlike the other two spells takes twenty seconds to cast for by the time he has focused the energy to use this spell he has had to focus on one mood, anger.

Other Skills – Fradj has one form to change into, he can change when he wants into a wolf, this skill involves using three-quarters of his magical energy to complete the change. Fradj has perfected the transformation into a wolf for as his nickname is The Night Devil he needs to move at speed quickly and fairly silently so as to not arrouse suspicion from anyone.

History – Fradj was born to a human woman and a Bangaa male, he has inherited many different features of human and Bangaa alike, because of this he doesn’t fit in with the humans and neither the Bangaa for he is to much of a monster for the humans to like and to much of a human for the Bangaa to like, he was an outcast from birth after his father died he was cast out onto the street by his mother for she only wanted his father for his money.
Fradj after being cast out onto the streets made a living as a mercenary of sorts doing small favours for innkeepers in return for food and shelter in one of the stables for the night.
One day whilst Fradj was cleaning out a innkeepers shed he found a twin set of blades linked by a golden chain with the name tag attached to them saying that they where called Jinsei and Sendo, he asked the innkeeper why these beautiful blades where stuck in a box in the shed, the reply was that the owner of the blades had passed away and left them to the innkeeper even though the innkeeper was a pascifist, so in return for the tidying of the shed Fradj was rewarded with the two blades which from this day on have stayed attached to Fradj's belt.

Fradj aqquired his skills as a mage and an alchemist during his apprentiship with an old man who took Fradj under his wing one windy night.
After being under the oldmans tutalage for a month Fradj had already learnt enough skills to keep him alive a fit. So one night Fradj ran away from the oldmans home taking with him the staff he now carries at his side and several hundred gold pieces from the old mans safe.

After several days of walking Fradj collapsed and when he awoke he had no memory of who he was or where he was all he had was the clothes and weapons he had been carrying before the collapse.
Fradj now has no memory of what happened before the old man took him in and he has no idea how he got to where he was.
(Fradj's memory will slowly be reagined as he goes through his life in many rp's)
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...Commas and periods are your best friends in bio-writing, and I shall say no more of the grammar >__>

Cassian Von Mase said:
Strength – Fradj’s brute strength is that of a weight lifters punch after several months of lifting. He can knock a normal sized human out within three punches and can knock a overly sized human out normally within five punches.<o:p></o:p>
Fradj also has mental strength which he uses when he sees any gruesome scenes he usually encounters after a fight, Fradj has meditated whilst sitting atop the same tree since he was 19 years old (human years by the way) to strengthen his mental strength.<o:p></o:p>
If Fradj’s opponent had an amount of 500 hp with minimal defensive capabilities he would be able to knock a fifth off of the 500 hp with one hit and with his staff he could knock off a small matter of hp but with his magic the amount of damage inflicted can range from 20% to 35% of the amount of hp the enemy has. But with defensive capabilities he can’t do that much damage with one hit it would range from a matter of around 5% to 7.5% damage.

Just remember that the numbers aren't there as a stat, they are there as reference. In a battle, there will be several factors that are key to damage-taking and damage-giving; some may increase the damage inflicted, but others may work against it.

Abilities – Fradj does not tend to use his abilities for he only has two but when he does use them they are dramatic and cause massive pain and damage to the target, to use the abilities Fradj has to use a special pendant given to him by the warlord who enchanted his armour to focus his spiritual mood into one form i.e. sad, lonely or angry for instance.<o:p></o:p>
The first of Fradj’s two abilities is a agility and speed boosting ability which gives him the speed to execute the second ability, the ability focuses all of his available energy into his feet and fists and allows him to move at lightning fast speeds silently and for a short time only and the second ability is a diving attack that uses his agility without armour and his strength as an advantage over his foe, Fradj starts this ability by allowing the enemy to swing for him then moving round to the other side of the enemy leaping into the air and all the time doing so quietly and then slamming the enemies head down into the floor with his foot and fist combined into one huge hammer like combination.

How long can he move at said speeds? Also, both abilities need energy costs; it's not exactly fair to execute these things and get off scott-free, is it?

Magic – Fradj’s main element used when casting magic is the element of lightning. Fradj has three magic attacks for the element he uses, all rely on him going into a trance like state which allows him to bring the true strength out of all of his attacks.<o:p></o:p>
Static shock: This spell uses a one-eighth of Fradj’s magical energy and takes thirty seconds to complete the incantation. This spell ranges in strength depending on the type of armour equipped and what metal it is made from, for most people know most metal conducts electricity. The conduction of this spell does not however unlike normal electricity does not disperse once it is absorb by the metal it only strengthens its power. <o:p></o:p>
Lightning: This spell uses one-quarter of Fradj’s magical energy and takes a minute to complete fully though the incantation is the same as the one for Static shock it has had two more verses added on, so if for any reason he is interrupted whilst casting for whatever reason he will more than likely end up letting a rogue static shock loose. The same thing happens with the Lightning as the Static shock armour and contact with metal only strengthens the spells strength.<o:p></o:p>
Thunder: This spell uses all of Fradj’s magical energy and unlike the other two spells takes twenty seconds to cast for by the time he has focused the energy to use this spell he has had to focus on one mood, anger.

For Lightning and Static Shock, we'll need some energy costs. Also, how much is the lightning strengthened when coming into contact with metal?

Other Skills – Fradj has one form to change into, he can change when he wants into a wolf, this skill involves using three-quarters of his magical energy to complete the change.

The transformation is alright, but what is it's purpose? WHY transform into a wolf, of all creatures, and what does the transformation do for him?

Change up what I've made note of and I'll have another looksee.

Since Red XIII has been working on approving your bio, I'm only going to give you a reminder: Please be sure to do as was suggested by Red XIII, and post that you have done-so in this thread, so that it can be approved faster.

I went and fixed the formatting errors in your bio, but I would recommend that you go back and fix some of the spacing issues that may have popped up, and possibly bold and underline the different areas, so that the bio will be more readable. Thanks!
Alright, now there is only one thing that I can see: The Thunder ability. What is it, exactly, and what does it look like? I imagine that it is powerful, since it drains your energy, but we still need to know exactly what it does.

Otherwise, you're good to go. Change that up, let me know, and I'll take another look at it :monster: