Friday the 13th

Kim Taehyung

You shine brighter than anyone ✨
Nov 30, 2006
I'll just make this a duel topic thread. One, today happens to be Friday the 13th. Is anyone afraid of Friday the 13th, or supersticious? And two, you can also talk about the now infamous movie series starring one of my favorite movie characters, Jason Voorhees. I, personally, think Friday the 13th is just like any other day. I just don't get freaked out about it. In fact, I own two black cats. They walk in front of me all the time, but I don't get paranoid about it. So does anyone else get supersticious on Friday the 13th and/or do you like the movies?
You know, the scariest part of friday the 13th, is its one of my luckiest days, and everyone around me is like... cursed. I do magic the gathering booster pack drafts on fridays, and on the 13's, i always win. The last friday the 13th, i was undefeated for 20 matches. I'm going again tonight too! =D
I hate Friday the 13. It's so stupid. A very stupid movie. All there is in that movie are ridiculouse kill scenes and naked women. c'mon let's get original.

But as for the date I don't care about it. but it does give me and excuse to dress all dark like xD.
The ONLY day that ever freaked me out was 6/6/06. Glitches were on all of my online games and people just died randomly, losing millions... A freind that played Kings of Chaos even got his account deleted from server glitch. Lucky for me, my lazy self stayed inside and played my gamecube all day.
Friday the 13th huh? I hadn't actually noticed. I am not superstitious. And the movies were pants. Honestly.

As to black cats being unlucky that's incorrect. Black cats were traditionally thought of as very lucky, like in Japan, until the witch-hunters came along and made them out to be witches familiars. This made them unlucky in the eyes of the general public as to be seen with one may get you accused of witch-craft.
My black cat Tizzy is VERY lucky and sweet and hardly ever plays with my broomsti.... errr...vaccum cleaner....
Gee, Friday the 13th. It's scary thinking about the bad things that have happened to me in the past few years. I'm not paranoid or anything. But yeah, nothing bad's happened so far. Just a few more hours now! I think the next Friday the 13th is in July for your information.
Nothing bad really happens to me on Friday 13th. Just a regular day as far as my luck is concerned.

Although, I did have to help out in the garden today. That was annoying... :dry:

As for the film... I've never watched it. Can't say I plan to, either.
The ONLY day that ever freaked me out was 6/6/06. Glitches were on all of my online games and people just died randomly, losing millions... A freind that played Kings of Chaos even got his account deleted from server glitch. Lucky for me, my lazy self stayed inside and played my gamecube all day.
Over in Hell, Michigan, they were selling off as much stuff as possible for $6.66 :p
Today was one of the best days of my life.
I walked around town in Santa Monica barefoot and it was amazing.
I think its retarded. Friday 13th is just an excuse for people to use if something bad happens on the day. "Oh, my familys dead? Damn you Friday the 13th!" Please. It could happen any day of the year.

And the movies suck too.
I went to the beach today, had dip n dots ice cream, played some games at the pier, and went to hollywood to help my bf find a nirvana shirt. =]