garamsyth waterway

I'm going off memory here, but I think first what you gotta do is if you're looking at the locks from the entrance when you just got in, turn the two ones on the far right off and go deep down into the now drained waterway. At the end of it below the waterline (when the water is high I mean) there will be another one of those drainage thingies. Hit that and then go back to the start, turn the original two locks off and do the same thing on the left, then come back to the entrance, turn everything off and then turn the two middle ones on.

I don't have my guide with me right now, but if my directions were off or unclear just tell me and I'll get it and post exactly what it says in there (its not an easy trip to go and find it, its buried somewhere in my junkheap of a room, otherwise I'd get it right now).

I hope that helps
thankyou i will try it and let you know if it worked if i had the money i would by the book but unfortunaltly when on your disabilty you can't afford the nice things. thanks emicia
I got teh book for 15 cents on I think tehy had an error or something on there site. But i jumped in and got it before they could fix it :p