get FFIX & X or FFXIII


Dec 13, 2009
Help me decide,

I havent played FFXIII yet, but all the trailers have failed to inspire me to purchase, instead I want to reown FFIX and FFX which were taken from me years ago and its been so long since I last played them it would be like playing them new again.

Whats gonna be more fun playing FFXIII or FFIX & FFX ??
Its so late!

Well I always find it interesting to play something new over something old most of the time.

Um....2 Questions?

How were they "taken away"?

How long has it been since you owned them?

Shed some more light on these topics and you may come to an answer yourself.
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Although a fun game, the combined efforts of IX and X outshine XIII on any day of the week. If you're only to choose between those two options, I'd definitely go with the previous installations - XIII will be in the shops for quite some time to come, so there's no immediate rush to get it.

Besides, IX alone is a pretty hefty contender.
FFIX and FFX outweigh what FFXIII has to offer rather easily in my opinion.

If the FFXIII trailers haven't inspired you, I doubt the actual game will either. Gameplay wise, FFXIII isn't the best to go for. I found it mostly monotonous - a marathon of battles in a straight line to get to a certain spot for a cutscene or a battle, or both. I much enjoyed FFX and FFIX more than FFXIII.

But seeing as you've played FFIX and FFX already and there may still be familiarity in you, there's no harm in finding a copy of FFXIII when it's cheaper and having a go at that as well, just so you can form your own opinion of it.
My suggestion would be IX as well. Personally, it's one of my two top FFs, VI being the other. X I'm not really a fan of. It's a decent enough game, it just doesn't really hold my interest very well. Haven't played XIII, so I can't comment there.
I say FFIX and X. Although you might need to take into account how long ago you had them.

Then again, that might not matter. They are classics and would give you much more enjoyment than FFXII. First of all, they are two games, which would last longer than a single game. And in my opinion, FFX is a much better game than XII, so you would get more out of it.
I say FFIX and X. Although you might need to take into account how long ago you had them.

Then again, that might not matter. They are classics and would give you much more enjoyment than FFXII. First of all, they are two games, which would last longer than a single game. And in my opinion, FFX is a much better game than XII, so you would get more out of it.

I don't necessarily agree. I love IX as much as the next person and found XII to be an even more enthralling game. On top of that, I personally did not like X. So it's more about what a certain individual is looking for in a game.

And the original poster was asking if he or she should get either IX, X or XIII not XII. =)

I would personally recommend IX first then X. out of sheer decision choices in game design IX and X offer much more than XIII. If you like melodramatic soap opera-esque dialogue and cut-scenes however, XIII would probably be a gem for you.
i would say ffix and ffx

i love ffx :) best ff game there is..... the storyline is great, one of only 2 reasons y i still have a ps2 :)

i'm playing ffix at the moment (brought it on psp) and i'm liking the storyline in it :) gameplay is not that great... but storyline is fantastic
i only played FFX and FFXIII and my opinion is to get FFXIII. FFX has a much better story and is engaging, but FFXIII is a lot more fun to play imo. FFX gets annoying with all the pop up battles, unlike FFXIII where you can run past them. (or at least try)
Like Olivia said, if your not interested from the trailer's chances are you won't like the game much either-- but who knows you might possibly.

I'd go with IX and X

For one their a lot cheaper to own-- and if you have a ps3 you can easily get it on the PSN.

IX is one of my fave FFs just great.. everything i loved the game.

X is also another good game. Not my fave, but better then XIII IMHO.
GET IX! It's so underrated! D:

The storyline is amazing, aswell as the characters. I've played that game so many times and it still hasn't gotten old. And it's really fun.

XIII honestly doesn't look as good as the older games. X is pretty good too, but IX is better! ;D
Yeah you could easily get a copy of FFIX and FFX these days for less than $50 even less.....

how did you lose them in the first place? Sounds Dodgy.

FFIX is a great little adventure with the traditional elements of the old school FF games
where as FFX went in a new directiuon and gave us the firt of a new generation of FF games.......easily the best of the last 10 years IMO.
I would go with IX and X. I think XIII was a great action game, but as far as deserving the title final fantasy? No. I have played all of the games and imo X was the best followed by VII and IX. So definatly go for IX and X
Im opinion, most definitely get Final Fantasy IX and X because their classics (plus they have Epic storylines).I have never played XIII but i would buy IX and X any day
IX and X without a doubt

Get XIII when it's in a bargain bucket - it's only a matter of time. By no means a bad game, but IX and X shit all over XIII tbh, and there is more re- playability with those 2 games as well. Hell, even just one of those games craps all over XIII
IX & X obviously........

IX is underrated but nothing compared to X..........X is the best in my opinion..............however it's your choice......XIII is impressive (in looks).........but IX and X have amazing storylines which is what RPG's are really about.
Get IX and X.

IX has a great storyline (currently on Disc 4, btw), and X is not bad either. XIII seems okay, but after reading the thread of "20 Reasons I hate FFXIII" (or something like that), I'd stick with IX and X. If you end up getting XIII, try doing so when it's cheaper. $60 bucks for a game you'll probably pass in a week (due to nonstop playing) just doesn't sound good, you know?
IX and X. I'm currently playing both of them and they are amazing! Definitely buy them, IX is a great game all around and both of them have EPIC stories.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
If you haven't played any of them, go for IX and X- Unless you prefer graphics over gameplay, story, and just about everything else.
Definitely IX and X, just IX alone trumps over XIII.

XIII has the beautiful graphics, but boring gameplay. If you're into that, buy XIII.