Gil Snapper !?

Dec 4, 2006
I've accepted this hunt awhile ago and have made pretty good progress in the game but everytime i return to Giza Plains it's never heavy rains, Is there a point in the story i have to get to or am i doing something wrong, thanks for the help
Well try using the red crystal and transportin to Rabanestre then walk to the giza plains that worked for me cause i walk from the osmoe plains and it wasnt raining but i used the red crystal to get to rabanestre and then went to giza plains and i was able to get the gil snapper during rainy season.
Have you found the secret area in the plains yet?
if not, here:

For the secret location here, we first need to cut down 6 trees. By the center
of the map, you can cut a tree and it will flow to SE. A bit south from here,
cut down another tree and it flows to E. At the south most area, cut down one
more tree and it will flow to E. Further, at upper right of Giza Plains, go cut
down another tree and it will flow to S. At the north of Giza Plains, another
tree to be cut down, it will flow to S. Finally, one more in the Settlement and
it will flow to SE. Of course, head to the SE of Giza Plains. The logs has now formed a path leading to the secret area.
formed a path.

Okay. When you get to the secret area and it's not raining hard. You can just leave that part of the map then re-enter. You don't have to leave the whole plains. If you have re-entered and still no heavy rains you can just leave and re-enter as much as needed, until you see that it's raining particularly hard. Anyways, Bansato, a guy from clan centurio, will be there to tell you if it's raining hard enough to start the hunt. He'll help you fight too.

Hope this helps.
