Gilgamesh Hunt


Chocobo Breeder
Nov 13, 2006
North Carolina
I fought him once, and he ran off like a wussy... So, I got the Site 11 key, unlocked the door and there was nothing. Is he supposed to be on that bridge with those Lvl 60 Aeros (or some form of them, anyway?) I got my butt kicked going into Site 5 and Site 6, but somehow made it out. My characters are around 50 now. Anyone have an idea as to where Gilgamesh is for the second battle?
1st. you shouldnt be fifhgting him at lvl 50! he has lvl 2,3, and lvl 4 spells. all multiples of those #s get affected. so 1st of all you need to get your self to 61 ot lvl 69 because 2ndly HE IS HARD!!! so hard. so lvl up to 61 or 69. :)
He is not on any bridge for the 2nd battle.. If I dun remember wrongly, he should be at the very end of Site 7 (South east most of the mines).. Juz go all the way in deeper (U might probably have a real hard time fighting the undead there).. But still juz try ur best to get through those monsters if u reali wanna kick his arse with ur current level.. Remember to steal his genji items.. ^^ The easiest way to know that u have reach him is when u see the blue save crystal, he is inside the cave juz below the save crystal.. A place where u can see alot of mist.. Good luck!! ;)
Xiao is correct,go deeper into the mines,as far as it goes,and you come to a save crystal.Don't even think about not saving!!!!
Gilgamesh is actually not very hard at all. I had a much harder time dealing with the undead before reaching him than with him! There is a rare game undead that spawns in that section before Gilgamesh that is 10x harder than he is. If you see him, run like hell. Its name is Disma.

Just make sure you curaja and esunaga if you get nailed with something and you should be ok. Although lvl 50 is a bit low to be attempting it.
He is in site 7, the end of the map. You can find a map urn if you explore a little more so that should help you. There is a save crystal before you fight him so that does help. Getting to him is a challenge in its self. You might run into (and I did) Dismiss, a rare hunt. He was real hard and almost wiped my whole team out constantly. But somehow i was able to beat him!!!

Anyways I fought Gilgamesh at around Vaan-55 and all my other charcters at 47-48. Let me tell you this one hard ass battle but I did have Reddas which helped out a lot!! You need to take out the dog and he does not go down easy. I did a quickining on him ( a good one, about 20K dmg) and it did not even dent him. Eventualy he went down and then he got somewhat easy.

I had curaja, esuna, and arise (a must) on everybody as gambits. I had Balthier steal all the time (with thief cuffs) to get the Genji armor. After I got all that and the dog dead i just hammered Gilgamesh. After hour later he was dead! Oh by the way bubble helps and the belts.

anyway good luck