Good place to EXP quick


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 29, 2007
Hello all, im around level 45 ready to take that tower on in the middle of the sea but before that I would like to level up like 10 to 20 levels...But I'm not very sure of where would be a good spot to chain on creatures to get some objects out of them so that I can make myself some money too!

All idea's are welcome! thanks in advance.
You're being a little vague as to where you're at, but are you indicating that you've finished the part in Giruvegan? If so, then you're at a horribly low level. And if the stage you're at is where I think, then I suggest training in Giruvegan a lot more for at least ten more levels per character.

Also if you're stuck, equip the Embroided Tippet (or whatever it's called) for double experience points. If you don't have it, it's located within Old Archades, available from the only merchant there. Ensure you have Blizzaga too, as that'll help wipe out the Behemoths around Giruvegan.
The area where roblon is has gotta be my favourite. Just be ready to run out, heal and come back in with a few AoE spells ready to go if it gets nasty. The reason being if you dont have too good DPS then you won't be able to handle the constant spawning of monsters at the beginning, once you get the first wave down though its easy hunting.
When I went into Giruvegan my whole party was level 48 and when I came out my party was level 51. Giruvegan is probably the best place to get up some levels.
Yeah Giruvegan is good, but then so is the Still Shrine of mirim (spelling?). That place has LOADS of zombies if you head down the right hand stairs and then right past the first stone giant that used to come to life before you completed that area. I got a good chain in there and if you equip everyone in your party with the embroidered tippit it's a doddle getting lvl's up. I equipped non-party members with the golden amulet too and thereby got the licence board full before doing the next stage you are at.
well there is guraivagan but there also is cerra stopie or something both of these places are perfect for you to train.
I don't know how you can spell Giruvegan wrong when it's right in front of you..anyway, this needs moving.
I'd say level up right there at the pharos if that is the place you are talking about. Find an area close to a save crystal so you can run and heal if needed, and won't lose too much progress if you happen to die. Venturing dap into Giruvegan or the Great Crystal would be a big help too, but you may find yourself picking up your own teeth off the ground because at level 45 you can get royally trampled upon up there.