012: Duodecim Got the Game :)


England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
i have the game :D it's amazing just doing free battles right now here are mt options

Kain.. i played as him in prolougs and was well easy..

Tifa.. found her very hard to play as.... i even lost the battle when i used her

Laguna, i found him fun to play as...... very fun.. hard to land bravery attacks with

Yuna.. don't have great attacks at LV 1... but i got a prefect on her overdrive
proper game XD i done some of the story and i already had 2 cgi cutscenes XD
Let's watch the one liners, guys. This is still in a post count section.. though I'm not sure what the actual purpose of this thread is, anyways :wacky:

Can you elaborate more on Laguna's style? From what I saw, he seemed pretty tricky to play as. I'm surprised to hear Tifa may be harder to control though O_O
Huh. Chances are I'm going to be playing as Kain first when I finally get the first. :hmmm:
Anything else you have to say about Yuna, though? I realize she may be your favorite character, but me and a couple of others are VERY much doubting she'll be useful in the game. I'd look at some of her gameplay now, but I'm at school now . :wacky:
hmmmm laguna is intresting.. u have to time he attacks right..... the only thing about him is that he is weak..... :( and also i take my she is hard comment on tifa... after growing a few levels she rocks :D
I just got the game as well and I have to say... I love the new mechanics that Square has made from DFF to DDFF :D Its super fun to play online and right now I'm digging Vaan. His attacks are pretty nice with half of them being un-blockables.
Dave880 since when did you join here?! I didn't know you did haha..

Well I'll let you guys know my take on the characters since there isn't much said here.. Firstly Laguna is a great character. He takes a little getting used to in terms of distance and combination attacks but he works really well. He can punish opponents really well with his machine gun and even the sniper works wonders. He's pretty much packed with everything ranging from a shotgun to rocket launchers and grenades. Definitely a favorite among many, I didn't know how Laguna would fit into the game but he works just fine. His HP attacks are quite good too save for some of ground HP attacks. I say that he works at his best when he's about mid way from opponent, some of his start up attacks are slow so characters like Tifa who are fast can get in and punish him if he's not careful.

Tifa on the other hand is a very VERY fun character to play. I think many know of her feinting ability, this is triggered by pressing the x button at the right time during most of her attacks. This sounds easy but for some of her attacks the timing is really tricky. I've managed to get her feinting down and she proves to be very handy if you want to play mind games with your opponent. When you're able to put her feinting into effect she's a great character to play as. She can punish Yuna pretty well as I know I've had lots of trouble dealing with Tifa.

Going on to Yuna she is also a great addition to the cast however distance is one of her main things. She has in close attacks and some with great range but Yuna's slow start ups make her quite vulnerable to characters she's also at danger with other ranged characters and I find she doesn't punish too well. She reminded me of Onion Knight in the way that you have to use your HP attacks when you can otherwise you're at risk of being broken. Shiva is the Aeon that I can't really connect with but you'll find that playing Yuna, Valefor will become your main aeon, he's great. Has a wonderful HP attack on the ground (Energy Ray), has a ranged attack and is very fast when she uses him for her air attack. I find myself using him a lot.. Ixion also has great range with his attacks save for Aerospark. Bahamut isn't too bad and varies like the others, I find I don't use him much and I really only use Ifrit's Hellfire HP attack because it's quick and the CPU seem to fall for dodging upwards which gets them caught in the attack.

Phew, okay on to Kain. I haven't played much of him but his attacks seemed to be very close ranged save for some.. He's good on stages like Phantom Train (IMO) because the stage is nice and closed for him to punish the opponent but I find in open stages it can prove a challenge to land HP attacks with him. Of course, if you have the right assist for him then he can link HP attacks very well and deal some serious damage. I haven't really picked him up but I can say he's fun to play as.. I've seen a lot of players spam his Jump HP attack which can be a good attack for mind games as well. :-)

Vaan.. Oh gosh Vaan. He's pretty much an all round character. Range and in close.. he can deal both. he is the most annoying character to fight because he's able to kick some serious butt.. A lot of people find him fun to play as and I did.. until he started to beat up my mains, now I just don't like him haha. But if you plan to use him, he's very versatile and can deal some serious damage as well.

Last but not least is Prishe. She's pretty much become my main along with Yuna and is a great character. I compare her to Tifa but without the feints and much much faster. She's able to deal MAJOR damage in her EX mode as her combos become longer and all hits are criticals. I find her EX burst hard to pull off though just because it's so fast.. much like her :P I can see Prishe being a character who many people will choose to play as basically because she's great.

Oh and I forgot about lightning.. but I think most people know about her. >:(

The games addition of assists is great too, it gives a big advantage to characters who had a hard time landing HP attacks before. Much like Squall who could get BRV easily but not land an HP attack because the start ups were so slow, with assists you can pull off really good combos. I know that with prishe I'm able to deal HP attacks when I combine her with Jecht as an assist. The system just opens so many doors.

Here's three matches of me and Dave880 taking on two of our other friends. Enjoy! :D


You can now have team battles on Ad Hoc party and it's really really really fun <3
Wow I really want the game so much! I'm downloading it now, but it doesn't download! It's still %0 for 1 week! Then I wished for it LOL
The game was so really great!! I really want it!!
Picked mine up about a week or so ago. Finished the 012 story!! It was simple, nothing too shocking, but I really enjoyed it. Kain certainly got some SE love I think. Which is fine by me!

Now to dominate 013 with the characters I imported from the original Dissidia.