Grad. Trip to Japan

Sep 19, 2006
Texas (Yehaw!)
I graduate in May, after which I'm going to be taking my first out-of-country trip to Japan. Does anyone have any advice on where I could go or certain places that would be memorable? Things I should do? Things I should see? Thanks! ^_^
Well go to "Kisk Hisk". Thats a store you can go to, to eat and buy things. When my parents went they went there! Its a beauty there! All you can eat. If you love animation, they have every single animation movie of course that you would "REALLY" want to see! I brought: Love Hina the whole series, Inuyash the whole series, The Avatar The Last AirBender not the whole series I thought it was going to be a corny movie come to find out I was "WRONG", SailorMoom for my older sister, and alot more! Im the only one in my family who would "DIE" for a anime movie! I can't watch anything else but animation! Im a "ANIMATION FAN" Big time animation fan baby!:cool:

Wow, this thread is VERY old. But anyway, here are things I have to say more others who wish to visit Japan. I haven't been there myself, but I know a few things.

Japan is EXPENSIVE. Be prepared to go penniless when you return home if you're not careful so it may be wise to go to a cheap buffet than some sushi resturant and end with a $500 bill at the end. Maybe even take a credit card with you just in case. Of course, be extremely careful not to lose it for there can always be sly pick-pockets around the many train stations.

You should visit Shibuya though. That's where all the expensive malls and such are at if you're willing to go. Also go there on a Sunday if you can. I hear they hold special days on Sundays where girls tend to cosplay and dress up as Visual Kei band members. If you don't know what Visual Kei means, it's basically a form of music and a "style" of dress. Visual Kei basically means Visual Shock. See for yourself. A good example is Dir En Grey in their Visual Kei days when they started out. Of course, Dir En Grey, a widely popular band, has now moved on to a more modern and more 'Americanized' style with how they dress.

Also, don't even think about renting out an apartment there. It can be very very expensive. I heard some of them were like around $15,000 a month. Not in yen, US money, fifteen-thousand. >.>

Also, while you're still in Japan, I suggest you go see at least one traditional play or something like No Theatre or Kabuki. It's sort of those things like, "do before you die". Like see Rome before you die, ride a roller coaster before you die, etc.


If I remember correctly, Shibuya was one of the places where they had huge Advent Children advertisments. I bet they're gone by now though.