Hi everybody! I've made a couple of posts here but not really introduced myself, so here goes!
My name's Ben, and I'm from the UK. I'm a composer by profession, and I also conduct and arrange/orchestrate music too. My speciality is arranging videogame music for Orchestral performances, and I worked for a time as an Arranger for the Legend of Zelda - Symphony of the Goddesses Concert which toured worldwide from 2012 to 2017.
I've also recently, (by that I mean in the last few years), been drawn into the world of Final Fantasy, especially 6-10, and the music has completely taken me by surprise - Nobuo Uematsu's music is phenomenal and perfectly atmospheric. It's inspired me to start making arrangements of several Final Fantasy tracks, which in time, I'd love to share with you awesome people!
Nice to meet you all!! Looking forward to getting to know you
My name's Ben, and I'm from the UK. I'm a composer by profession, and I also conduct and arrange/orchestrate music too. My speciality is arranging videogame music for Orchestral performances, and I worked for a time as an Arranger for the Legend of Zelda - Symphony of the Goddesses Concert which toured worldwide from 2012 to 2017.
I've also recently, (by that I mean in the last few years), been drawn into the world of Final Fantasy, especially 6-10, and the music has completely taken me by surprise - Nobuo Uematsu's music is phenomenal and perfectly atmospheric. It's inspired me to start making arrangements of several Final Fantasy tracks, which in time, I'd love to share with you awesome people!
Nice to meet you all!! Looking forward to getting to know you