1) Keep it friendly and be a good sport. Nobody likes a sore loser or a sore winner, and it gets even worse when you get angry at somebody. Keep it friendly, and make sure that you aren’t a poor sport; it will damage your credibility and often results in flaming. Playing fair and taking a loss or win graciously is an excellent way of following this rule.
2) Don’t spam. I cannot stress this rule enough. Competitions are not for short posts, they are not for one-liners. A one-liner or very short post can severely damage your credibility as an RPer or writer, and it doesn’t leave a lot for your opponent to work with.
2) Don’t spam. I cannot stress this rule enough. Competitions are not for short posts, they are not for one-liners. A one-liner or very short post can severely damage your credibility as an RPer or writer, and it doesn’t leave a lot for your opponent to work with.