

The Beauty of The Night
Jun 4, 2008

- Hanakura Himeyaku is a character intended for Roleplaying Battles.

Name – Hanakura Himeyaku

Title – Hanakura is sometimes referred to as The Beauty of The Night. The reason for her name is because she is often seen in the darkness of night but her beauty is often seen by others when they are capable of seeing. She is neither good nor evil but if she had the choice, she'd choose the side of good.

Alignment – Good

Race – Hanakura is part of the Lotus Flower race. This is a small race of ninja that all have common features to them. Every female within this race has long black hair and silver pupils that do not blend in with their eye. Males, on the other hand, have silver hair and black pupils. This race isn't widely known around the world and are sometimes referred to as monsters, or a disgrace to the human society. The race was first formed from a human female mating with Humanoid dog creature.

– Female

Age – Hanakura is 18 years old in Earth Years.

Appearance – Hanakura is a very slender woman who can easily be spotted as one that trains a lot. Her skin is a very light color, being very similar to pure white as snow. On her back, about seven inches away from her neck, is a lotus tattoo that each female within her race is embedded with. This tattoo is a distinguisher between the races besides the eyes. Hanakura's hair is black like every other female within her race. Usually, the other female members wear their hair long but Hanakura places her hair into a ponytail that is held together by a headband worn at the very top of her head.

Hanakura's eye color is one of her most notable features. Her eyes have a silver pupil that does not blend in with the color of her entire eye. Instead of being closer to white in looks, it looks like a shiny gray of sorts which makes her easy to distinguish at night time and when someone sees her face to face. Hanakura wears a shirt that is shaped different than most common shirts.

It starts at her neck and separates at her chest to circulate around her back and travel straight down to her waist. The shirt is pink and has many lotus's and flowers on it. At her chest is a large strap that is completely black and covers up most of her bust. It also acts as armor. She wears a black miniskirt and a belt that has two circles in the center of the buckle.

Attire – [Image at the top]


Hanakura has a unique personality. She was raised to distrust full breed humans so she acts on her own and never usually follows the instructions of anyone else. She is in the direct center of good and evil in that she will do a good or evil deed to benefit herself. However, she is caring and compassionate and would never do anything with the intention of harming someone unless it was for a good reason. She is dedicated to friends that she may have and is secretly shy.

She doesn't say very much and is often seen fleeing when a person wishes to talk to her. In battle, Hanakura acts like a true warrior and fights until the end as her race has learned to never give up in a fight. She treats most people with respect and tries to accept everyone for their differences no matter what they will be. In some situations she may treat a person terribly, especially if they speak badly about her Race or about women.

First Impression
–Upon first meeting Hanakura, I would think that she is a beautiful lady as anyone would, but I would also think that she was a tough warrior. I would also believe that she was shy due to her lack of speech towards others. Knowing she was a fighter would be obvious because of the two daggers that she carries with her.

– Hanakura physical strength is on the average level compared to most humans. Being a dog and human hybrid, her strength is enhanced slightly but not to a degree that some superhumans would be on. To a brick wall in a single punch, she would crack the area a little but would hurt her hand greatly in the process. If she continued to punch it, she probably wouldn’t break through. In terms of lifting, she can lift about the weight of an average sized female adult.If she were to punch an opponent in a battle, her punch would do a numerical value of 20 and an opponent that started with 500 HP would be left with 480.

–Hanakura isn’t very powerful, but because she is a hybrid of a human and a dog, she is very fast. Her sidesteps are quick and allow her to dodge close ranked and mid-ranged attacks with ease. After a ten speed build-up, she could run about 30 mph.

Endurance – From an average and basic attack, Hanakura would indeed by wounded but not by so much that she would be unable to continue in battle. In a fight, she can battle for long periods of time and probably go for a half an hour to an hour depending on the ferocity and toughness of the opponent. Normally, she can battle for 20 minutes before taking a short breather but this is not a breather like a human would take and she would need to take the breath for about a few seconds to a moment. When running at top speeds, Hanakura can run for about 10 minutes until she needs to take a breather. In hot weather, this time is cut in half.

– Hanakura has above human level reflexes. She could quickly realize that she is being attacked and often can determine if she’s being followed based on the sounds she hears. She can dodge a bullet from a long range but up close she normally would be unable to do so.

Fighting Style
– Hanakura believes in a fair chance so she fights with honor instead of resorting to tricks and underhanded tactics. She usually fights with her family’s Inu-wan-do style of fighting, which is a cross between the fighting styles of a dog and the martial arts style of a ninja. She fights using her hands, feet, and her weapons known as the Dog Fangs.

Weapons – Hanakura’s weapon are dual weld daggers known as the Dog Fangs. These weapons are sharp daggers that Hanakura uses in battle along with her swiftness and ninja talents. These daggers are pretty average daggers but are treasured highly by Hanakura due to them being specially crafted by the fangs of her father. The Dog Fangs are exactly identical in appearance. Both daggers have pink handle with bandages surrounding it partially. The daggers, being crafted by the Fangs of a type of dog creature, make them powerful and durable but not indestructible. These are one of a kind weapons and are sometimes looked at as treasures in themselves.<o:p></o:p>
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Armour – Hanakura does not have much armor. She has one portion of armor that covers up her chest section. There isn’t much to this armor. In terms of appearance, it is completely black and very hard. Its durability is great enough to be able to withstand the attack from a sword, although a powerful swordsman would probably be able to break through it. This armor has magical properties sealed within it that decreases its weight. Also, it halves the attack of low level lightning attacks to help protect Hanakura.<o:p></o:p>
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Berserk: Hanakura has one special technique and that ability is known as Berserk. This ability is used when Hanakura is tired and running out of energy. In a battle, all of Hanakura's stats increased. Her speed is increased a little and her attack power is increased by 25% as well as her defense. This also increases the rate in which Hanakura can attack an opponent by lowering the amount of stamina used when running and using attacks. This is sometimes referred to as Hanakura's feral state although she shows no true signs of ferocity besides the stat increase. Her appearance does not change.

Magic – No Magic

Other Skills

– Hanakura Himeyaku was born into the Lotus Flower Race. She lived like a warrior, learning the basic skills of a ninja in terms of combat. Hanakura hasn't truly lived a full life yet due to the sheltered life she's lived. Hanakura set off from home around the age of 16 in Earth Years. She didn't do much until a few days after her departure in which she was attacked by a chimera monster. This monster attacked her and left her badly wounded. On that day was the first day that she learned that she could use a special ability called Berserk which helped her defeat the chimera. In battles afterward, she learned more about her single ability when she became wounded in battle. As she defeated more enemies, her power grew.

Hanakura was seen one day outside of a lodge in a small town. It was dark outside, but the moonlight provided a few people with enough light to see the face of Hanakura. They immediately referred to her as the beauty of the night. As they did, her shyness overcame her and she fled. She liked the complement, but the amount of people made her nervous. Ever since then, she would sometimes be referred to by herself and others as the Beauty of The Night.

I have editted this slightly, so to account for an issue with spacing.

~Hera Ledro: The Eternal Dragonic Allsie
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Very well done character bio. I especially liked how you seemed to give your character checks and balances in terms of her strengths and weaknesses.

Great work, keep it up!

[Bio Approved.]
Since this Bio has been approved. I will be moving it to the "Battle-Hardened" sub-forum. Congrats!