Hardest Celestial Weapon to obtain?


Blue Mage
Jun 28, 2006
For me it was Tidus's because i was no good with the whole Chocobo riding mini game thing, it took me forever to get his sigil.
i think its lulu cuz of the lightning. i sux at the lightning dodging. tidus was quite ez. abit frustating.
Tidus = frustrating to beat that darn Chocobo!
Yuna = E-Z
Wakka = E-Z but exasporating
Lulu = Impossible! :wacko:
Kimahri = Tiresome
Rikku = Some serious dedication
Auron = walk in the park

*shoots lulu* DAMMIT why does your have to be so damn hard! I honestly feel Tidus`s isn`t all that hard if you calm down and not get pissed off. I realised that because that was the part a chip of my PS2 remote broke off when I threw it so if you stay calm it`s really quite easy
Lulu's was the worst for me to get >.< gah trying to dodge all 200 bolts consecutively just doesn't work for me. I swear I was ready to break the controller because I kept thinking I had done it but boy was I WRONG lol Tidus's was 2nd because that damn chocobo race. That thing was seriously hard to do >.<
For me it was Tidus. I wasn't good at chocobo races.
But Lulu's celestial wasn't that bad.
There was a place where lightning whould struck every 2 secs I think.
The lightning part has a rhythm. I even conversed with my friend while doing it. It was long though
Lulu, I still have not done it. I read somewhere about a glitch but I havn't tried it yet. Probably won't work.
I must have miscounted my lightning dodges, because I was pretty sure I only got up to 180-something before I was struck, but when I went back to the rest stop the sigil was there. Whatever works!

Anyway, I don't know which was the hardest, but Tidus's was the most annoying. When I first read the requirements, I thought, How do you do anything in ZERO seconds?! During the challenge, I just kept thinking, Those little birds hate me. They really do.