Hardest Ultimate Weapon to Obtain?

Sephiroth Crescent

Greatest Villian Ever
Jun 30, 2008
La Isla De Encanto
I checked the first two pages of this forum, and noticed nobody made a thread about this!

So...basically I want to know which Ultimate Weapon for whatever character made was the most difficult to get? If you can't decide think about which char's weapon made you turn green, and go on a rampage.

For me it was Zidanes Ultima Weapon, only because I never did Chocobos Hot & Cold, and when I got to Memoria I went :gasp:, Steiners Excalibur II overall though made me go crazy, 12 hours!?

- Kuja
Yeah agreed with Steiner's, that is rediculous. The ultimate weapons in FFX were a pain too, I did not know how to get all the necesary items for everything. Squall and
Zell's gave me trouble too.
I think Lulu's or Wakka's from FFX were the hardest. Dodging lightning on the Thunder Plains got really annoying, especially if you got to 150 and then got hit and had to start all over. Wakka's could be annoying if your Blitzball tournaments fell at awkward times.
steiners probably. other than that i never really got to grips with the chocobo race in X to get Caladbolg for Tidus...and the thunder plains thing for lulu i also couldnt be bothered with. i found wakkas pretty easy though. but ye i never even really attempted to get steiners
I never even tried to beat IX in 12 hours to get that weapon, and I never will so I'm not counting that one at all.

The hardest for me will always be Lulul's. Those damn lightning bolts had me on the edge of anger more than any stupid sidequest for any weapon EVER. Getting so close to 200 strikes then getting hit repeadly really took it's toll. I'm sure I prematurly aged because of that, any grey hairs I get I blame on that godawful onion night. I did my own personal victory dance then saved it just incase anything awful happened like my electric running out :wacky:
Fricken getting Steiner's ExcaliburII was ridiculousness, took me like a week just because of how frustrated i got. But man im glad im not the only one who spent endless hours on it, that lighting pissed me off, and the irony of it? I had like 187 in row on my first try, and god throws a power surge at my house!!! :( After that i decided it wasnt worth it lol
Cloud from Final Fantasy VII boasted some well rounded attacks using his nail bat. Although this weapon may seem a bit on the useless side, it has some nice materia slots and the attack strength increases as his stats do.
Lulu's weapon was pretty easy to get, but Kimahri's was frustrating and not worth it, since he was the weakest party member to begin with. Wakka's weapon just took ages to get, and after getting the Auroch reels, I just didn't have it in me to do one more Blitzball league. But FFXII took the cake, once you finally did have the ultimate weapons you would rarely need them anymore.
Toursenol(sp?) FFXII. It's a right pain in the butt to get, especially if you haven't got enough high arcanas.
Wakka's and Lulu's on on FFX

Like seriously it took around 50-100 games to get the damn sigil, first you had to win all the overdrives which took around 4-6 tournys. Then do around 3-7 liege seasons!

Then they just had to make you dodge 200 lighting bolts for Lulu's sigil.

Jebous, n00bz :omg:
Tidus' was the hardest to get imo. I hated having to race the trainer to see who could get a better time cause those damn birds always hit me :gasp: I eventually was able to get the actual weapon, but I never did obtain the sigil. A time of zero just seems impossible to me =/
Tidus and Lulu's weapons from FFX where ridiculously hard to obtain, and I never got Lulu's; Tidus' took weeks... =(
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I absoloutely lost my temper in that chocobo race, there was nothing more frustrating than getting something like 00:03 seconds or whatever it was that had me so close to zero than not quite, I honestly screamed at the tv, it took so long to eventually do it, but once I did it once on my next file it didn't take me no where near as long to do..... I swear that chocobo had a mind of its own

Nothing takes the cake like seemingly 'easy' lightning bolt dodges do though -_- Never ever again
Toursenol(sp?) FFXII. It's a right pain in the butt to get, especially if you haven't got enough high arcanas.

I have to agree...... that weapon is a pain in the butt......... it takes like 5 hours to get if you´re fast.........
I have to agree...... that weapon is a pain in the butt......... it takes like 5 hours to get if you´re fast.........

Then again though, the Wyrm Hero Blade is pretty tough to get (if you're under-leveled) and by time you've got it, you don't need it anymore. I'd rathar just use Excalibur as they aren't that different (difference of 10 in attack power).

So I stick with Toursenol being the most time consuming, which I'd class as tough, but the Wyrm Hero Blade, for what it actually is, is pretty pointless.
8 Years ago it was Steiners Excalibur II, and today it still is!

~ Socrates the Great
I agree with steiner´s excalibur 2, I tried a lot and I never get it. I really hated to obtain Lulu and Rikku´s weapons as hell, but the worst was wakka´s blitzball
I agree with everyone who says Wakka's and Lulu's weapons are hardest to get. Tidus' was somewhat with the chocobo race and all. But yeah, Lulu's and Wakka's are probably the hardest.
The lionheart in VIII was awkward for me to get, mainly because it took so long gettin the items, i struggled getting the pulse ammo and the adamantines, i finally managed it after about 8 hours of fighting and modding.
FFX's! It'll be easier to add skills to already strong weapons than getting crests/sigils.

Also, there's Steiner's Excalibur II. Zidane's Ultima Weapon at least has no time limit, so putting up with Chocobo Digging is a small price.