Hello Sailors!!!


May 6, 2007
Hi my name's Sorah and I just begam a fan of FFVII like last week. I just love the graphics in Avdent Children. Im also a big fan of Kingdom Hearts anyone else? *Off topic Anyone badly want to know what's happening in KH3? I almost pulled my hair out when I saw the trailer on You Tube (Birth by Sleep KH3) and found out it's coming out in the fall!!!* Anyways I've never played the game FF7 and I am a Fan of Cloud and Aerith I know now half of you will hate me:)
Hello ^_^ welcome to FFF, if you need any help or anything just PM me okay? :D

FTR: A release date for KHIII has not been given yet since production on the game has been halted until the release of FFXIII, sorry :P
Hello. I already really don't like you, for a multitude of reasons, and if you are curious to know why you can just send me a PM. But it's inevitable I welcome you anyway...
