Hello! Tenshi/Osmium here!


May 30, 2008
Los Angeles
Ququpaqa Lolopaqa
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Shady Pines <LGBTQ>
Hello everyone! Osmium here (previously I was just Tenshi, and on some other Kingdom Hearts forums, Funk). I am not new, per se (apparently I signed up in 2008?) and I think I mostly lurked here and there since. I think my only real interactions with FFFN over the last decade has been getting happy birthday emails while in grad school, so I am excited to be more present here.

I am a creature of the internet and forums in particular, so it feels good to swing back through (especially since I have some strong distaste for wider social media platforms over the last decade). While I adore Discord, it is hard to replace the Forum experience, in my book. My oldest continuous friendships (20 years) have been via some KH forums, so I have a fondness for forums especially.

I'm a longtime FF fan, although I haven't been really into the franchise since FF12. That said, over the last year or two, I've been playing FF14 and I'm hooked, and I'm even really excited for FF16.

Χαίρετε, ὦ ἑταῖροι!
Welcome back!

I appreciate the Greek in your post and profile (and looking at your profile, it all fits together). You definitely seem like my sort of person!

Hope you enjoy your return as we're a friendly bunch and are always eager for new topics to be explored. FFXVI has many FF fans, myself included, quite hyped. FFXIV is a stunning game packed with fascinating lore, and on that level at the very least I have faith in the team for FFXVI.

I am a creature of the internet and forums in particular, so it feels good to swing back through (especially since I have some strong distaste for wider social media platforms over the last decade). While I adore Discord, it is hard to replace the Forum experience, in my book. My oldest continuous friendships (20 years) have been via some KH forums, so I have a fondness for forums especially.

I agree wholeheartedly with this. Social Media can at times be an exhausting drain on time and energy. I use Discord as well but it cannot do everything that a forum can. And I wouldn't know anybody on Discord or even really use Discord much if it hadn't been for this forum. I've made many friends on this site and I've even met some IRL now. Forum culture is a rare thing, and deserves to be treasured, in my biased opinion.
Welcome back!

I appreciate the Greek in your post and profile (and looking at your profile, it all fits together). You definitely seem like my sort of person!

Hope you enjoy your return as we're a friendly bunch and are always eager for new topics to be explored. FFXVI has many FF fans, myself included, quite hyped. FFXIV is a stunning game packed with fascinating lore, and on that level at the very least I have faith in the team for FFXVI.

Thank you! It is always nice to see some Aristophanes out in the wild, ὦ Δίος παῖ! :p I got into the Classics via some Latin in HS and especially Golden Sun. As a consequence, I am hungry for good world-building and lore in games which I hadn't stumbled upon in ages. [Okay, but also, can you imagine how cool it could be to write an academic article via forums and get some alt. formatting going on?]

I agree wholeheartedly with this. Social Media can at times be an exhausting drain on time and energy. I use Discord as well but it cannot do everything that a forum can. And I wouldn't know anybody on Discord or even really use Discord much if it hadn't been for this forum. I've made many friends on this site and I've even met some IRL now. Forum culture is a rare thing, and deserves to be treasured, in my biased opinion.

I side with this biased opinion in full. A bit of it is nostalgia, but there is also a bit of me that likes the intimacy of a closed-garden around shared interest, opposed to the likes of a decontexualized audience of millions. Discord is an odd compromise between an MSN/YIM messenger and forums (I can't bring myself to call them fora), but it leaves me wanting a bit still. But! I can't wait to nerd out over the course of this year about new FF14 patches, FF16, and eventually >:) that sweet FF14 7.0 expansion (take me to Meracydia).
Hello Osmium!
You look like someone copy & pasted Dionysos into a new account.

I'm kidding of course (sort of) but welcome nonetheless! If there's anything we can help you with feel free to reach out to any one of us, we're here to help etc etc, but I'm sure a fellow forum-er like yourself knows the drill! We could use a good dusting off of some of these threads, and some new ones too.

Would love to know which of the games in the FF series is your favorite!
Hello Osmium! View attachment 14487You look like someone copy & pasted Dionysos into a new account.

I'm kidding of course (sort of) but welcome nonetheless! If there's anything we can help you with feel free to reach out to any one of us, we're here to help etc etc, but I'm sure a fellow forum-er like yourself knows the drill! We could use a good dusting off of some of these threads, and some new ones too.

Would love to know which of the games in the FF series is your favorite!
;) Right now, I literally am about to sign up and do my duty roulette with an old forum buddy (KHN forums) in Final Fantasy 14. I think my favorite Squaresoft game is Secret of Evermore--it had a profound influence on me, and I had STRONG desires to play FF6 as a kid, but I just never did for some reason. But, FF14 has been a sheer blast for me.

I mean, Dionysos seems far more productive and social than I :p I am just a bit of lurk made manifest lol
Welcome back!

Amazing to read about your 20+ years of friendships made online! Some of the closest people in my life are "internet" friends as well, so I definitely understand how valuable that is.
Thank you!! It feels so good to be back and feel the internet community-fires again! I even found some old livejournals I had (which were not necessarily fun to reread because I was still in HS), but also the livejournals of my friends from back then too. >:) Forged in the fires of the internet, I am ruined as a human.