

Jan 1, 2008
Hey there:

I am relitivley new to final fantasy. The first game i got was the remake of III on the ds, which was quite good so i went to look for others.... playing XII and loving it. For christmas i got X which it also great. Now wondering wether to buy X-2 or not.

Hope i have fun here!!^_^
Heya, I hope you do too ;) Welcome to the forums and remember to stay active!!
X-2? Eh, if you're a girl then go for it!XD. If not then stay away. It's kinda like a chick-flick.

Welcome and Stay Active!
An AURON! ^_^

X-2? Eh, if you're a girl then go for it!XD. If not then stay away. It's kinda like a chick-flick.
Ewww! I am female and I dislike X-2 more than any man ever could. It's... disgusting (character-wise) and rather silly. I don't want to be biased though, he's got to try it for himself. But I certainly wouldn't recommend it as one of the games that'll get you into the series. Try VII and the pre-VII gems if you don't mind old graphics!
hello and yeah dont buy it yet. its a waste, buy FFVIII instead. squall is just the man. its very long and very good and has decent graphics