Help Help: Stilshrine of Miriam


Nov 27, 2006
Can't seem to get past the point where you you get to the wall and it has an inscription from the king all it does is open a door to a teleport that sends me back to the first room any help would be very much appreciated.
Best to read a strategy guide at that point to be honest. The place you are at is very intricate in where you need to go and what you need to do. For example: (If I am thinking you are at this place) I believe you need to to each of the rooms and rotate the statues to the center. Make sure every time you touch the teleport devices to have the Nethicite in hand. Once you have rotated all the statues and fought the miniboss you should see the sword raise up.

You should know how to get to the sword, good luck.
There should be 2 doors, one on either side of the room, near the begining area. One remains locked, while the other is open for you to progress. That path leads to the statues that Chishu was mentioning. It is not possible to mention the exact route to take, since it is kind of maze like, but you will figure it out.
In the next room, you need to run down to the south end
and examine the "Sword of Judgment." Doing so will unlock the door at the
north end. Head up there and examine the Way Stone to teleport back to the
dungeon's entrance.

A bit of an "atypical" situation is coming up. That is, a boss without a save
point prior to it. For this reason, I suggest you go outside to save your
game now. Once that is done, return here and go to the northeast corner.
Take the stairs down to the door that is no longer locked, then take the east
exit from the Cold Distance.

BOSS: Vinuskar - HP: 15138 - LV: 27

During your time in Mt Bur-Omisace I mentioned picking up a set of light
armour for your party, well this battle was the reason. Anyone wearing heavy
metal armour will be automatically burdened by a Slow effect, making their
attack turns take almost three times as long as another character clad in
light armour. Make sure to equip it.

This is an interesting boss because he really isn't all that... difficult.
You might think that his HP total is a typo, but it isn't. Almost all your
attacks will really pound down his health bar, especially guns which penetrate
all defenses. Your main goal is to just keep pounding this guy down with the
heaviest attacks you have, His Sword Dance might cut you up a little, but
it's nothing that Cura can't fix.


Take the west door and examine the statue in here. Examine the statue, then
rotate the statue counterclockwise once to face it west. Also, don't miss the
urn with the map inside against the south wall. Now, exit from here back to
the Cold Distance and go north to the entrance.

Save your game once again, and this time take the stairs leading down from the
northwest corner of the Ward of Measure. Take the west exit from this area to
reach the Walk of Prescience. Make an immediate right (north) and follow that
walkway west.

When you come to the statue at the end of the room, turn it clockwise once so
that it faces east. Now descend the stairs to the south.

Follow the path and go through the first door, then continue east through the
second. If you want treasure, head south and find the treasure room at the
southwest corner. Since it leads to a dead-end, come back here when you're
done (ignore the staircase on the way).

Proceed north and go up. You will have the choice of either going up more
stairs (south) or staying on this second level (north.) Take the stairs up to
the third floor and go north. Beyond some enemies you'll find another
treasure trove.

Now head south to find another statue. Rotate this one counterclockwise once
to face north. From here, head east and the north. You may find a couple
more chests (if they spawn) on your way up toward the north corner where the
exit to the Cold Distance is found.

Head back to the Ward of Measure and take the Way Stone teleporter at the
south end. You will definitely want to make a quick trip east to the Save
Crystal (a much more difficult enemy that the "miniboss" Vinuskar awaits).
Once that is done, run to the south end of the Ward of the Sword-King.

BOSS: Mateus - HP: 34259 - LV: 30

You may find this to be quite the challenging fight, but I've got a few tips
that should be enough to turn the tides in your favour. Your first concern
(of course) is dealing with the little elemental friends that the boss summons
at the beginning of the battle.

The easiest and most efficient way to eliminate all of them is to run right in
the middle, pull as many of them as possible and let loose the biggest
Quickening you can chain. This should be more than enough to take everything
down (or leave you in a position where you can finish it off easily yourself).

If, for whatever reason, that is not a viable option, your next best bet is
the Thundara spell. On the plus side, the minions are weak to Thunder and
will all take quite a bit of damage, on the flipside the boss is protected by
Reflect and this won't likely be a very pleasant experience for the caster.

Here's how to survive the onslaught of enemies at the start of (and
throughout) the battle: equip your main tank with an Ice Shield (which I told
you to buy) and as many other characters as possible with one two. This will
already halve the ice damage you take.

In addition, a helpful tactic is to equip the tank with the Dawn Shard. The
bonus of 20 Magick resist will often yield a wall of 0 damage hits as the ice
spells come pounding in. It certainly couldn't hurt to cast Decoy on him/her
either to alleviate the stress on the rest of your party.

Now that everything is under control, it's time to dive in and pound the boss
with physical attacks (remember, Reflect, avoid magic). With only about 35000
HP, you've pounded down larger foes in your time. It's all about maintaining
control at the beginning.


Take the southern door and approach the large glowing object to trigger an
event. The Sword of Kings that you acquire here is an enormous and impressive
paperweight. As impractical as a paperweight may sound in the context of this
game, it still remains a better option than swinging this dull blade at an

Return to the entrance and leave the Stilshrine of Miriam. Doing so will
initiate another cutscene. Use the crystal to save your game and then
teleport back to Mt Bur-Omisace.