Help Help [Tomb of Raithwall]

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Jan 3, 2010
Help pleeze. Right now i am a little stuck in the tomb of raithwall. Who can give me some advice like what level and how much HP and MP I should have and what items and weapons i should have. If you can tell me who should be in my party.
It would be useful if you provided us with info regarding your current level and your current party members and what they are good at.
(sorry for the short post)
I would advise levels 14-18 for this dungeon. There is quite a lot of undead enemies in this place, and they are quite strong, but easily enough taken out. The Ragohs can self-destruct at low health, so be careful. Also, you will come across Chimera's which can inflict Oil and Slow on you. I'd advise your physical powerhouses for this fight. Ashe, Balthier and Basch make for a good party, with spears and other damaging weapons equipped. The whole experience can be quite sapping on your healer's MP, so try and get another Mist Guage filled if you haven't maxed it out.

Boss: Belias

This is the end dungeon boss, and I advise you bring Handkerchieves and the spell Cura on your healer, and some high potions and phoenix downs too. Belias is a fire based enemy, but actually going for it's weakness of water makes for a long battle. Due to the charge time. Pummel it with physical attacks. It uses Firaja occasionally, a very strong fire attack that afflicts all characters and puts Oil on them, doubling the damage of Belias' fire spells. Cure it at once with Handkerchieves and heal where necessary. Rinse. Repeat.
Help pleeze. Right now i am a little stuck in the tomb of raithwall. Who can give me some advice like what level and how much HP and MP I should have and what items and weapons i should have. If you can tell me who should be in my party.

I enter tomb of raithwall in lv 20 the best way to be strong the hunts kill the hunts you take great items
Don't mean to hijack your thread but since your question has been answered and the thread is still open i didn't want to start a new one with the same title (mods would merge it anyway)

I am also having trouble here, but im still on the outside. I cant beat that giant bird. all of my charecters are at least lv. 19. ive heard that i was supposed to get an item from one of the urutans for killing that big turtle. but they all died before i was able to beat it. i have gone up against the bird 8 times and failed:rage:

Any Help?
well I took a look at the FAQS and you're at the right level. You should go back and try to kill the urutan eater (big turtle guy) Cast blind on it so it has a lesser chance of hitting you. Then talk to the moogle so you can get the Eskir Berries. If you don't you'll still be able to beat it but it'll take longer. The boss is weak to Dark, so if you have that spell use it. Also, cast blind.

Good luck.
Bow & arrows will kill the bird soon enough, even with onion arrows. Lvl 20 is good so equip all the same.

The bird attacks 1 member at a time so keep that member healed until it changes members. Keep shooting arrows and it will not take long.

Eskir Berries make it way easier so return to the Moogle (where you first heard of the " " treasure) if you still have problems and pick the berries.

Lvl 20 may not be enough for the 1st Wall once you get into the Tomb so flee to the 2nd Wall and touch the 1st torch on the left.

Proceed with the level & Good Luck
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