Help with FFXII


Chocobo Breeder
May 11, 2009
i got few questions :

1-i saw a few videos and i saw some guys when press x to open the menu the game freezes and he chooses like phoenix down to revive and when he does it the game goe sback to normal its like pause but to choose things... in mine it doesnt happen how to do?..

2-where to get the armor that gives doble mp??
Ive never been able to open my menu to use items, I kept trying to do it - hard habit to break.... as far as I know you can only do it on the field :gasp:

As for doubling mp, Ive no idea, cant help there, other than using the licences to decrease mp cost..
1-i saw a few videos and i saw some guys when press x to open the menu the game freezes and he chooses like phoenix down to revive and when he does it the game goe sback to normal its like pause but to choose things... in mine it doesnt happen how to do?..

This probably has to do with your ATB can usually either choose "Active" or "Wait", the latter of which effectively pauses the game when you are choosing a specific action to take via the Battle Menu.

2-where to get the armor that gives doble mp??

I don't think such an armor exists...but my memory could just be failing.

The only way to double MP that I can think of is to unlock Quickening tiles on the license board. Each Mist Charge you gain increases your max MP equal to the amount of your base MP.
If you learn more quickenings, you have more MP available, as each time you learn a new quickening - after the first one - your MP bar is automatically doubled, I think.
aaaaaaa thats why what gambit* u recommend me? i got van at 28 , fran at 25 and basch at 25 fran as got the more mp.150 or so i think..
and what bufs to use before battle
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