Help with the hunt in Zeruthenian Cavern


Nov 5, 2006
I accepted a hunt and suppose to find the Manelitho creature in the Zeruthenian cavern but I was still not able to find it. Can some one help me. I did defeat the esper inside the cave area tho. please sepefy which section of the cave the creature is in. Please help!
Do you mean the Marilith? If that's the one you mean, its in the room invitation to heresy in the bottom right corner. Shut off ur gambits and wait for 5 mins, then it'll appear.
Do you mean the Marilith? If that's the one you mean, its in the room invitation to heresy in the bottom right corner. Shut off ur gambits and wait for 5 mins, then it'll appear.

wait why would you have to shut off your gambits? part of luring it out?
Some people have said that if a gambit such as Ally:any --> Haste is on, it'll cause Mari. to not spawn. I waited like 2 mins and ran into it in a corner of the room.