

Is Dead inside!
Feb 25, 2007
In The middle of nowhere
Heroes.. who is a fan?


there is:

Claire Bennet:

Peter Petrelli

Nathan Petrelli

Niki Sanders

Hiro Nakamura

Isaac Mendez

Simone Deveaux

Matt Parkman

Micah Sanders

Moninder Suresh



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I love that show that. I can not get enougth, though I can't remember all there names that's only cause i'm bad at names. My fave is probably Hiro, he is so funny sometimes and his power is wow, though Peter is great as well.
who is your fave?
I'm so looking forward to next weeks this weeks was such a cliff hanger, there had not been one for ages so it should be wow next ep.
Simone isn't a Hero, she's dead. And you forgot the husband of Niki. And the nuke guy. And the Hatian. And the invisible man. There's probably more i've missed...
But she had no powers. If you think that way, Mohinder needs to be added, as well as Linderman, who's a major character, Claire's friend, and Eve, cause she's cool.....but dead....
Best show I have ever watched. only series that I have followed from the first episode all the way to present. awesome characters. you gotta love Hiro. and now a new seaon is coming up in a few months. some of you must have watched this. and if you don't like it, then you are emo.
I love this show. And yes, I do love Hiro. And Ando. My least favorite character is definitely Peter. Bleh. He's so irritating. The only time I haven't wanted to punch him in the face is in the episode where they go five years into the future. He was a bit less lame then.
The only time I haven't wanted to punch him in the face is in the episode where they go five years into the future. He was a bit less lame then.
LOL. I'll give you that one. He did seem a little bit cooler in the "Apocalyptic Future" than he did in the present. Though, you have to admit his power to absorb other powers is pretty cool.

Anyway, I've been watching this show since it first started & I'd have to say that I've enjoyed it thoroughly. Sure, it's not anything that we haven't seen before, but it's still worth the watch.
I like this show. Can't wait till it comes back in the fall. My favorite character is Peter. Maybe i just think he's cute. lol.
This is starting on Wednesday here in the UK on BBC2!
I cant wait, want to see what all the hype is about.
It's a terrific show, just finished watching it on Sci-Fi. You won't be disappointed SapphireStar. It's got a lot in common with stuff like X-Men it seems when watching it.

Though I suspect I wouldn't like the show nearly as much if the character of Hiro wasn't in it (a bit like with Sawyer in Lost). He's hilarious, nicely geeks and has an excellent double-act with his friend Ando (their friendship is really rather sweet). The rest of the cast is good (Sylar especially makes a great villain) but Hiro tops them all. There's come nice cameos in the series from Christopher Ecclestone and Malcolm MacDowell too.

Can't wait for Series 2 now :)
It's a terrific show, just finished watching it on Sci-Fi. You won't be disappointed SapphireStar. It's got a lot in common with stuff like X-Men it seems when watching it.

There's come nice cameos in the series from Christopher Ecclestone and Malcolm MacDowell too.

Can't wait for Series 2 now :)

I love XMen, but adore Chris Ecclestone (my mum went to school with his sister!) and Malcolm McDowell putting in apperances! Should be great!
Welll...I am hooked...for now. Think I find Peter's brother most annying so far, the guy is just going on my nerves big time...

The blong girl from Final Destination, her character (cannot remember the name) would be the one character that does not brings up any interest for me, find her rather boring...

Hiro is absolutelly hilarious..and so far, it is a really good show....

Hopefully they will not screw up Heroes with second series as they did Lost ...as I stopped watching Lost half way through second series, it was so dragged out and boring and stupid to me...and I just thought the hell with that....
Yeah, Hiro is probably the best character of them all. I don't much like the stoner who does all the paintings though. He's just a bit crap.
I want to see more about Skylar though; he's an interesting one.
I must be the greatest Heroes fan on the earth. :P

Claire, Peter, Hiro and Sylar are just the best characters there are. Then again, I do like Niki's character; she's very interesting.

Can't wait for the second season to air! It comes January 2008.
Hiro is my favorite character, he's actually the only reason I love to watch this show. I'm starting to get into Skylar too, though I just really want to know more about him, which is probably why I'm starting to get interested.
A fucking good series, one of the only things worth watching.

And I'm not saying that just because I have fantasys of Claire, Nikki/Jessica and that kinky dark haird one that changes appareance....hmmmmmm
I must be the greatest Heroes fan on the earth. :P

Claire, Peter, Hiro and Sylar are just the best characters there are. Then again, I do like Niki's character; she's very interesting.

Can't wait for the second season to air! It comes January 2008.
season two just finished for me season 3 is fall '08. season 2 is a small one, but it is still interesting. the only things I will say are stuff you can get from the first season. so spoilers are not too much.

Syler is alive
Hiro is in the past for a while
Enter Kensei. Yes he will be an actual ongoing character
4)it takes place 4 months after season1 finale

There are a bunch of twists for the old characters coming up, like extensions to powers. New characters.
And a bunch of people die.
all these have been anounced, so They are not too much of spoilers, they are more like comments to boost anticipation