Hi I`m new!

DUDE!!i am new!!i know nothing!!

hey peoples, i totally just joined and yeah...mostly for naruto stuff but whatever...sephiroth is awesome and you all know it!!!and if you disagree then why the hell are you here?!!...i've really only seen the ff movies or watched my friends play cause i totally suck at video games...but yeah....do you peeps like the chocobo battle theme...i'd worship it if it wasn't just a song...totally random there....when i first saw ff7 advent children i was totally lost cause i didn't know who aerith was and was totally panicking..i was like 'shit!!!', but you don't care, do you?!..anyways, yeah, this place is cool...i am high on coffee and it's 2 in the morning and i'm hanging with friends!!!later taters!!!:D :P
Hey dude you should make your own thread. Goto Seventh Heaven Inn and find the 'New Thread' button and create your own thread like that, the rest of it is exactly like making a post, just give me a private message if you need anymore help dude. ;)
yeah well me 2!! i need 2 get use 2 this kinda of stuff like i haven't figuredd out how 2 do all the stuff here anywazz WELCOME!! i think u will LOVE:inlove: it here i do already;)
i didn't know who aerith was and was totally panicking..i was like 'shit!!!'

Seeing as you're new here, just a little tip: Try not to swear too much ;) I hope you all enjoy your stay here and be sure to Post loads ^_^
well, I don't love any of the FF characters. I just think they are awesome ;)

Welcome to FFF!