Hi! Im new!


Sep 5, 2007
Hi all! I'm new to the site and am a huge FF fan! I've played I, II, IV, VII, VIII, X, X-2, and XII. I love Final Fantasy and hope to find plenty of people to talk to.
Wow! That was a fast response! I hope to enjoy the site and I plan on posting a lot. I hope everyone replies as fast as you did!
Lol. You seem like a happy camper. =). Well, yeah, have fun and get to posting. haha.

If you need any help ask a MOD or someone....else. >_<;;
I am a happy camper! I am such a big FF fan. . . I wanna buy the PS3 JUST FOR FF XIII! So imagine my excitement when I found that there is a FF forum!

Am I to asume(sp?) that if I need help to NOT ask you???? Im confused. . . . .
Hello and welcome to the site, bud. :cool:

+ 50 posts to the RPG
+ Read or at least skim through the rules in the Help Desk
+ Don't hesitate to ask when you're unsure.

Sorry to go all seriousy there, but it needs to be done. xD

Hope to see you around. ^_^
I do have one question actually. How do I get the char. stats under my avatar pic?
You can get them by playing the forum RPG. Just get 50+ posts, wait for your usergroup to update (which is usually about an hour or so or less) and then click the button titled 'RPG' on the bar beneath the FFF banner.

Then just...play. xD
Your posting stats will automatically update.
Don't spam though or the posts will be deleted. I'm only saying 'cause that's what a lot of people do.

^_^ Happy posting!
Heys pretty people :)

Im a n00b here ;] and well after browsing alot i decided to join .

Love all things FF <33

Hope ya all gd :)
Welcome Pendolan and super freak, hope you like the forums here (seems like you already do though)

@pendolan I already have a ps3 and believe me, when you can do everything on it it is well worth the money and I too cannot wait for ff13 and its numerous other affiliated games