Hi to all and sundry

Gary Hart

Feb 3, 2008
I'm sorta new at this so hello to everyone. Finished FF12, working on Revenant wings, may have to get a PS3 for FFXIII. Ciao, sayonara
hiya & welcome

You should get it imported feenjoy ^^
Welcome to FFF. Have fun and post alot. =). Stay active.
Thanks I'm still learning how to navigate this forum, I don't even know how to put in the avatars or whatever they're called. "Til next!

Welcome! Im a newbie too ^^

Ohh i want Revenant wings! Any good? So annoyed its UK release is a day after i set out for NewYork (N).
Also I am trying to get through Tactics for PSP, and I keep on getting wiped out against the (2nd?) Lucavi, I forget his name, the one that calls for back-up. May have to start over from the beginnning

Welcome! Im a newbie too ^^

Ohh i want Revenant wings! Any good? So annoyed its UK release is a day after i set out for NewYork (N).
Sorry, my first reply may have gotten lost due to user error. Yeah, I'd recommend it, maybe a bit kiddish, like all(?) DS games,but fun...and challenging!

Hello, and welcome to FFF, stranger!
To Iron Legion: Yeah, ignorance is not bliss, but then,neither is wisdom. Maybe that's why I like FF so much: escapism. In FF,the good guys always win, unless you get GameOver.
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hiya & welcome

You should get it imported feenjoy ^^
Thanks for the welcome. I wonder when FFXIII will come out, but it won't do me any good because I don't have a PS3, though I hope to get one...eventually. Man, I didn't think I'd get to liking FF so much, pretty crazy for a 57-year old,huh? I gotta get back to doing somethin productive maybe...Nihon go wo shitai no desu.